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backbone - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of backbone in Hindi

  • रीड की हड्डी
  • आधार
  • पृष्ठवंश
  • सार
  • बांस

backbone Definition

  • the series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the pelvis; the spine. ( कशेरुक की श्रृंखला खोपड़ी से श्रोणि तक फैली हुई है; रीढ़ की हड्डी। )
  • the chief support of a system or organization; the mainstay. ( एक प्रणाली या संगठन का मुख्य समर्थन; मुख्य बात है। )
  • a high-speed, high-capacity digital connection which forms the axis of a local or wide area network. ( एक उच्च गति, उच्च क्षमता वाला डिजिटल कनेक्शन जो स्थानीय या व्यापक क्षेत्र नेटवर्क की धुरी बनाता है। )

backbone Example

  • Show some backbone , and apply some wisdom. ( कुछ रीढ़ दिखाएं, और कुछ ज्ञान लागू करें। )
  • But what our party really has to have is some backbone . ( लेकिन हमारी पार्टी के पास वास्तव में कुछ रीढ़ है। )
  • Although the discussion above has been limited to the side chains, the peptide backbone also forms hydrogen bonds with the DPPC acceptor headgroups. ( यद्यपि ऊपर चर्चा साइड चेन तक सीमित है, पेप्टाइड रीढ़ डीपीपीसी स्वीकर्ता हेडग्रुप के साथ हाइड्रोजन बॉन्ड भी बनाती है। )
  • The Andes mountain range is the backbone of the country as well as the continent of South America. ( एंडीज पर्वत श्रृंखला देश की रीढ़ होने के साथ-साथ दक्षिण अमेरिका महाद्वीप भी है। )
  • Scrunching up the backbone would bring the shoulder and pelvis closer together, while straightening the backbone would push them apart, he explained. ( उन्होंने बताया कि रीढ़ की हड्डी को ऊपर की ओर घुमाने से कंधे और श्रोणि एक-दूसरे के करीब आ जाते हैं, जबकि रीढ़ की हड्डी को सीधा रखने से वे अलग हो जाएंगे। )
  • He had displayed so many varieties of them from the skull of cows, dogs and pigs, bones of a garden lizard, backbone and skull of a snake. ( उसने गायों, कुत्तों और सूअरों की खोपड़ी, बगीचे की छिपकली की हड्डियों, रीढ़ की हड्डी और सांप की खोपड़ी से उनमें से कई किस्मों को प्रदर्शित किया था। )

More Sentence

  • But I want a strong man, backbone included, and there's this little part of me that thinks that if a guy can't pluck up the courage to make the first move, then what does that say about him?
  • And the system, with few exceptions, still provides the backbone of professional education and development within the Army.
  • A good host company should offer its customers multiple connections to the Internet from its servers (also known as a backbone connection).
  • the great Pennine range is the backbone of England
  • She knew it wasn't her husband's fault that his employer's didn't pay him enough for the work he did, but she still wished that he would have enough backbone to try and find another job.
  • Thus, desmosterol can condense lipid bilayers as well as cholesterol in contrast to other sterols with modifications in the sterol backbone of the molecule.
  • prickles of sweat broke out along her backbone
  • Finally, ancestral archosaurs had a double row of bony plates (called scutes, or osteoderms) running along the backbone .
  • Public transportation should be made the backbone of the system.
  • Character and backbone behind closed doors is why, among players, he is still respected.
  • If anything, the premier deserves a pat on the back for finally having enough backbone to speak the truth.
  • Villagers cannot afford to use the network even if the backbone transport and connection are free.
  • The next major breakthrough was to invest very heavily in the high-speed optical backbone network.
  • What the football team needs now is a head coach with backbone and character.
  • It has been proposed that the photoexcited flavin molecule adds a cysteine residue of the protein backbone , thus activating autophosphorylation of the enzyme.
  • The spine, hips and shoulders are literally the backbone of the body.
  • The 8Mb backbone was expected to provide a noticeable advancement in capacity over the area network backbone .
  • He is really the backbone of the band, with his superlative drumming.
  • It is possible today to come up with small access systems, which could be connected to a backbone telecom network.
  • And they have to see that I have the strength, the backbone and the character to be president.
  • Third, specific interactions between the polar headgroups and chemical groups of the backbone and side chains of the peptide are missing from the model.
  • Since the beginning of time, women have been the support system and backbone for many of the great strides made by men.
  • he has the backbone to see us through this difficulty
  • Your backbone (vertebral column) is actually a stack of more than 30 small bones called vertebrae.