ban - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of ban in Hindi
- रोक
- निषेध
- मनाही
- प्रतिबंध
- शाप
- प्रतिरोध
- प्रतिबंधित करना
- रोकना
- निषेध करना
- अवैध घोषित करना
- प्रतिषेध
- प्रतिषेध करना
- रोक लगाना
- अवरोध
ban Definition
- an official or legal prohibition. ( एक आधिकारिक या कानूनी निषेध। )
- a curse. ( एक अभिशाप। )
- officially or legally prohibit. ( आधिकारिक तौर पर या कानूनी रूप से निषिद्ध है। )
ban Example
- The legal ban on building houses within 100 metres of the sea is now being enforced. ( समुद्र के 100 मीटर के दायरे में मकान बनाने पर कानूनी प्रतिबंध अब लागू किया जा रहा है। )
- More amusingly, he briefly attempted to ban me from the campaign after my latest efforts to pry answers out of his blandly evasive candidate. ( अधिक आश्चर्यजनक रूप से, उन्होंने संक्षिप्त रूप से अपने निष्कासित उम्मीदवार के उत्तर देने के मेरे नवीनतम प्रयासों के बाद अभियान से मुझे प्रतिबंधित करने का प्रयास किया। )
- The UN issued a proposal Tuesday to ban single-hulled ships from carrying heavy oil in European Union waters. ( संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने मंगलवार को यूरोपीय संघ के पानी में भारी तेल ले जाने वाले एकल-पतले जहाजों पर प्रतिबंध लगाने का प्रस्ताव जारी किया। )
- The legal challenge to the ban on same-sex marriage starts November 7. ( समान सेक्स विवाह पर प्रतिबंध की कानूनी चुनौती 7 नवंबर से शुरू हो रही है। )
- a three-year driving ban ( तीन साल की ड्राइविंग प्रतिबंध )
- It notes the evidence before the domestic courts to the effect that the European countries operating a blanket legal ban on homosexuals in their armed forces are now in a small minority. ( यह घरेलू अदालतों के सामने इस आशय का प्रमाण प्रस्तुत करता है कि यूरोपीय देश अपने सशस्त्र बलों में समलैंगिकों पर एक कंबल कानूनी प्रतिबंध का संचालन कर रहे हैं जो अब एक छोटे से अल्पसंख्यक वर्ग में हैं। )
- A legal ban on biotech research will have little effect on corporate profits, despite Sanders' rhetoric. ( सैंडर्स की बयानबाजी के बावजूद, बायोटेक अनुसंधान पर कानूनी प्रतिबंध का कॉर्पोरेट मुनाफे पर बहुत कम प्रभाव पड़ेगा। )
More Sentence
- In a major policy change, the winter-use plan issued in 2000 proposed to ban snowmobiles from the park.
- Already, a hotel chain and a sports club have mounted separate legal challenges to the ban .
- The government of Indian-administered Kashmir is to launch a legal challenge to a ban on the weaving and trading of the world's most expensive shahtoosh shawl.
- Once enacted, the ban cannot be undone, even if the person has a change of heart, Severns said…
- And its results fall far short of what most Dales residents and visitors want - namely, a complete legal ban on off-roading in the national park.
- American fighter pilots are routinely given amphetamines on combat missions to keep them awake, despite an official ban on the use of the drugs, the US Air Force has confirmed.
- The Times & Citizen leads with the report that the Oakley Hunt is vowing to continue despite the possibility of a legal ban on fox-hunting.
- McConnell has taken advice from his legal team that a ban on public health grounds in Scotland is entirely within his powers.
- a proposal to ban all trade in ivory
- Actually, with a new CD coming out in eight weeks, she might ride this puppy to the top of the charts, even if they ban her from the Grammies.
- If they legally ban cloning research in order to prohibit progress on the research, I will fight to change the laws.
- a proposed ban on cigarette advertising
- In the absence of these measures a legal ban on strike looks somewhat arbitrary.
- Finally, a three-year ban on all sealing was recommended, the foundation of the moratorium approach to conservation of marine mammals.
- The prohibitions include a ban on trading and sleeping on the sidewalk, green areas, riverbanks and other public places.
- The thaw in relations also removed a three-year ban on bilateral sporting events in October 2003.
- For this reason, and because of the potential hazards described in this article, a legal ban on the use of powdered latex gloves may occur.
- As well as the three-year driving ban and six-month curfew, the magistrates also ordered her to sit another test before getting her licence back.
- Grease is the word when it comes to the political debate sparked off by Labor's proposal to ban food and drink advertising on kids' TV.
- And he said, you know, I think they're trying to ban me for life.
- a proposed ban on foreign correspondents was condemned by international leaders
- Hunt supporters were today preparing a legal challenge to the ban on hunting which they claim will put more than 250 people out of work across Hampshire.
- On Sept.4, 1997, the city announced a ban on legal prostitution.