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barbiturate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of barbiturate in Hindi

  • बार्बीट्युरेट
  • बार्बिचुरेट
  • बार्बिटुरेट

barbiturate Definition

  • any of a class of sedative and sleep-inducing drugs derived from barbituric acid. ( Barbituric एसिड से व्युत्पन्न शामक और नींद उत्प्रेरण दवाओं के वर्ग में से कोई भी। )

barbiturate Example

  • The third measure, polydrug use, is the sum of hallucinogen, amphetamine, barbiturate , cocaine, and heroin use. ( तीसरा उपाय, पॉलीड्रग उपयोग, हैल्यूसिनोजेन, एम्फ़ैटेमिन, बार्बिट्यूरेट, कोकीन और हेरोइन के उपयोग का योग है। )
  • The only two classes of drugs that show any sign of modest increase - at least among 12 th graders - are barbiturate sedatives and minor tranquilizers. ( ड्रग्स की केवल दो कक्षाएं जो मामूली वृद्धि का कोई संकेत दिखाती हैं - कम से कम 12 वें ग्रेडर्स के बीच - बारबेटोरेट शामक और मामूली ट्रैंक्विलाइज़र हैं। )
  • These drugs fall into three subgroups: barbiturates and barbiturate-like drugs, minor tranquilizers and alcohol. ( ये ड्रग्स तीन उपसमूहों में आते हैं: बार्बिटूरेट्स और बार्बिट्यूरेट जैसी दवाएं, मामूली ट्रैंक्विलाइज़र और अल्कोहल। )
  • Until twenty years ago the main group of sedative drugs were the barbiturates , now almost entirely replaced by the benzodiazepines. ( बीस साल पहले तक शामक दवाओं का मुख्य समूह बार्बिटूरेट्स था, अब लगभग पूरी तरह से बेंजोडायजेपाइन द्वारा प्रतिस्थापित किया गया है। )
  • An attack can also be brought on as a result of withdrawal from alcohol or barbiturates ; extreme emotional distress, or fatigue. ( शराब या बार्बिटुरेट्स से वापसी के परिणामस्वरूप एक हमला भी किया जा सकता है; अत्यधिक भावनात्मक संकट, या थकान। )
  • Drugs for which subjects were tested included cocaine, opiates, marijuana, phencyclidine, benzodiazepines, methaqualone, methadone, propoxyphene, barbiturates , and amphetamines. ( ड्रग्स जिसके लिए विषयों का परीक्षण किया गया था, कोकीन, ऑपियेट्स, मारिजुआना, फ़िज़ाक्लाडाइन, बेंज़ोडायज़ेपींस, मेथक्वलोन, मेथाडोन, प्रोपोक्सीफीन, बार्बिट्यूरेट्स और एम्फ़ैटेमिन शामिल थे। )
  • Random urine toxicology screens were done at admission and several times throughout the inpatient treatment program to confirm the absence of any cocaine, opiates, barbiturates , or benzodiazapines. ( बेतरतीब मूत्र विष विज्ञान स्क्रीन प्रवेश और किसी भी कोकीन, opiates, barbiturates, या बेंज़ोडायज़ेपींस की अनुपस्थिति की पुष्टि करने के लिए कई बार inpatient उपचार कार्यक्रम में किया गया था। )
  • Clearly, however, without further research, a presumption that temporal consistencies exist for other drugs, such as marijuana, barbiturates , and methamphetamine, would be an unsubstantiated one. ( स्पष्ट रूप से, हालांकि, आगे के शोध के बिना, एक अनुमान है कि अन्य दवाओं, जैसे कि मारिजुआना, बार्बिटुरेट्स और मेथामफेटामाइन के लिए अस्थायी स्थिरता मौजूद है, एक असंबद्ध होगा। )

More Sentence

  • Since then, more than 2,500 barbiturates have been synthesized, of which more than 50 have been marketed.
  • For example, because alcohol, barbiturates and sedative-hypnotics accelerate methadone metabolism, they foster withdrawal symptoms.
  • Class B drugs, which carry a maximum penalty of two years for possession and five years for trafficking, include amphetamine, marijuana and barbiturates .
  • We found minor differences in prevalence rates for some broad drug categories, such as cocaine, barbiturates , and amphetamines.
  • Amphetamines, barbiturates , tranquilizers, sleeping pills, anti-depressants, and analgesics, for example, were available over the counter or through a doctor's prescription and were widely used.
  • In addition, there were also significant differences on use of hallucinogens, tranquilizers, barbiturates , and inhalants between these two groups.
  • They note that sedative drugs such as benzodiazepines, barbiturates , deep sedation, and anesthesia may increase the amount of faster background EEG readings and interfere with interpretation.
  • Female adolescents with sexual abuse histories were also more likely to use hallucinogens, tranquilizers, barbiturates , and inhalants.
  • He was addicted to tranquillisers and codeine tablets, taking up to 60 per day at one point, after he became hooked on the barbiturates during a period of depression.
  • She died, virtually penniless, in 1965 after overdosing on alcohol and barbiturates .
  • It was the beginning of Faithfull's fall - she turned to barbiturates and alcohol while Jagger buried himself in work.
  • Other types of drugs, including barbiturates , sedative antidepressants, and antipsychotic drugs, are less preferred because of their side effects (which range from gastric irritation to high risk of addiction).
  • It is recommended, therefore, that the current study be replicated with less popular drugs of abuse, such as barbiturates , benzodiazepines, and methamphetamine.
  • Siva's devotees are forbidden to use drugs of abuse, such as cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, barbiturates , psychedelics and marijuana, unless prescribed by a licensed physician.
  • Tranquilizers, amphetamines, barbiturates , marijuana, or hallucinogens were listed by the remaining 9% of the women as their primary drug.
  • Urine screening tests for drugs of abuse detect general classes of compounds, such as amphetamines, barbiturates , benzodiazepines, or opiates.
  • The specific drugs included marijuana, cocaine, crack cocaine, PCP, barbiturates , and amphetamines.