avoid - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of avoid in Hindi
- से बचने
- टालना
- न करना
- वर्जन करना
avoid Definition
- keep away from or stop oneself from doing (something). ( (कुछ) करने से खुद को दूर रखें या रोकें। )
- repudiate, nullify, or render void (a decree or contract). ( निरस्त करना, निरस्त करना या शून्य करना (एक डिक्री या अनुबंध)। )
avoid Example
- Since I'm going to NYC a few days after writing this, we can certainly avoid those places. ( चूंकि मैं इसे लिखने के कुछ दिनों बाद एनवाईसी में जा रहा हूं, हम निश्चित रूप से उन जगहों से बच सकते हैं। )
- Counseling patients at increased risk to avoid excess sun exposure is recommended. ( अधिक जोखिम से बचने के लिए बढ़े हुए जोखिम वाले रोगियों की सलाह दी जाती है। )
- It was a lighter matter to interfere with freedom of contract and avoid covenants under seal. ( अनुबंध की स्वतंत्रता में हस्तक्षेप करने और मुहर के तहत वाचाओं से बचने के लिए यह एक हल्का मामला था। )
More Sentence
- In the meantime, patients should be advised to avoid excessive exposure to sunlight.
- I turn to serve myself a glass of something, just to avoid them, but stop when she taps me on the arm.
- Those interested are advised to book early, to avoid disappointment.
- They believe, however, that people should be allowed to determine when they die so as to avoid excessive pain or distress for their relatives.
- People with chronic bronchitis should stop smoking and avoid second-hand smoke.
- Their uncle remained in Dundee and the sisters would go to great lengths to avoid him, rarely attending family gatherings if he was there.
- Limited tickets available so book early to avoid disappointment.
- I noticed that most people seemed to be going out of their way to avoid him.
- Travel directly to the meeting venue and avoid any contact with susceptible animals and agricultural land.
- The organisers advise that vehicle owners avoid the area and use alternative routes.
- to avoid any risk of misunderstanding
- Also, avoid excessive consumption of protein and foods high in yellow dyes.
- Fruit flavor is related to the amount of foliage on the plants, so avoid excessive pruning for best results.
- IceWind skidded to an abrupt stop to avoid a collision with StormCall's hindquarters.
- No doubt patients will avoid the place too if they have the choice.
- he lives abroad to avoid paying tax
- What is the best method for those who wish to avoid excessive sun exposure and dairy sources of vitamin D?
- We introduced ourselves as refugees from Pakistan, to avoid excessive attention.
- book early to avoid disappointment
- I am now so paranoid at not paying a fine I will avoid the place.
- he managed to avoid offending anyone
- Jackson failed to stop and went through the lights at red, forcing the driver of a taxi to make an emergency stop to avoid a collision.
- it's a way to avoid tax
- Freeman argued that at the time he was being chased by paparazzi and was forced to drive with excessive speed to avoid death or injury.
- he wants to avoid any trouble
- We sprinted toward the massive building trying to avoid anyone that we may have met.
- you have to avoid being biased