assocation - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of assocation in Hindi
- साहचर्य
- संग
- मंडली
- संधि
- संगति
- समा
- संपर्क
assocation Definition
- (often in names) a group of people organized for a joint purpose.
- a connection or cooperative link between people or organizations.
- a mental connection between ideas or things.
assocation Example
- cases of cancer found in association with colitis ( कोलाइटिस के संबंध में पाए गए कैंसर के मामले )
- he developed a close association with the university ( उन्होंने विश्वविद्यालय के साथ घनिष्ठ संबंध विकसित किया )
- the program was promoted in association with the Department of Music ( संगीत विभाग के सहयोग से कार्यक्रम का प्रचार-प्रसार किया गया )
- the association of alchemy with “hieroglyphics” and “cabala.” ( "हाइरोग्लिफ़िक्स" और "कैबाला" के साथ कीमिया का जुड़ाव। )
- Slovenia signed association agreements with the European Union ( स्लोवेनिया ने यूरोपीय संघ के साथ सहयोग समझौतों पर हस्ताक्षर किए )
- a bog association containing ericaceous plants ( एक दलदल संघ जिसमें एरिकसियस पौधे होते हैं )
More Sentence
- They denied having any association with terrorists.
- One client association received a recall petition demanding election of a new board.
- Perhaps it was the result of long association with the blind.
- I did not ask the American Medical Association their opinion of this arrangement.
- At that time a member of the Association referred to the disappearance of automatic couplers which had been introduced thirty or forty years before.
- They have a long association with the school and have donated millions of dollars to it.
- The Association has put the event off until October.
- He is chairman of the Parent Teacher Association.
- He disaffiliated himself from any association with his family.
- The Association provides information on affiliated clubs.
- an association of local business leaders
- The association is under the auspices of Word Bank.
- As chairman of the association, he held office for over twenty years.
- The book was published in association with British Heritage.
- You want the child to form an association between good behaviour and rewards.
- The association is sending representatives to the conference.
- We are working in association with a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless.
- The Football Association have had their say.
- None of the questions on the list mentioned Jackson's association with Georgetown Day School.
- In 1837 the New Zealand Association was established, and he became its managing director.