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balloon - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of balloon in Hindi

  • गुब्बारा
  • बेलून
  • बैलून
  • संचयक

balloon Definition


  • a brightly colored rubber sac inflated with air and then sealed at the neck, used as a children's toy or a decoration. ( एक चमकीले रंग का रबर थैली हवा के साथ फुलाया जाता है और फिर गर्दन पर सील कर दिया जाता है, जिसका उपयोग बच्चों के खिलौने या सजावट के रूप में किया जाता है। )
  • a large bag filled with hot air or gas to make it rise in the air, typically carrying a basket for passengers. ( गर्म हवा या गैस से भरा एक बड़ा बैग हवा में ऊपर उठने के लिए, आमतौर पर यात्रियों के लिए एक टोकरी ले जाता है। )
  • a rounded outline in which the words or thoughts of characters in a comic strip or cartoon are written. ( एक गोल रूपरेखा जिसमें एक कॉमिक स्ट्रिप या कार्टून में पात्रों के शब्द या विचार लिखे जाते हैं। )
  • a large rounded drinking glass, used for brandy and other drinks. ( ब्रांडी और अन्य पेय के लिए उपयोग किया जाने वाला एक बड़ा गोल पेय ग्लास। )


  • swell out in a spherical shape; billow. ( एक गोलाकार आकार में सूजन; तरंग। )
  • travel by hot-air balloon. ( गर्म हवा के गुब्बारे से यात्रा। )


  • resembling a balloon; puffed. ( एक गुब्बारे के समान; फूला हुआ। )

balloon Example

  • Sadly he was put down when liver disease saw him balloon to twice his size. ( दुख की बात यह है कि उसे तब लगाया गया जब लिवर की बीमारी ने उसे अपने आकार से दोगुना बड़ा हो गया। )
  • Marc Sluszny is a record-holder in bungee jumping from a hot-air balloon and in aerobatics hang-gliding. ( मार्क स्लुसज़नी एक रिकॉर्ड-धारक है जो गर्म हवा के गुब्बारे से और एयरोबेटिक्स हैंग-ग्लाइडिंग से बंजी जंपिंग में है। )
  • It is a big aircraft, which acts more like a hot air balloon than airplane, because of its slow speed and reactions. ( यह एक बड़ा विमान है, जो अपनी धीमी गति और प्रतिक्रियाओं के कारण हवाई जहाज की तुलना में गर्म हवा के गुब्बारे की तरह काम करता है। )
  • When the heater kicks on, it fills your robe like a hot-air balloon . ( जब हीटर चालू होता है, तो यह आपके बागे को गर्म हवा के गुब्बारे की तरह भर देता है। )
  • The sleeves and gowns balloon out with layers of lace in an overstated and flamboyant style. ( आस्तीन और गाउन एक अतिरंजित और तेजतर्रार शैली में फीता की परतों के साथ बाहर गुब्बारे। )
  • Yet now they not only refuse to do the right thing again, they want to do the wrong thing (cut taxes and balloon the deficit) over and over again. ( फिर भी अब वे न केवल सही काम करने से इनकार करते हैं, वे बार-बार गलत काम करना (करों में कटौती करना और घाटे को कम करना) चाहते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • There were silky balloon sleeve blouses and blouson jackets, with emphasised shoulders all beautifully printed art nouveau style.
  • Zeller created a luxurious European suite in one of the bedrooms with toile wall covering, balloon drapes and a wrought-iron headboard.
  • Put me in front of the most delicious buffet in the world, and I will balloon .
  • If for some reason your wing collapses in a freak wind, the chute will balloon back to shape within seconds.
  • a balloon reading ‘Ka-Pow!’
  • I thought that being confined to a brandy balloon , they were just tired.
  • The package contained a funny hat, a stick on mustache, and a bouncing balloon with the rubber band on it.
  • The team plays an important role in ensuring the balloon is prepared and filled to suit the timing of the launch and to ensure the envelope is ready for take off.
  • Yet, it was not until 1783 that the Montgolfier brothers in France first overcame gravity in their hot-air balloon .
  • How many times have I seen the kitten looking at the goldfish in the brandy balloon , or the kitten hanging from a tree branch?
  • It was finished artwork, and they would ask me to, you know, insert a comma in a word balloon .
  • Then the group hopped out of the hot air balloon basket and looked upwards towards the dark, gloomy sky.
  • There was enough gossip going around to fill a hot air balloon , but I was happy to say I was never the topic.
  • a balloon of armagnac
  • his derision pricked the fragile balloon of her vanity
  • The original version is censored, using goofy Batman inspired cartoon balloon words to block out some excessively gory details.
  • Practically every panel in the book has something, often a word balloon , but sometimes an arm or a piece of clothing, poking out over the edge.
  • ‘One word balloon in From Hell completely hijacked my life,’ he explains.
  • A puppy dropped by parachute from a hot-air balloon descends safely into the garden of a secret convent.
  • Another surreal moment came during the middle of a hot-air balloon ride over Serengeti National Park.
  • Suddenly a hot-air balloon , with a young child in it, appears to be coming down in the field, followed by others running at full pelt, trying to aid a safe landing.
  • But all in all, I could understand hot-air balloon aviators' fascination with the sport.
  • The dog's comments are audible and visible in a cartoon balloon .
  • One of the hot air balloon races he participated in produced a record-breaking trip from Japan to California.