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basket - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of basket in Hindi

  • टोकरी
  • बास्केट


  • ख़्वांचा
  • डला
  • झाबा
  • डलिया

basket Definition

  • a container used to hold or carry things, typically made from interwoven strips of cane or wire. ( आमतौर पर गन्ने या तार के इंटरवॉवन स्ट्रिप्स से बनी चीजों को रखने या ले जाने के लिए एक कंटेनर का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। )
  • a net fixed on a hoop used as the goal. ( लक्ष्य के रूप में उपयोग किए जाने वाले एक घेरा पर तय किया गया जाल। )

basket Example

  • We went out and scored the first basket in the second half and couldn't continue the pace. ( हमने बाहर जाकर दूसरी छमाही में पहली टोकरी बनाई और गति को जारी नहीं रख सके। )
  • If the back defender stays near the basket , pass the ball to one side or the other. ( यदि बैक डिफेंडर टोकरी के पास रहता है, तो गेंद को एक तरफ या दूसरे को पास करें। )
  • Now it is possible that in the first six months of next year, they move to an exchange rate that is tied to a basket of currencies. ( अब यह संभव है कि अगले साल के पहले छह महीनों में, वे विनिमय दर की ओर बढ़ें जो मुद्राओं की एक टोकरी से बंधा हुआ है। )
  • When partially inflated, the air is heated by a burner and the envelope rises above the basket . ( जब आंशिक रूप से फुलाया जाता है, तो हवा को एक बर्नर द्वारा गर्म किया जाता है और लिफाफा टोकरी के ऊपर उगता है। )
  • It takes him another minute to finally score a basket - a 20-foot jump shot that rattles off the back iron and falls in. ( अंत में एक टोकरी स्कोर करने के लिए उसे एक और मिनट लगता है - एक 20-फुट कूद शॉट जो पीछे के लोहे को चीरता है और अंदर गिरता है। )
  • Place dishes in a wire basket or other container and dip them in a sanitizing solution. ( एक तार की टोकरी या अन्य कंटेनर में व्यंजन रखें और उन्हें एक सैनिटाइजिंग समाधान में डुबोएं। )
  • Most of his points came from dunks when receiving the ball near the basket . ( टोकरी के पास गेंद प्राप्त करते समय उनके अधिकांश बिंदु डंक से आए थे। )
  • cutlery basket ( कटलरी की टोकरी )
  • Consequently, he is advising investors to buy a basket of commodities such as copper, sugar, cotton, corn and crude oil. ( नतीजतन, वह निवेशकों को तांबे, चीनी, कपास, मक्का और कच्चे तेल जैसी वस्तुओं की एक टोकरी खरीदने की सलाह दे रहा है। )

More Sentence

  • She is shown from the back crossing a field of hay carrying a laundry-laden basket with the added surprise of a flushed hen pheasant in the distance.
  • she dropped the letter into the waste-paper basket
  • In one hand he carries a briefcase and in the other a wire basket for his purchases.
  • She was carrying a large basket of laundry in her hands, and looked more than a little surprised to see her there.
  • For more open containers, like a wire basket , line it with moss purchased at a craft store or garden center.
  • a basket of ten currencies
  • click on the order button to add a title to your basket
  • Select one that is potted in a bushel basket or other large container or balled with burlap into a large, firm root ball.
  • If you cannot think of a special container, a laundry basket would serve a dual purpose.
  • you silly basket
  • a shopping basket
  • Explore beautiful Colorado from the basket of a hot air balloon.
  • They are usually invested in a basket of stocks, bonds, property and cash.
  • Cameras are allowed in the balloon basket at participants' own risk.
  • The index, compiled from a basket of 13 hedge funds, has risen by 13.8 per cent this year.
  • Put two good rebounders close to the basket and designate one player to box out the shooter.
  • However, the central bank persisted in pegging the baht to a basket of currencies in which the dollar had 80 per cent influence.
  • a basket of fruit
  • Each basket contained forty individual packets, done up in color-coded plastic wrap.
  • Where she used to make the climb from the basement, carrying a laundry basket , now she finds the ascent daunting.
  • The heated air that lifts the balloon comes from a hydrocarbon gas burner attached above the basket .