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baddy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of baddy in Hindi

  •  दुष्‍ट पात्र

baddy Definition

  • a villain or criminal in a book, film, etc. ( एक किताब, फिल्म आदि में एक खलनायक या अपराधी। )

baddy Example

  • Isn't it strange that the word ‘Angel’ is used for the baddy ? ( यह अजीब नहीं है कि शब्द 'एंजेल' baddy के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है? )
  • So, as a signal at the simplest (one might even say basest) level to the viewer, the good guy wears a white hat, and the baddy wears a black hat. ( तो, (एक भी basest कह सकते हैं) दर्शक करने का सबसे सरल पर एक संकेत स्तर के रूप में, अच्छा आदमी एक सफेद टोपी पहनता है, और baddy एक काली टोपी पहनता है। )
  • Bobby is known for his role as the baddy in the panto but this year he has had to take a lesser role, due to his commitment as the show's director. ( बॉबी को पंटो में अपने किरदार के लिए जाना जाता है लेकिन इस साल उन्हें शो के निर्देशक के रूप में अपनी प्रतिबद्धता के कारण कम भूमिका निभानी पड़ी है। )
  • You want to take them to a show where they can shout and scream and hiss and boo the baddy . ( आप उन्हें एक ऐसे शो में ले जाना चाहते हैं जहाँ वे चिल्ला सकें और चिल्लाएँ और फुफकारें मारें और बोडी को बू करें। )
  • For a start, he can play the part of a tech villain from central casting: a vaudeville baddy so malevolent that the audience starts hissing as soon as he comes on stage. ( एक शुरुआत के लिए, वह केंद्रीय कास्टिंग से एक तकनीकी खलनायक का हिस्सा निभा सकते हैं: एक पुरुष के रूप में इतना बुरा व्यवहार कि दर्शकों ने मंच पर आते ही हिसिंग शुरू कर दी। )
  • The baddies in power won, and the baddies out of power lost. ( सत्ता में मौजूद खलनायकों की जीत हुई और सत्ता से बाहर हुए खलनायकों की हार हुई। )

More Sentence

  • The baddie is Mars and his accomplice is Smartie.
  • However, it is also apparent that he enjoyed doing the role of a baddie in the garb of a police officer.
  • Successful stories need the texture of goodies and baddies , with characters going up or down.
  • With several hundred children it was quite a lively show, especially when the baddie crept up on the goodie in the film.
  • Almost certainly stuff will be blown up in his new film, and Eccleston joins a long line of English actors who have been called upon to play Hollywood baddies .
  • This meant that if you were doing energetic things on screen, such as chasing a baddie or watching a film, the picture wouldn't update quickly enough for a smooth image.
  • With his massive build, black beetling eyebrows and perma-frown he resembles a pantomime baddie .
  • Without much presence, rah-rah Rasputin's the main baddie in this film.
  • Sirius is the new baddie in this film, and having engineered the death of Harry's parents, he now wants to finish off their son.
  • You can look up the most wanted criminals all over the world at Most Wanted, a site that links up to law enforcement's desired baddies .
  • I don't play a lot of baddies , although I was an assassin in Hamish McBeth and a sort of baddie in EastEnders.
  • Isaacs, best known for his turn as Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter films, again proves adept as the baddie - his Hook is much more than a mere pantomime villain.
  • The antagonists are great caricatures of standard baddies ; too bad we're supposed to take them seriously.
  • The rejection came just days after the Oscar winner publicly confessed she was desperate for a cameo as one of the show's baddies .