awake - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of awake in Hindi
- जाग
- सचेत
- जागत
- चौकन्ना
- जागना
- जगाना
- जगना
- सचेत होना
- सचेत करना
awake Definition
- stop sleeping; wake from sleep. ( सोना छोङिए; नींद से जागो। )
- not asleep. ( सोए नहीं। )
awake Example
- James' mother told the inquest her son did not lose consciousness but ‘stayed awake until the end’. ( जेम्स की मां ने बताया कि उसके बेटे ने होश नहीं खोए लेकिन अंत तक जागता रहा। )
- Only a disaster of the most profound magnitude will awake the American people. ( सबसे गहन परिमाण की केवल एक आपदा अमेरिकी लोगों को जगाएगी। )
- Catherine was awake , half asleep, walking down her boss' hall. ( कैथरीन जाग रही थी, आधा सो रहा था, अपने मालिक के हॉल के नीचे चल रहा था। )
- In the dishevelled moments when one's neither awake nor asleep they will have felt inexplicably happy. ( अव्यवस्थित क्षणों में जब कोई न तो जागता है और न ही सोता है, तो उन्हें बेवजह खुशी महसूस होगी। )
- I've been lying awake nights wondering what it all means. ( मैं रात भर जागकर झूठ बोल रहा हूं कि यह सब क्या है। )
- She looked about her and saw that Ron and James, though looking asleep were awake , softly whispering to each other. ( उसने उसके बारे में देखा और देखा कि रॉन और जेम्स सो रहे थे, फिर भी धीरे-धीरे एक दूसरे से फुसफुसा रहे थे। )
More Sentence
- Much later that night when Hoshi and Minako were asleep Alice was awake .
- She looked and saw that Isaac was asleep and Jack was awake .
- I could feel my body beginning to awake , regaining warmth.
- Will, dragging Raven behind him, who was also nearly falling asleep after being awake all night, left and shut the door quietly behind him.
- This applies especially to my inability to distinguish between being asleep and being awake .
- More severely affected children hyperventilate both awake and asleep.
- Not that sort of restless, you understand, but rather restless awake rather than asleep.
- As a runner, I have more trouble staying awake than falling asleep at night.
- A sister who is also a good friend goes from being 40 miles away to being so physically distant she is awake when you're asleep.
- When the entire camp is asleep, children are awake because they are eager to see their mothers, to have meals with their fathers.
- He knew that, without even looking - which he did anyway - just like he used to know when Spencer was awake or asleep.
- As you awake from your troubled sleep, you realize that the group you'd dreamed about is deep in the woods.
- Don't get me wrong, I'm no vampire, but, when possible, it's a lot of fun to be awake when everyone is asleep.
- All of these effects are well known and may occur when one's consciousness shifts into a state between being fully asleep and fully awake .
- In the beginning the contrast between being awake and being asleep is great; it feels like the clouds have the upper hand.
- And suddenly, he heard Kato's voice, light as if not to awake him from a sleep.
- I was still half asleep but I was awake enough to hear the reproach in the nurse's voice and I interpreted it as her suggesting I had neglected Gerald.
- I was five then, and had never been back, but I wanted to find that house, see if it would awake long dormant memories.
- Lisa couldn't fall asleep so she stayed awake and studied him, praying he would find his way out of the maze of lies he'd created for himself.
- I think about the time difference - they're now asleep and won't be awake until I'm asleep.
- I think it was this curiosity about the natural world which awoke my early interest in science.
- She awoke when the carriage stopped with a jolt.
- I slept reasonably well, awaking only for the Erie, PA station stop.
- But this time there was no difficulty in awaking the person whom I wanted to meet.