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attire - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of attire in Hindi

  • पोशाक
  • सज
  • वस्त्र
  • पहनावा
  • वस्र पहनाना

attire Definition


  • be dressed in clothes of a specified kind. ( एक निर्दिष्ट प्रकार के कपड़े पहने। )


  • clothes, especially fine or formal ones. ( कपड़े, विशेष रूप से ठीक या औपचारिक वाले। )

attire Example

  • Rahul wears glasses and is often dressed in western outfits, but he likes Indian attire too. ( राहुल चश्मा पहनते हैं और अक्सर वेस्टर्न आउटफिट पहने होते हैं, लेकिन उन्हें भारतीय पोशाक भी पसंद है। )
  • The waiters too would be dressed in traditional attire . ( वेटर भी पारंपरिक पोशाक में तैयार होंगे। )
  • A long queue of people in teeshirts and other summer attire stood patiently shivering. ( Teeshirts और अन्य ग्रीष्मकालीन पोशाक में लोगों की लंबी कतार धैर्य से कांप रही थी। )
  • If he slipped on a navy blazer, he would be sporting the traditional attire of every rugby player in every club in the country. ( यदि वह एक नेवी ब्लेज़र पर फिसल जाता है, तो वह देश के प्रत्येक क्लब में हर रग्बी खिलाड़ी की पारंपरिक पोशाक को खेल रहा होगा। )
  • She still spent most of her time shunning female attire and dressing mainly in male military clothes. ( उसने अभी भी अपना ज्यादातर समय महिला पोशाक और मुख्य रूप से पुरुष सैन्य कपड़ों में कपड़े पहनने में बिताया है। )
  • The most popular attire is rugby shorts for men and floral cotton dresses for women. ( सबसे लोकप्रिय पोशाक पुरुषों के लिए रग्बी शॉर्ट्स और महिलाओं के लिए फूलों की सूती पोशाक है। )

More Sentence

  • To each of these outings they were expected to wear formal attire including hat and gloves.
  • Such attire is indeed convenient for campaigning on the streets or elsewhere.
  • the usually sober attire of British security service personnel
  • Some wore clothes like hers, while others were dressed in expensive attire .
  • You see two other people at the stop, one in business attire and the other in construction gear.
  • Opt for colors like dark brown, tan and black to make sure they match the rest of your attire .
  • A baggy sweater is her preferred attire when she goes to meet a new man.
  • The actors are all in night attire and the stage is strewn with duvets and pillows.
  • Referring to his attire , Mbeki said he was dressed that way because he was going to work at some of the schools.
  • I was a bit surprised at her choice of attire , as she usually wore blue jeans and a top.
  • He was standing right there in surprisingly normal attire : a black shirt and jeans.
  • Her current attire consisted solely of ragged dark jeans and a faded black tank top.
  • Elsewhere, another fashion icon was making a very different kind of statement through his choice of attire .
  • holiday attire
  • He wears a royal blue suit, which astonishes his seven sisters, who are not used to seeing him in formal attire .
  • Davy was, in attire and appearance, so much like a fisherman that you might suppose he had just arrived from the coast.
  • Can I tell him he is inappropriately attired ?
  • Many of those who attended were attired in their traditional homeland garb.
  • Walking down the road a bit, I passed another embassy with another similarly attired policeman standing out front.
  • Women are reminded to ensure they are properly attired before leaving the arrival area.
  • A group of colourfully attired children are gathered at the skating rink on the eastern side.
  • The shop staff are attired in black dresses with old fashioned white starched aprons.
  • First, parents must ensure that their daughters are modestly attired .
  • She stood up and was shown to be attired in a short tan dress that barely reached her knees.