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awful - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of awful in Hindi

  • भयंकर
  • घोर
  • महिमामय
  • बुरा
  • भद्दा
  • डरावना
  • भय से

awful Definition


  • awfully; very. ( बहुत; बहुत। )


  • very bad or unpleasant. ( बहुत बुरा या अप्रिय। )
  • inspiring reverential wonder or fear. ( प्रेरणादायक श्रद्धा आश्चर्य या भय। )

awful Example

  • Aside from that, I thought most of the speeches were pretty awful . ( इसके अलावा, मुझे लगा कि अधिकांश भाषण बहुत भयानक थे। )
  • I feel awful that I'm sending my guest out into the rain alone for breakfast, but I'm certain he'll manage. ( मुझे बहुत अजीब लगता है कि मैं अपने मेहमान को नाश्ते के लिए अकेले बारिश में भेज रहा हूं, लेकिन मुझे यकीन है कि वह प्रबंधन करेगा। )
  • There's an awful risk of confusion for buyers. ( खरीदारों के लिए भ्रम का एक भयानक खतरा है। )
  • In a strange sense this event helped to bring home that awful atrocity. ( एक अजीब अर्थ में इस घटना ने उस भयानक अत्याचार को घर में लाने में मदद की। )
  • Apparently he led his wife an awful dance. ( जाहिरा तौर पर उन्होंने अपनी पत्नी को एक भयानक नृत्य का नेतृत्व किया। )
  • Come lunch time and I felt really awful - had a terrible headache and just wanted to go home and go to bed. ( दोपहर के भोजन का समय आया और मुझे वास्तव में भयानक लगा - एक भयानक सिरदर्द था और बस घर जाकर बिस्तर पर जाना चाहता था। )
  • The Boy and I were supposed to visit him this afternoon but I woke up sick and had to stay home, and now I feel awful for not going to see him. ( ब्वॉय और मैं आज दोपहर उससे मिलने वाले थे, लेकिन मैं बीमार हो गया और उसे घर रहना पड़ा, और अब मैं उसे देखने नहीं जा रहा था। )
  • Though Jo had resolved never to marry, still she felt an awful loneliness as she wondered what direction her life should take. ( हालाँकि, जो ने कभी शादी न करने का संकल्प लिया था, फिर भी उसे एक अजीब सा अकेलापन महसूस हुआ क्योंकि उसने सोचा कि उसके जीवन को किस दिशा में ले जाना चाहिए। )

More Sentence

  • Retaining so much creative advice from when I quit my terrible, awful job two months ago, we were able to draft his resignation letter in no time.
  • We feel the negative judgment of others and consequently feel awful about ourselves.
  • During that time, however, some awful atrocities were perpetrated by the IRA.
  • Such were the things I told myself to get through that awful speech.
  • One might object that Elizabethan and Jacobean Justice was every bit as cruel and bloody as the awful spectacle that Moryson witnessed.
  • Injuries have hurt the offense a bit so far, and the pitching has been poor but not awful .
  • And so, as the film ended, I couldn't work out why what I watched seemed to be a well directed, interesting film, choked by awful dialogue and poor plotting.
  • Some people find these birds to be an awful nuisance.
  • But above all it is the players who must be held accountable for this awful , pathetic display.
  • Vinton still hovered over his wounded sister and felt extremely awful for shooting her.
  • The true origin of Valentine's Day is bloody awful , involving a saint and a massacre and gangsters and machine guns.
  • He wrote letters to congressmen telling them that something awful and ‘bloody’ had occurred.
  • There doesn't seem to be any ability to understand how or why terrorists might be led to do the admittedly horrifying and awful and frightful things that they've done.
  • He has gotten awful buddy-buddy with them lately - maneuvering for the job?
  • I was rebounding and using an expanse of dates to distract my attention from how awful I really felt.
  • So everything is stage managed to make the awful , horrific attack something very special.
  • This case should be awful tough for a prosecutor to put on.
  • I'm not sure what was the most laughably awful thing about this movie.
  • This is an awful serious proposition… Let me argue it out for you.
  • Not rooting against the Yankees, per se, but not feeling awful that Clemens was obviously going to be pulled from the game.
  • Sounds awful touchy-feely, but sometimes the most revolutionary ideas are touchy-feely.
  • She felt altogether awful and wondered if the stress of her life had something to do with her physical sickness.