ballistics - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of ballistics in Hindi
- बोलिस्टीक्स
- प्राक्षेपिकी
- अस्त्र विद्या
ballistics Definition
- the science of projectiles and firearms. ( प्रोजेक्टाइल और आग्नेयास्त्रों का विज्ञान। )
ballistics Example
- Transitional ballistics is a complex science that involves a number of variables that are not fully understood; therefore, it is not an exact science. ( संक्रमणकालीन बैलेस्टिक एक जटिल विज्ञान है जिसमें कई प्रकार के चर शामिल होते हैं जो पूरी तरह से समझ में नहीं आते हैं; इसलिए, यह एक सटीक विज्ञान नहीं है। )
- They achieve these efficient ballistics with moderate recoil, even in rifles that are light and portable enough to be carded comfortably. ( वे मध्यम पुनरावृत्ति के साथ इन कुशल बैलिस्टिक को प्राप्त करते हैं, यहां तक कि राइफल्स में भी जो हल्के और पोर्टेबल हैं, आराम से कार्ड किए जा सकते हैं। )
- Bliss worked on ballistics during World War I and designed new firing tables for artillery. ( प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के दौरान परमानंद ने बैलिस्टिक पर काम किया और तोपखाने के लिए नए फायरिंग टेबल तैयार किए। )
- However, the ballistics of the M16 round are not optimum inside a building. ( हालाँकि, M16 राउंड की बैलिस्टिक्स किसी बिल्डिंग के अंदर इष्टतम नहीं हैं। )
- The ballistics of a bullet lodged in the sidewalk indicated that the man missed, from five paces away. ( फुटपाथ में दर्ज एक बुलेट की बैलिस्टिक ने संकेत दिया कि वह आदमी चूक गया, पाँच पेस दूर से। )
- A knowledge of ballistics involved a grasp of mathematics, and that too became a factor in changing military education. ( बैलिस्टिक के एक ज्ञान में गणित की समझ शामिल थी, और यह भी सैन्य शिक्षा को बदलने का एक कारक बन गया। )
More Sentence
- Towards the end of the war, Goldie was transferred to London, where he worked on ballistics at the Woolwich Arsenal.
- ‘Is a forensic firearm specialist the same as a ballistics expert? ‘asked the judge.
- He had a real understanding of fortification, ballistics and shipping, and could discuss mathematics and astronomy on equal terms with experts.
- Internal ballistics modeled the forces inside of a gun barrel while external ballistics modeled the flight of a projectile.
- They will run it with the ballistics of bullets used in other crimes, in case you used the gun earlier.
- He said the confiscated rifles have been sent to Australia to check ballistics to see if a link can be established with Wednesday's attack.
- Vidocq may not, as his admirers claim, have invented fingerprinting and the science of ballistics , but he did show the importance of keeping detailed criminal records.
- If you could forgive the ends, the means was actually a neat project in puerile ballistics .
- The premise of the .45 Glock Automatic Pistol is to provide the ballistics of the.45 Automatic Colt Pistol in a smaller platform.
- By the mid-nineteenth century, advances in physics, chemistry, metallurgy, and ballistics were influencing the manufacture of weapons.
- Swann said: ‘I based my views on police photographs of the death scenes and on my own ballistics tests using similar weapons.’
- Overall, it's a very readable interpretation of the intensive research being done on shotgun ballistics and performance in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
- The objective was to provide .270 ballistics in a cartridge short enough to function in the Winchester M88 lever-action and M100 semiautomatic rifles.
- In addition, there were other equally profound developments in areas such as firearms and ballistics , mechanics, shipbuilding, mining, distillation, and anatomy, to name but a few.
- No one intended to besmirch your handguns, but just to keep things straight, we checked with Winchester on our ballistics .
- It's just as accurate, it provides somewhat better ballistics , and the choice of ammunition and rifles is excellent.
- At that instant, the total effects of interior ballistics in terms of developed muzzle velocity and spin have been imparted to the projectile.
- In 1940 Wilkinson began war work which involved mathematical and numerical work on ballistics .
- The army had offered him a reserve officer's commission and the command of the office of experimental ballistics at its new Aberdeen proving ground.
- And they have connected the gun that was found in the dumpster through ballistics to the bullets found in the victim.
- To equal black powder ballistics and pressures in the .45 Colt requires tiny little charges of most smokeless propellants.
- The embedded ballistics of the FCS ballistic computer gives the gunner range and accuracy.
- Similar ballistics in a rifle that fit Simone seemed to be the answer.
- During this trip, he started to shift his attention from ballistics back to mathematics.