avaricious - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of avaricious in Hindi
avaricious Definition
- having or showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain. ( धन या भौतिक लाभ के लिए अत्यधिक लालच देना या दिखाना। )
avaricious Example
- By now the dignitaries - the movers & shakers & financiers - are leathery lizards with avaricious grins. ( अब तक गणमान्य व्यक्ति - मूवर्स एंड शेकर्स और फाइनेंसर - चमत्कारी छिपकली होते हैं। )
- Clearly an ambitious and avaricious individual, she began to specialise in offering services to women who did not want to keep their new-born babies. ( स्पष्ट रूप से एक महत्वाकांक्षी और दुस्साहसी व्यक्ति, वह उन महिलाओं को सेवाएं देने में माहिर थी, जो अपने नए जन्मे बच्चों को नहीं रखना चाहती थीं। )
- So, there comes his avaricious second wife, wicked, scheming and all that you would call ‘evil.’ ( इसलिए, उसकी दुस्साहसी दूसरी पत्नी, दुष्ट, योजनाबद्ध और वह सब आता है जिसे आप 'बुराई' कहेंगे। ' )
- Though avaricious capitalists are easy and popular targets for derision, this tale is decidedly more quirky and original than cliché. ( हालांकि अवचेतन पूंजीपति उपहास के लिए आसान और लोकप्रिय लक्ष्य हैं, यह कहानी निश्चित रूप से क्लिच की तुलना में अधिक विचित्र और मूल है। )
More Sentence
- Being an avaricious sort, I keep a long, ever-expanding list of coveted items which I trot out at the appropriate holidays, anniversaries and birthdays.
- Why should I have to stand up and behave like other greedy, acquisitive, avaricious people, arguing and shouting and snarling about something which is a well known truth and is not to be questioned?
- So too with the 10th Commandment's ban on covetousness: No American law forbids wrongful thoughts, but only avaricious actions.
- It is time both parents and ambitious students thought of giving a snub to all those avaricious private medical and engineering colleges.
- Leylandii trees, those avaricious and monstrous evergreens, have grown another yard, since I last wrote about them, and controlling legislation is still awaited.
- I am an avaricious devourer of tedious reports.
- Last night, while surfing the web for fun clothing in my size (a fruitless exercise most days), I ran across this site and my avaricious little heart began to pound.
- The lake has unfortunately lost its pristine glory over the years due to the ceaseless encroachments of the avaricious residents.
- The first act deals with the beastly behaviour of bees and act two features avaricious beetles, greedy ducks and dopey crickets with a pronounced Cork accent.
- The Democrats' bill is better, covering all seniors, but it, too, fails to control the corporate price-gouging, soaking taxpayers to enrich the avaricious companies.
- Early poverty left her with an avaricious streak and occasionally greed has cost her.
- His love of material things makes him rather avaricious and petty.
- After all, those corporations are big campaign contributors to both parties, and members of both parties rallied to their avaricious cause.
- They also have to ensure that our resources are properly and fairly distributed and do not simply disappear into the pockets of an avaricious elite.
- The princess had just about everything her little avaricious heart desired and was pampered and cherished (rightly so!) by her parents and other, assorted family members.
- I believe that those who went on the rampage were essentially deceitful, avaricious , and prone to anger, hate, and violence.
- I especially liked the way that PC looked avariciously at it last night and said ‘Ohhh, where did you get that?’
- I would suggest however, that the richer members of York society are just as guilty and that it's their avariciousness that is also to blame.
- As China sheds its cultural opposition to consumerism, decadence and so on, it is quickly and avariciously making the move from commodity manufacturing to rolling-out consumer brands.
- This bill skilfully balances the difficulties of the elderly with the avariciousness , often, of the capital interests in retirement villages.
- She enjoyed deciphering the strange pictures, and soon avariciously poured over the manuscripts.
- I did not know that this covers a grasping avariciousness by the family towards the children.
- When the conversation shifted away from him for a moment he glanced avariciously around the dining hall.
- Over and over, they depict the brutality and avariciousness of Europeans and white males in the United States and present glorified portraits of other nations and cultures.
- TV dramas and shows are partly to blame for this trend if people pursue money avariciously .
- This has, he argues, ‘removed the taint of avariciousness that had always discoloured the market’.