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badly - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of badly in Hindi

  • बुरी तरह
  • बहुत अधिक
  • तंग
  • रोगी
  • गंभीर रूप से

badly Definition


  • in an unsatisfactory, inadequate, or unsuccessful way. ( एक असंतोषजनक, अपर्याप्त या असफल तरीके से। )
  • to a great or serious degree; severely. ( एक महान या गंभीर डिग्री के लिए; गंभीर रूप से। )


  • guilty or regretful. ( दोषी या पछतावा। )

badly Example

  • High-profile cases have highlighted the business risks inherent in badly or inadequately implemented IT projects. ( हाई-प्रोफाइल मामलों ने बुरी तरह से या अपर्याप्त रूप से कार्यान्वित आईटी परियोजनाओं में निहित व्यावसायिक जोखिमों को उजागर किया है। )
  • He was a man with a direct way of dealing with people and he took badly any criticism of his style of leadership. ( वह लोगों से निपटने का एक सीधा तरीका था और वह नेतृत्व की अपनी शैली की किसी भी तरह की आलोचना करता था। )
  • Clearly there are occasions on which artists have strong grounds for feeling badly treated by critics. ( स्पष्ट रूप से ऐसे अवसर हैं जिन पर कलाकारों को आलोचकों द्वारा बुरी तरह से महसूस करने के लिए मजबूत आधार हैं। )
  • And even if they are, I don't think they reflect that badly on their speakers. ( और अगर वे कर रहे हैं, मुझे नहीं लगता कि वे अपने वक्ताओं पर बुरी तरह से प्रतिबिंबित करते हैं। )
  • This is a film so badly made it manages to be as mind-numbingly boring as it is insensitive. ( यह एक फिल्म इतनी बुरी तरह से बनी है कि यह असंवेदनशील होने के साथ-साथ दिमाग को भी उबाऊ बना देती है। )

More Sentence

  • I felt badly for him when the rest of us were gulping down the cheese but he did ok.
  • Last year, the kitchen area of the building had to be replaced after it was badly damaged by a fire which was started deliberately.
  • If the Army treats them badly , they will vote with their feet.
  • These projects reflect very badly on the owners and developers of these sites, their consultants and engineers, as well as on the Council.
  • But barely a week later during May Day celebrations, he said the government would seize land from white farmers who treated their workers badly .
  • It is not only the bank robbers who treat the victims badly .
  • try not to think badly of me
  • I take criticism very badly , and when I think it is not deserved it sends me into a state of fear and depression.
  • Animal cruelty inspectors found the two dogs had been so badly treated they weighed just half of what they should have been.
  • Either that, or the Board was being managed very badly .
  • One residential building was badly damaged; seven cars were destroyed.
  • Vicky was not so fortunate, however, having chosen badly - and instantly regretting it.
  • Everyone responds badly to negative criticism, nagging and complaining.
  • A second building that was badly damaged in the blaze, was declared unsafe and is expected to be demolished as a result of the fire.
  • Several buildings were badly damaged and a number of vehicles were overturned.
  • England have played badly this year
  • The building was so badly damaged in the fire it will have to be demolished.
  • Over the years, I felt badly that I didn't LOOK like the people that adopted me, then I felt badly that I didn't ACT like the people that were my biological parents.
  • It gives them an excuse to treat the hostages badly , and God knows it's bad enough just to be taken hostage and to be confined in some filthy room and maybe blindfolded.
  • If there is a case when someone is treated badly at work, then they can either gain satisfaction through their company's disciplinary policy, or they go to an Industrial Tribunal.
  • But, however badly we have managed things up to now, there is still no doubt in my mind that the answer is not no management at all but better management.
  • And I think you react incredibly badly to criticism.
  • Both nurses and doctors are working under intense pressure in a service that has been appallingly under-resourced and badly managed.
  • There were widespread fears throughout the town that the building was so badly damaged that it would have to be completely razed for public safety reasons.
  • Police described the scene as one of ‘mass destruction’ and said some buildings are so badly damaged that they may have to be demolished.