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autonomy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of autonomy in Hindi

  • स्वराज्य
  • स्वत्व अधिकार
  • स्वयं शासन
  • स्वशासित समाज
  • स्वशासित जाति

autonomy Definition

  • (of a country or region) the right or condition of self-government, especially in a particular sphere. ( (किसी देश या क्षेत्र का) स्वशासन का अधिकार या शर्त, विशेष रूप से किसी विशेष क्षेत्र में। )

autonomy Example

  • Patients scheduled to undergo surgical procedures often say that they sense a loss of control and autonomy . ( शल्यचिकित्सा की प्रक्रियाओं से गुजरने वाले मरीजों का अक्सर यह कहना होता है कि उन्हें नियंत्रण और स्वायत्तता का नुकसान होता है। )
  • A relatively small group of nationalists demand outright independence for the island while others prefer autonomy within the French Republic. ( राष्ट्रवादियों का एक अपेक्षाकृत छोटा समूह द्वीप के लिए एक समान स्वतंत्रता की मांग करता है जबकि अन्य फ्रांसीसी गणराज्य के भीतर स्वायत्तता पसंद करते हैं। )
  • For its part, the government has proposed constitutional changes to give limited autonomy to the north and east. ( अपने हिस्से के लिए, सरकार ने उत्तर और पूर्व में सीमित स्वायत्तता देने के लिए संवैधानिक परिवर्तनों का प्रस्ताव दिया है। )
  • It is demanding autonomy for the rich eastern lowland region where the natural gas reserves are concentrated. ( यह समृद्ध पूर्वी तराई क्षेत्र के लिए स्वायत्तता की मांग कर रहा है जहां प्राकृतिक गैस भंडार केंद्रित हैं। )

More Sentence

  • It is therefore consonant with, indeed an expression of, the personal autonomy that morality should protect and nurture.
  • the courts enjoy a considerable degree of autonomy
  • Rather than locating human dignity in God or nature, Kant exalted man's autonomy - his ability to make and obey the moral law.
  • Yes, in Kantian terms, respect for autonomy is closely related to the categorical imperative of treating people as ends and not means.
  • The government formally granted universities autonomy over academic and financial affairs.
  • Loss of autonomy and control may cause the young child a great deal of anxiety.
  • For many faculty members, what is at issue is not the money, but quality control and professional autonomy .
  • Actions that are consistent with the dignity and autonomy of moral agents are intrinsically good.
  • The French government had planned to give more autonomy to universities, giving them freedom to increase tuition fees as well as opening the doors to big business.
  • Instead it demands a considerable degree of autonomy and nurtures individualism.
  • I went on to talk about the need for community autonomy from Government intervention.
  • It first took up arms in 1949 to demand autonomy from the central government of the time.
  • This means that their criterion for resolving doubts, their criterion of private perfection, is autonomy rather than affiliation to a power other than themselves.
  • The biographer would enjoy no autonomy or independence whatsoever.
  • Even after devolution, local government had little autonomy .
  • According to this incompatibilist conception of autonomy, autonomy is incompatible with determinism.
  • Its aim was to suspend the moves towards separation for three months, whilst negotiating greater autonomy within a federal structure.
  • Subsequently, the army enjoyed an increasing amount of autonomy from political control, and even from the military establishment.
  • Personal freedom, individual autonomy and maximum access to information have long been seen as desirable ends in themselves.
  • This section began with a question about the relations among Kantian views of autonomy , rationality, and agential separateness.
  • Respect for personal autonomy and individual human rights was the common thread joining all issues presented at the World Social Forum.
  • But many women today are choosing not to marry at all, opting for autonomy and to retain control over their own children.
  • All virtue is contained in autonomy , all vice in its absence, and all morality is summarized in the imperatives that guide the will.
  • A major task of adolescence is autonomy , and parental controls tend to fall away rapidly during this period.
  • The central government has said it is prepared to give the province autonomy within a federal system.
  • Perhaps she was talking about women being self-sufficient, with jobs and resources, freedom and autonomy .