bacon - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bacon in Hindi
- सूअर का मांस
- बेकन
- हम
- सुअर का मांस का अचार
- शूकर-मांस
- सूअर का सूखा नमक मिलाया हुआ मांस
bacon Definition
- cured meat from the sides and belly of a pig, having distinct strips of fat and typically served in thin slices. ( पक्षों से मांस और सुअर के पेट को ठीक किया जाता है, जिसमें वसा के अलग-अलग स्ट्रिप्स होते हैं और आमतौर पर पतली स्लाइस में परोसा जाता है। )
bacon Example
- In Ireland, badgers have been eaten and cured in much the same way as we now cure bacon . ( आयरलैंड में, बैजर्स को उसी तरह से खाया और ठीक किया जाता है जैसे हम अब बेकन को ठीक करते हैं। )
- It was a hard call but escalope of pork with bacon , chick peas and celery in a tomato sauce won my vote. ( यह एक कठिन कॉल था लेकिन टमाटर की चटनी में बेकन, चिक मटर और अजवाइन के साथ पोर्क का एस्केल ने मेरा वोट जीता। )
- After showering and dressing in fleece and shirt we were ready for bacon and eggs. ( भाग और शर्ट में स्नान और ड्रेसिंग के बाद हम बेकन और अंडे के लिए तैयार थे। )
- Cooper sighed and carried two plates of bacon , eggs and sausage on toast to the table. ( कूपर ने मेज पर टोस्ट पर बेकन, अंडे और सॉसेज की दो प्लेटें लीं और ले गए। )
- bacon sandwich ( बेकन सैंडविच )
- After putting two strips of bacon and two eggs on a plate, I sat down at the table alone. ( एक प्लेट पर दो बेकन और दो अंडे रखने के बाद, मैं अकेले टेबल पर बैठ गया। )
- Her father was already at the table, reading a newspaper and eating French toast and bacon . ( उसके पिता पहले से ही टेबल पर थे, एक अखबार पढ़ रहे थे और फ्रेंच टोस्ट और बेकन खा रहे थे। )
More Sentence
- streaky bacon
- My choice was scrambled egg, with bacon and chips, plus two slices of buttered toast.
- boiled bacon
- You get two eggs instead of one, and the calentao is replaced by a rasher of crisp bacon .
- rasher of bacon
- A lovely baguette with sausages and bacon in true Dublin style was handed to everyone.
- We would much rather our players had beans on toast than bacon and sausage and that sort of thing.
- The dish is also nice if you place strips of bacon over the top towards the end of the cooking time.
- Remove from the heat and spoon the mushrooms, bacon and shallot into a small bowl.
- I would seal them in hot fat, wrap each bird in fatty bacon or pancetta and roast till tender.
- After an eye test and picking up some home cured bacon and fresh baked bread, it was off to the river.
- It's poached skate with fennel or lamb kidney sausage on bacon and onion bread.
- A steward came round with a trolley of eggs, bacon and sausages to ask each cadet how many he wished to eat.
- The smell of bacon and eggs infiltrates my nose, making my mouth water with hunger.
- Or you could just sear them in a hot pan, as I did, to serve with spring greens and bacon .
- a plate of bacon and eggs
- They had metal catering trays of bacon and sausages, and they assembled the roll right in front of my eyes.
- Butter the baguette and spoon on the lobster with a few tomatoes and rocket leaves, and top with bacon .