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astonish - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of astonish in Hindi

  • चकित
  • चकित करना
  • चौंकाना
  • अचम्भे में डालना
  • विस्मित करना

astonish Definition

  • surprise or impress (someone) greatly. ( बहुत आश्चर्य या प्रभावित करना (किसी को)। )

astonish Example

  • It has never failed to astonish me how we pale-faced Scots continue to swallow the propaganda that down here in deepest England the weather is somehow better. ( यह मुझे चकित करने में कभी असफल नहीं हुआ है कि हम किस तरह से पीली-पपड़ी वाले स्कॉट्स को प्रचार को निगलने के लिए जारी रखते हैं कि यहां नीचे इंग्लैंड में मौसम किसी तरह बेहतर है। )
  • It came as no surprise to me, and probably will not astonish anyone else, that today I felt the after-effects of yesterday's long drive to and from Nottingham. ( यह मेरे लिए कोई आश्चर्य की बात नहीं है, और शायद किसी और को आश्चर्य नहीं होगा, कि आज मैंने नॉटिंघम से और उसके बाद कल की लंबी ड्राइव के बाद के प्रभावों को महसूस किया। )
  • you never fail to astonish me ( तुम मुझे चकित करने में कभी असफल नहीं हो )
  • After an astonishingly successful career she has at least four houses in which to store and display her wealth. ( आश्चर्यजनक रूप से सफल करियर के बाद, उसके पास कम से कम चार घर हैं, जिसमें अपनी संपत्ति को संग्रहीत और प्रदर्शित करना है। )
  • And, astonishingly , both managed to qualify and progress to the last eight. ( और, आश्चर्यजनक रूप से, दोनों अंतिम आठ में अर्हता प्राप्त करने और प्रगति करने में कामयाब रहे। )
  • This was a quite astonishingly beautiful lacquer box with a lid. ( यह ढक्कन के साथ एक काफी आश्चर्यजनक सुंदर लाह का डिब्बा था। )
  • Next day I was astonished to see Jackson coming out of the George Hotel. ( अगले दिन मैं जैक्सन को जॉर्ज होटल से बाहर आता देख चकित रह गया। )
  • I am astonished there is anything left of the structure given the stresses it must by under. ( मैं हैरान हूं कि संरचना के कुछ भी बचे हैं जो तनाव के तहत इसे करना चाहिए। )
  • I am astonished at the number of people who don't wear hats or bother with suncream. ( मैं उन लोगों की संख्या पर हैरान हूं, जो टोपी नहीं पहनते हैं या सनस्क्रीम से परेशान हैं। )
  • The scene that met my eyes was astonishing . ( मेरी आंखों से जो दृश्य मिला वह हैरान करने वाला था। )

More Sentence

  • That such a complicated technological product could sell for so little, astonishes some of the people quoted in the article, and it certainly also astonishes me.
  • We were astonished at how well preserved the castle was inside, in comparison to our first view from outside.
  • The high-pressure sales tactics the men used in Manchester were astonishingly successful.
  • The atmosphere of the cocktail circuit has changed recently, and it astonishes me.
  • Ann rather astonished me by saying how she wouldn't mind a plate of egg and chips prior to leaving for the dinner.
  • Regardless of any other opinion on the matter, it astonishes me that the European Union has managed to get this far without a constitution.
  • What astonishes me, looking back, is that we not only swallowed all the garbage we were fed, as we visited one commune, one factory after another; we positively lapped it up.
  • It astonishes me how easily and often we're dismissed as racists, particularly in intellectual circles.
  • But I've met an awful lot of wine experts, and some of those are quite astonishingly knowledgeable.
  • In the past two weeks the world has been changing astonishingly quickly beneath our feet and commentators are running to keep up.
  • Since I left, one of the things which astonishes me is the change in attitudes.
  • What astonishes the contemporary reader is that a genuine, independent intellectual like Galbraith was permitted to serve in government, let alone become the confidant of presidents.
  • There he is astonished to see a lion and a lamb in the same enclosure.
  • The results were startling as astonished friends saw him ride a bicycle for the first time in two years.
  • You are astonished to discover the man can do cartwheels, handstands and back flips.
  • As I read the article, I was astonished by what a misfit of a school it seemed to be.
  • It is astonishing to see the notebook that Darwin had in his pocket as he walked around the Galapagos.
  • Elaine, who now lives in London, said that she was astonished to get the part.
  • Hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren make astonishingly complicated journeys on public transport.
  • And astonishingly , despite all that has happened since, many people today are still not quite sure.