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bandage - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bandage in Hindi


  • पट्टी


  • पट्टी बांधना
  • पट्टा
  • पट्टी करना

bandage Definition


  • bind (a wound or a part of the body) with a protective strip of material. ( बाँध (एक घाव या शरीर का एक हिस्सा) सामग्री की एक सुरक्षात्मक पट्टी के साथ। )


  • a strip of material used to bind a wound or to protect an injured part of the body. ( सामग्री की एक पट्टी घाव को बांधने के लिए या शरीर के एक घायल हिस्से को बचाने के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाती है। )

bandage Example

  • to put a bandage on a wound ( घाव पर पट्टी बांधने के लिए )
  • a strip of bandage ( पट्टी की एक पट्टी )
  • She soaked her body again, at the same time soaking the bandage over her wound. ( उसने अपने शरीर को फिर से भिगोया, उसी समय उसके घाव पर पट्टी को भिगो दिया। )
  • Apply an antibiotic ointment and cover the wound with an adhesive bandage or gauze. ( एक एंटीबायोटिक मरहम लागू करें और घाव को एक चिपकने वाली पट्टी या धुंध के साथ कवर करें। )
  • He dealt with that first, smearing salve over the bandage with which he bound the wound, and then attended to the many bruises. ( उन्होंने उस पहले से निपटा, जो उस घाव पर लार टपकाते थे, जिसके साथ उन्होंने घाव को बांधा था, और फिर कई चोटों में भाग लिया। )
  • bandage the foot so that the ankle is supported ( पैर को पट्टी करें ताकि टखने को सहारा मिले )
  • Pei said that qualified doctors would have protected the wound with a bandage rather than cotton material. ( पेई ने कहा कि योग्य डॉक्टरों ने कपास की सामग्री के बजाय एक पट्टी के साथ घाव की रक्षा की होगी। )
  • a sterile adhesive bandage with nonstick pad ( नॉनस्टिक पैड के साथ एक बाँझ चिपकने वाला पट्टी )

More Sentence

  • As with normal blisters, it is important to keep the area clean and dry, and protect it with a sterile bandage to prevent infection.
  • Television footage showed the sobbing girls being bandaged for what appeared to be minor injuries.
  • Giles looked down at the huge, white bulbous bandages swathing her arms and legs.
  • After this, compression bandages must be worn for a specified number of days.
  • But how many of us are wasting out lives tearing strip bandages when what the Boss really needs are sheets?
  • It was bound tightly, suggesting that the one who bandaged it expected her to bleed more.
  • ‘There,’ said Aero as he finished the bandaging with a soft knot.
  • His girlfriend's feet have been heavily bandaged due to all the cuts and they are all covered in bruises and bites.
  • He bandaged the wound, then called one of the evacuation staff to take her to a ship.
  • I bandaged it reasonably firmly and pulled the joint support over it.
  • They examined me, fussed around me, changed the bandages , medicated the wounds.
  • This same someone had also cleaned his wound and bandaged it with another piece of clean cloth.
  • All compression bandaging was performed by specialist nurses and community nurses (on a shared-care basis) using a standard technique.
  • Again, this may be due to concomitant compression or wound bandaging mitigating the cooling effect and preventing adequate metabolic reduction.
  • The remaining third of volunteers will receive standard care for lymphoedema including bandaging , exercise and massage.
  • That will take some bandaging , she thought to herself.
  • His right foot had to be released, he had six stitches inserted on his chin and his left wrist was bandaged .
  • He turned in surprise, and then went back to his bandaging .
  • This I cleaned as well as I could and stitched it up, then bandaged it using the last of my clean gauze bandages .
  • Depends on whether or not you're going to do the bandaging .
  • The graze under his arm only required a little antiseptic and bandaging .
  • Now it is swathed in bandages , and looking pretty sorry for itself.