bankruptcy - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bankruptcy in Hindi
bankruptcy Definition
- the state of being bankrupt. ( दिवालिया होने की स्थिति। )
- the state of being completely lacking in a particular quality or value. ( किसी विशेष गुणवत्ता या मूल्य में पूरी तरह से कमी होने की स्थिति। )
bankruptcy Example
- For many, his indispensable contribution is to have lightened the gloom and moral bankruptcy of those years. ( कई लोगों के लिए, उनका अपरिहार्य योगदान उन वर्षों के निराशाजनक और नैतिक दिवालियापन को हल्का करना है। )
- It's a testament to the moral bankruptcy of our business leaders that they are not. ( यह हमारे व्यापारिक नेताओं के नैतिक दिवालियापन का एक वसीयतनामा है कि वे नहीं हैं। )
- The bankruptcy doesn't bother me; the loss of the flat would, big time. ( दिवालियापन मुझे परेशान नहीं करता है; फ्लैट का नुकसान, बड़ा समय होगा। )
- For that reason alone I am glad of their sickening moral bankruptcy . ( केवल इस कारण से कि मुझे उनके दिमागी नैतिक दिवालियेपन की खुशी है। )
- In effect, he threatens to declare to the world his administration's moral bankruptcy . ( वास्तव में, वह दुनिया को अपने प्रशासन के नैतिक दिवालियापन की घोषणा करने की धमकी देता है। )
- They have exposed the economic, political and moral bankruptcy of American society. ( उन्होंने अमेरिकी समाज के आर्थिक, राजनीतिक और नैतिक दिवालियापन को उजागर किया है। )
- This type of moral and epistemic bankruptcy is now entrenched in the corporation's output.( इस प्रकार के नैतिक और महामारी संबंधी दिवालियापन अब निगम के आउटपुट में फंस गए हैं। )
More Sentence
- many companies were facing bankruptcy
- They are guilty of the violence of silence, of indifference and of intellectual bankruptcy .
- Their crusade against moral bankruptcy may soon shift from being a rallying cry to become government policy.
- the moral bankruptcy of turning away desperate people
- bankruptcy proceedings
- He said the Government had shown a lack of concern and understanding for farmers who faced bankruptcy .
- I suspect it's a sign of political and moral bankruptcy that probably isn't treatable.
- A subtext to the book is an expose of the utter moral bankruptcy of pure free markets.
- What followed was flagrant musical bankruptcy and the insufferable drone of banal music.
- Her literary debut, The Grass Is Singing, exposed the moral bankruptcy of the white settler culture.
- The demons of hell are having a celebration, cheering the moral bankruptcy of our generation!
- the intellectual bankruptcy of the corporate media
- Now, we see a genuine case of the painful price being paid for moral bankruptcy .
- Needless to say, they still haven't come to terms with their moral bankruptcy .
- The Enterprise Bill will help to reduce the stigma associated with honest failures, including bad-luck bankruptcies .
- A recent Harvard University study that found runaway medical bills are a major cause of personal bankruptcies .
- Widespread bankruptcies and financial failures are leading to mergers in some regions and shutdowns in others.
- Merrill Lynch strategist Marty Fridson also warned that the WorldCom scandal could signal a wave of bankruptcies .
- This engendered a complete repudiation of the policy for a considerable period of time following the two bankruptcies .
- For this, keep an eye on newspaper reports of bankruptcies .
- The empirical model for explaining delinquencies is similar to the one for explaining bankruptcies .
- Banks recognize that in a recession, lower interest rates may be necessary to spur growth and prevent bankruptcies .
- This can only be done either by mergers or bankruptcies .