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asymmetry - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of asymmetry in Hindi

  • विषमता
  • असममिति

asymmetry Definition

  • lack of equality or equivalence between parts or aspects of something; lack of symmetry. ( किसी चीज के हिस्सों या पहलुओं के बीच समानता या समानता की कमी; समरूपता की कमी। )

asymmetry Example

  • As a result of the information asymmetry , a beneficial exchange would not occur. ( सूचना विषमता के परिणामस्वरूप, लाभकारी विनिमय नहीं होगा। )
  • The lungs were clear and there was no asymmetry in expansion. ( फेफड़े स्पष्ट थे और विस्तार में कोई विषमता नहीं थी। )
  • Waging war against the terrorists breaks this asymmetry and is the correct response to defeat terror. ( आतंकवादियों के खिलाफ युद्ध छेड़ना इस विषमता को तोड़ता है और आतंक को हराने के लिए सही प्रतिक्रिया है। )
  • Whether asymmetry threatens the development of a democratic federal system is open to debate. ( क्या विषमता खतरे में है एक लोकतांत्रिक संघीय प्रणाली का विकास बहस के लिए खुला है। )
  • Why must the price of peace be paid symmetrically, when only asymmetry exists in the causes of war? ( शांति की कीमत को सममित रूप से क्यों भुगतान किया जाना चाहिए, जब युद्ध के कारणों में केवल विषमता मौजूद है? )
  • There's an ever so slight asymmetry of information though. ( हालांकि जानकारी का एक बहुत मामूली विषमता है। )

More Sentence

  • there was an asymmetry between the right and left ears
  • If they don't have a reliable network to use, the information asymmetry is huge.
  • However, there is an incredible information asymmetry in these kinds of proceedings.
  • To see an obvious example of asymmetry , just look at your hands.
  • As a result, however, the famous asymmetry of the Pirelli Building would be destroyed.
  • One important source of asymmetry in fighting ability is a difference in body or weapon size.
  • The asymmetry between the amounts of matter and antimatter in the universe remains unexplained.
  • Information asymmetry can be disadvantageous for the party with less information.
  • Many problems that occur during fetal development cause asymmetry in the resulting organism.
  • The patient is asked if the stimulus is sharp or dull and if there is any asymmetry between the right and left sides.
  • The fanciful asymmetry of the French rococo style was considered the essence of beauty.
  • And when we choose asymmetry it is usually because we recognise the effect that the absence of symmetry produces.
  • One other thing hits the eye, in addition to this maddening asymmetry .
  • This suggests that the mutation might help explain both asymmetry and schizophrenia.
  • In pre-empting the terrorist are we really dealing with asymmetry , or is something else at work?