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Ayurveda - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of Ayurveda in Hindi

  • आयुर्वेद
  • प्राचीनतम तथा मूल चिकित्‍सा-प्रणाली
  • यजुर्वेद

Ayurveda Definition

  • the traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing. ( चिकित्सा की पारंपरिक हिंदू प्रणाली, जो शारीरिक प्रणालियों में संतुलन के विचार पर आधारित है और आहार, हर्बल उपचार और योगिक श्वास का उपयोग करती है। )

Ayurveda Example

  • It uses innovations in modern medicine as well as traditional Indian healing methods such as Ayurveda , naturopathy and Yoga. ( यह आधुनिक चिकित्सा के साथ-साथ पारंपरिक भारतीय उपचार विधियों जैसे आयुर्वेद, प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा और योग में नवाचारों का उपयोग करता है। )
  • The idea was to evolve a comprehensive programme with some aspects each from Yoga and Ayurveda , for a geriatric population. ( यह विचार योग और आयुर्वेद के कुछ पहलुओं के साथ एक व्यापक कार्यक्रम विकसित करने के लिए था, एक जराचिकित्सा आबादी के लिए। )
  • It is necessary at this point to briefly diverge to elucidate some basic terms and concepts of Yoga and Ayurveda . ( योग और आयुर्वेद की कुछ बुनियादी शर्तों और अवधारणाओं को स्पष्ट करने के लिए संक्षेप में इस बिंदु पर आवश्यक है। )
  • Developing a centre for growing medicinal plants and promoting the practice of Ayurveda and yoga is also in consideration. ( बढ़ते औषधीय पौधों के लिए एक केंद्र विकसित करना और आयुर्वेद और योग के अभ्यास को बढ़ावा देना भी विचार में है। )
  • Traditional systems such as Ayurveda , Siddha and Unani are time tested and trusted by millions. ( आयुर्वेद, सिद्ध और यूनानी जैसे पारंपरिक प्रणालियों का समय लाखों लोगों द्वारा परीक्षण और विश्वसनीय है। )

More Sentence

  • In Ayurveda , diet and digestion are accorded equal importance in maintaining good health.
  • Traditional systems of medicine like Ayurveda are staging a comeback and getting kudos for their holistic approach to ailments.
  • He has studied in England and India where he trained under a traditional master of Ayurveda and Yoga.
  • According to Maharishi Ayurveda , you should not use more than 50 percent of your total capacity.
  • If the Government can capitalise on the passion for Yoga and Ayurveda , tourism in the State is sure to grow by leaps and bounds.
  • According to Ayurveda , internal balance is the key to perfect health.
  • Hence, the present study was designed to compare the effects of Yoga and Ayurveda on the self rated sleep in a geriatric population.
  • The efficacy of traditional systems such as Ayurveda , Siddha and Yoga is well-known.
  • This half hour programme will also feature celebrities and experts from the field of naturopathy, yoga and Ayurveda .
  • According to Ayurveda , legumes are an essential part of a balanced diet.
  • Charaka, the father of medicine consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago.
  • Trillium's therapeutic products are based on the Indian system of Ayurveda .
  • The holistic system of Ayurveda advocates a well-balanced approach to stress management and skin health.
  • Models displaying the importance of Ayurveda , Homeopathy and Acupuncture are impressive.
  • Ayurveda emphasizes proper diet for this time to ensure the health of both baby and mom.
  • He regularly writes articles on various topics in Ayurveda in Ayurvedic health magazines and alternative medicine sites.
  • On another trip to India I met with several Ayurvedic doctors and heads of prominent Ayurvedic pharmacies.
  • She has studied Ayurveda with some of the world's most renowned Ayurvedic physicians in India, Europe and the US.
  • Carl is a qualified Ayurvedic consultant, Yoga teacher, clinical hypnotherapist and life coach.
  • I once asked the head of an Ayurvedic company in Bombay what he thought the most valuable Ayurvedic herb was.