aunty - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of aunty in Hindi
aunty Definition
- the sister of your father or mother; the wife of your uncle
aunty Example
- Auntie, darling, do tell me what it is! ( चाची, प्रिय, मुझे बताओ कि यह क्या है! )
- My aunt is older than my mother. ( मेरी चाची मेरी माँ से बड़ी हैं। )
- The common trait is that they are all mothers or someone's favorite auntie. ( सामान्य विशेषता यह है कि वे सभी मां या किसी की पसंदीदा चाची हैं। )
- My aunty sent me a birthday present. ( मेरी चाची ने मुझे जन्मदिन का तोहफा भेजा। )
- However, it sounds as tho your poor old aunty may have some similar hormonal problem. ( हालाँकि, ऐसा लगता है कि आपकी गरीब बूढ़ी चाची को कुछ इसी तरह की हार्मोनल समस्या हो सकती है। )
More Sentence
- We are going to visit our aunty next Sunday.
- This May Bank Holiday, however, I decided to be a good auntie and take Ellie to the London Zoo.
- What does your aunty do?
- You may have had decorators, baby sitter or Aunty Maud to stay.
- In addition to being a bead store, Auntie's Beads is a great resource for free beading projects.
- My auntie Irene gets tummy upsets very easily, you know.
- My aunt lives in New York.
- She also liked Aunty M's rather ancient maths shape things [now called polyhedrons in the brightminds catalog] .
- You were our special auntie, You were our special friend, You showered us with love, Right through to your very end.
- A dear auntie who will be very much missed.
- He stayed at his aunt's house.