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azalea - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of azalea in Hindi

  • अज़ेलिया, फूल देनेवाली झाड़ी जो उत्तरी गोलार्थ मे मिलती है

azalea Definition

  • a deciduous flowering shrub of the heath family with clusters of brightly colored, sometimes fragrant flowers. Technically classified as rhododendrons, azaleas are characteristically smaller than most other rhododendrons. ( उज्ज्वल रंग के समूहों के साथ हीथ परिवार का एक पर्णपाती फूल झाड़ी, कभी-कभी सुगंधित फूल। तकनीकी रूप से रोडोडेंड्रोन के रूप में वर्गीकृत किया गया है, अज़लस अन्य अन्य रोडोडेंड्रोन की तुलना में काफी छोटा है। )

azalea Example

  • Other favorite flowers are pussy willow, azalea , peony and water lily or narcissus. ( अन्य पसंदीदा फूल बिल्ली विलो, azeaea, peony और पानी लिली या narcissus हैं। )
  • And the azalea , rare rhododendrons, oak, holly, birch and sycamore have altered only in the context of nature's sedate march. ( और अज़ेलिया, दुर्लभ रोडोडेंड्रोन, ओक, होली, सन्टी और गूलर ने प्रकृति के सेड मार्च के संदर्भ में ही बदल दिया है। )
  • Gardenias like an acidic soil and so grow well with camellias, azaleas and rhododendrons. ( गार्डनिया एक अम्लीय मिट्टी की तरह होता है और इसलिए कैमेलियास, एजेलिस और रोडोडेंड्रोन के साथ अच्छी तरह से विकसित होता है। )
  • As those flowers of early spring begin to fade the azaleas and rhododendrons and later flowering cherry trees in parks and home gardens provide a feast of colour. ( शुरुआती वसंत के उन फूलों के रूप में aazeas और रोडोडेंड्रोन फीका करना शुरू करते हैं और बाद में पार्कों और घर के बगीचों में फूलों के चेरी के पेड़ रंग की दावत देते हैं। )
  • Rhododendrons and azaleas will continue to sell despite deer, black vine weevil, phytophhora, and rhizoc, but should they? ( Rhododendrons और azaleas हिरण, काली बेल weevil, phytophhora और rhizoc के बावजूद बेचना जारी रखेंगे, लेकिन क्या उन्हें चाहिए? )

More Sentence

  • The spectacular spring flowers of azaleas and rhododendrons make them among the most popular garden shrubs.
  • Rhododendrons, magnolia, azaleas and camellias are all planted here in great abundance.
  • The easiest plants to move are those with thin, compact and fibrous root systems such as rhododendrons, azaleas , pieris, hydrangeas and boxwoods.
  • These are gardens for all seasons with the rhododendron dell, the azaleas and flowering cherry trees in spring, and the rose gardens in summer.
  • Flowers are blooming weeks earlier than usual with Castle Howard boasting daffodils, snowdrops, rhododendrons, azaleas and crocuses.
  • But the rest of the rhododendrons and evergreen azaleas kept their rich green color.
  • Smooth hydrangea, sweet shrub, and deciduous azaleas bloom under the oaks.
  • These two waterways enhance the beauty of the property at any time but especially when the rhododendrons and azaleas are flowering on their banks and reflected in the water.
  • With that in mind I plan a grouping of azaleas and rhododendrons in the corner formed by the house and wall.
  • Add flowering azaleas , rhododendrons, and dogwood nearby for a wonderful color combination.
  • Using shelterbelts of yew, box and laurel they began collections of azaleas , magnolias, rhododendrons and camellias.
  • Both azaleas and rhododendrons should be pruned after flowering.
  • There is also a big selection of azaleas and rhododendrons as well as other shrubs such as potentilla.
  • Old Jack Frost and harsh winter winds are drying out plants with shallow roots, such as azaleas and rhododendrons.
  • The gardens are bounded by rhododendrons as well as azaleas , while in the woodlands there are snowdrops, bluebells, daffodils and narcissi.