balm - Meaning in Hindi
balm Definition
- a fragrant ointment or preparation used to heal or soothe the skin. ( एक सुगंधित मरहम या तैयारी त्वचा को चंगा या शांत करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। )
- a tree that yields a fragrant resinous substance, typically one used in medicine. ( एक पेड़ जो सुगंधित राल पदार्थ का उत्पादन करता है, आमतौर पर दवा में इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। )
- a bushy herb of the mint family, with leaves smelling and tasting of lemon. ( नींबू की महक और चखने के पत्तों के साथ टकसाल परिवार की एक झाड़ीदार जड़ी बूटी। )
balm Example
- If you are concerned about caring for your skin you can buy skin cream, bug balm and wind balm - all made from only natural ingredients. ( यदि आप अपनी त्वचा की देखभाल के बारे में चिंतित हैं तो आप त्वचा क्रीम, बग बाम और विंड बाम खरीद सकते हैं - ये सभी केवल प्राकृतिक सामग्री से बने होते हैं। )
- For a moment, the murk feels strangely comforting, like walking out of a rave into the balm of an urban winter smog. ( एक पल के लिए, मर्क अजीब तरह से आराम महसूस करता है, जैसे कि एक बग्घी से एक शहरी सर्दियों के धुंध में बाम से बाहर निकलना। )
- Indeed, an evenly divided Congress could provide the healing balm the country desperately needs. ( वास्तव में, एक समान रूप से विभाजित कांग्रेस देश को सख्त जरूरतें प्रदान कर सकती है। )
- Shakyamuni passed away from his 80 years life at the foot of the Linden balm tree in Kushinagara, India. ( शाक्यमुनि का भारत के कुशीनगर में लिंडेन बाम के पेड़ के पैर में 80 साल का जीवन बीत गया। )
- As someone who regularly complains about modern African art's lack of visibility in contemporary exhibitions, this dual presentation was a balm for the spirit, a hint of better things to come. ( जैसा कि कोई व्यक्ति जो समकालीन प्रदर्शनियों में आधुनिक अफ्रीकी कला की दृश्यता की कमी के बारे में नियमित रूप से शिकायत करता है, यह दोहरी प्रस्तुति भावना के लिए एक बाम, आने वाली बेहतर चीजों का एक संकेत था। )
- What you need is an aural balm to soothe all ears. ( क्या आप की जरूरत है सभी कानों को शांत करने के लिए aural बाम है। )
More Sentence
- Now this did not one jot move the orange till she saw a man at work with an incision-knife, upon a balm -tree there at hand, to let out the balsam.
- For visitors the relaxed atmosphere soothes like a balm after the heated days of summer.
- Most shaving creams contain a little moisturiser, but if a man needs to improve the general condition of his skin, then he should use an aftershave balm .
- A new love could be the balm that soothes your soul.
- Mushroom-hunting is a balm to both body and spirit.
- I purchased my bee balm from flea and farmer's markets.
- Sitting here, I have so far watched a hummingbird mating ritual, the honey bees at the balm tree, the unusually marked bees in flowering chives.
- Meanwhile, the soaring crude oil price and burgeoning demand in the Far East should provide some soothing balm to the share price.
- These people cannot or will not allow themselves the comfort, the balm , that the boy's soul lives eternally.
- A typical nest thus pointed out by an over-obliging bird was saddled neatly on a horizontal limb of a balm tree at the height of about 30 feet from the ground and the ever-present lake.
- Yet while most young'uns turn to the soothing balm of indifference, others are drawn toward alternative means of expressing their frustration, which is where hip-hop steps up to bat.
- They come for the balm that touch can provide in times that are immensely stressful to the human psyche.
- The oil of religion shouldn't be used to increase the flames of violence but as a balm to heal the wounds of the people.
- a skin balm for use after shaving
- Her smile and her touch were a comforting balm to Estelle.
- Calendula lotion can be used as a soothing balm .
- They can't see red, but are attracted to some red flowers, such as bee balm , that reflect ultraviolet light.
- Again, the nature of the job has a lot to do with it: plenty of brain-food, regular contact with enthusiastic law clerks, and life tenure, which is a balm to anyone's blood pressure.
- As a precaution I had come armed with repellent cream and balm .
- The balm exuded by this shrub led to it being regarded throughout part of its native range (especially in Spain, Italy, & Greece) as one & the same with the biblical Balm of Gilead.
- Anyone who has ever had a friend comment on their music collection in a less than favourable fashion will find this article balm for their troubled soul.
- It also reminds in the quietest way how families can provide a balm against this worry.
- the murmur of the water can provide balm for troubled spirits
- Three weeks in Thailand (which I've just enjoyed) are a balm to any spirit.