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bail - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bail in Hindi

  • जमानत
  • मुचलका लेना
  • जमानत मंजूर करना
  • प्रतिभूति स्वीकार करना

bail Definition


  • the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money be lodged to guarantee their appearance in court. ( एक अभियुक्त व्यक्ति की अस्थायी रिहाई, मुकदमे की प्रतीक्षा में, कभी-कभी इस शर्त पर कि अदालत में उनकी उपस्थिति की गारंटी के लिए धन की राशि दर्ज की जाए। )
  • a bar that holds something in place, in particular. ( एक पट्टी जो विशेष रूप से जगह में कुछ रखती है। )
  • an arched handle, such as on a bucket or a teapot. ( धनुषाकार हैंडल, जैसे कि बाल्टी या चायदानी पर। )
  • either of the two crosspieces bridging the stumps, which the bowler and fielders try to dislodge with the ball to get the batsman out. ( दोनों में से कोई भी क्रॉसप्लस स्टंप्स को नंगा कर रहा है, जिसे गेंदबाज और फील्डर बल्लेबाज को आउट करने के लिए गेंद से नापसंद करने की कोशिश करते हैं। )


  • scoop water out of (a ship or boat). ( स्कूप का पानी (एक जहाज या नाव)। )
  • abandon a commitment, obligation, or responsibility. ) ( एक प्रतिबद्धता, दायित्व या जिम्मेदारी को छोड़ दें। )
  • release or secure the release of (a prisoner) on payment of bail. ( जमानत के भुगतान पर (एक कैदी) की रिहाई या रिहाई। )

bail Example

  • If not, it will catch on the bail arm as it advances. ( यदि नहीं, तो यह अग्रिम के रूप में जमानत पर पकड़ जाएगा। )
  • The curl of the bail secures the bail end in the ear and the continuing curl avoids any puncturing of the adjacent side wall of the pail. ( जमानत का कर्ल कान में जमानत अंत को सुरक्षित करता है और निरंतर कर्ल पेल के बगल की दीवार के किसी भी छिद्रण से बचा जाता है। )
  • My folly was in thinking that the problem was that I was not getting the paper positioned properly under the paper bail . ( मेरी मूर्खता इस सोच में थी कि समस्या यह थी कि मुझे कागज़ की जमानत के तहत पेपर ठीक से नहीं मिल रहा था। )
  • The rope-designed hinge bail secures with a figure-eight safety catch. ( रोप-डिज़ाइन काज जमानत एक आंकड़ा-आठ सुरक्षा पकड़ के साथ सुरक्षित करता है। )
  • The bail secures with a snap closure. ( जमानत एक बंद होने के साथ सुरक्षित है। )
  • Return the paper bail and the paper should now be positioned at the tear. ( पेपर जमानत लौटाएं और कागज को अब आंसू पर तैनात किया जाना चाहिए। )

More Sentence

  • We find the most popular compromise between what was and what will be is the simple bail handle, usually in an antique finish.
  • For the indication on the line, nothing could be more simple, use a lemon squeezy bottle top which hangs on the line below the open bail arm.
  • If the metal canister cap has not been removed, attempting to raise the bail handle into the operating position may damage the plunger assembly.
  • A wire bail holds the detachable battery compartment cover in place.
  • The bail handle is characterized by an open loop that hangs freely between two fixed mounts.
  • Wire bail holds roof cover securely in place.
  • The couple's bail money, totalling HK $1.25 million, was forfeited and warrants issued for their arrest.
  • When it is difficult to open the paper bail because of the position of the print head, close the printer.
  • The wedging action of this aluminum clamp and stainless steel bail holds most sizes of two-conductor drop wire securely, but without damaging the wire.
  • Two days later he was spotted again at the tournament and taken into custody, his bail set at $2 million.
  • Preferably, the bail holds the retaining arm in spaced relationship to the cylindrical body so that the captured tress of hair is not crushed.
  • This bail handle combines a cast handle with filigree forged rosettes.
  • If you are using the bail rings, you'll want to sew a loop in each end of the strap.
  • This Star model also happens to be a stripped version with no tabs, no see-through paper table (for margin set position,) no paper arms, and no paper bail .
  • Magistrates adjourned sentencing for reports and released him on bail , with conditions he must not enter Leisure World or any public changing cubicles.
  • A child or young person may be either released on bail or remanded to local authority accommodation.
  • Move the bail lever on top of the printer forward to open the paper bail.
  • Players of the machine can control, for example, a character who stands in a pit in the pouring rain and has to bail water with a bucket or drown.
  • The Court of Appeal yesterday released Mr Sheikh on bail to await its decision next month on whether the case against him should go before a new jury.
  • All the motorists were detained and released on bail and appeared in court in Umtata yesterday.
  • When in the second position, the flap bail holds a non-first end portion of the flap against the first inner surface of the chute.
  • The paper bail will be moved back to grip the paper against the platen.
  • The young man was finally released on bail when a Supreme Court judge ruled that he posed no risk to the community.
  • Wally, who was still on bail awaiting trial for unlawful possession of firearms and ammunition, got away with a small fine.