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atypical - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of atypical in Hindi

  • असामान्य
  • विचित्र, अदभुत, अजातिक

atypical Definition

  • not representative of a type, group, or class. ( एक प्रकार, समूह या वर्ग का प्रतिनिधि नहीं। )

atypical Example

  • I've long ago learnt that the breed I encountered today is atypical . ( मैंने बहुत पहले ही जान लिया था कि आज जिस नस्ल का सामना करना पड़ा है, वह प्रायश्चित्त है। )
  • But then again, just about everything about this remarkable woman is atypical . ( लेकिन फिर, बस इस उल्लेखनीय महिला के बारे में सब कुछ atypical है। )
  • Perhaps my recent attack of apathy isn't so atypical after all. ( शायद मेरी हाल ही में उदासीनता का हमला आखिर इतना खतरनाक नहीं है। )
  • A liver biopsy may be necessary if the diagnosis is unclear or if there are atypical features. ( एक जिगर की बायोप्सी आवश्यक हो सकती है यदि निदान अस्पष्ट है या यदि एटिपिकल विशेषताएं हैं। )
  • If you've visited more than a few schools, you know this picture is not atypical . ( यदि आपने कुछ विद्यालयों से अधिक का दौरा किया है, तो आप जानते हैं कि यह चित्र अतीन्द्रिय नहीं है। )

More Sentence

  • This is not atypical of the way media treats any specialist pursuit.
  • Contrary to its name, atypical depression is one of the most prevalent forms of the disorder.
  • Except in the most atypical and extreme cases, women are never truly proud of promiscuity.
  • Pain in the abdomen below the last rib especially while walking or lifting weight is called atypical angina.
  • However, he seems to recognize that his own experiences are atypical .
  • This indicates that for a long time successful people were those who were slightly atypical in their culture.
  • But I have to admit that my circumstances are unusual and my reaction is probably atypical .
  • There are a number of other causes of atypical pneumonia.
  • Her atypical behaviour and progressive music meant that she fell out with the record company.
  • Far from complaining about the atypical venues, they rather enjoy them.
  • They are not sure what the organism is but it may be an atypical mycobacterium, which is peculiar to India.
  • Many of the specimens were examples of typical things, but some were atypical .
  • Such isolated examples would be atypical and quite misleading.
  • This was probably one of the best of its kind, but it was by no means atypical .
  • Persistence of atypical organisms has also been documented after clinical cure.
  • It was in many ways, an atypical childhood, but he would just look at you blankly if you said that to him.
  • Other than two stretches of atypically cool weather in mid- and late May, the temperature never dropped below 60 from April 8 until Wednesday morning.
  • Rainfall in arid regions is typically seasonal and often intense and may carry an atypically high sediment load, due in part to sparse vegetation in sediment source areas.
  • The British press has been atypically lenient in its review of his atrociously indecorous behaviour.
  • Researchers have examined narratives of atypically developing children in comparison to typically developing children to examine the differences in linguistic skills, social knowledge, and cognitive abilities.
  • It is of special interest to agriculture because it has atypically large seeds for the genus and could perhaps be the source of crop-improving genes.