assimilate - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of assimilate in Hindi
- अपनाना
- पचाना
- आत्मसात् करना
assimilate Definition
- take in (information, ideas, or culture) and understand fully. ( (सूचना, विचार या संस्कृति) को ध्यान में रखें और पूरी तरह से समझें। )
- cause (something) to resemble; liken. ( कारण (कुछ) सदृश करने के लिए; मिलाना। )
assimilate Example
- The argument that even fifth-grade students, for example, are not ‘ready’ to assimilate psychological information needs to be revisited. ( उदाहरण के लिए, पाँचवीं कक्षा के छात्रों के तर्क भी मनोवैज्ञानिक जानकारी को आत्मसात करने के लिए to तैयार ’नहीं हैं। )
- It also encourages capillary growth in your muscle tissue and increases the density of fuel-metabolizing mitochondria in your cells, both of which help you burn fat and assimilate nutrients. ( यह आपके मांसपेशियों के ऊतकों में केशिका वृद्धि को भी प्रोत्साहित करता है और आपकी कोशिकाओं में ईंधन-चयापचय करने वाले माइटोकॉन्ड्रिया के घनत्व को बढ़ाता है, दोनों ही आपको वसा जलाने और पोषक तत्वों को आत्मसात करने में मदद करते हैं। )
- Time, effort, and resources must be devoted in order to locate, gather, and assimilate information. ( जानकारी का पता लगाने, इकट्ठा करने और उसे आत्मसात करने के लिए समय, प्रयास और संसाधनों को समर्पित होना चाहिए। )
- A motion to adjourn and reconvene in six days so that directors could assimilate the new information was defeated by three votes. ( छह दिनों में स्थगित करने और फिर से जोड़ने के लिए एक प्रस्ताव ताकि निदेशक नई जानकारी को तीन वोटों से हरा सकें। )
- Without receiving proper directions, the cells cannot assimilate the glucose, which then remains in the bloodstream. ( उचित निर्देश प्राप्त किए बिना, कोशिकाएं ग्लूकोज को आत्मसात नहीं कर सकती हैं, जो तब रक्तप्रवाह में रहता है। )
- For instance, many people who can't digest cow-milk-based products can happily assimilate stuff crafted from goat's milk (which is lower in lactose). ( उदाहरण के लिए, कई लोग जो गाय के दूध-आधारित उत्पादों को पचा नहीं सकते हैं, वे बकरी के दूध (जो लैक्टोज में कम होता है) से तैयार किए गए सामान को खुशी से आत्मसात कर सकते हैं। )
- Angel needed a few seconds to assimilate the information. ( एंजेल को जानकारी को आत्मसात करने के लिए कुछ सेकंड की जरूरत थी। )
More Sentence
- The mother of four said using games and learning exercises to improve children's self esteem helped them assimilate information quicker, improve concentration and enhance natural talent.
- What does the culture assimilate , and what is it forced to reject?
- But people's ability to assimilate information varies.
- It was designed to help general practitioners appraise and assimilate information from scientific publications.
- Your pet may also have a systemic inability to assimilate certain nutrients.
- Fairweather painted mainly in earth colours used by the artists of South-East Asia and the Pacific and he was one of the first artists to assimilate aboriginal art into his own work.
- For example, students are regularly using the Internet to gather and assimilate information for use in research assignments.
- Children find it easier to assimilate new information when it is presented within the structure of a story.
- For your body to use everything you eat, you have to help it digest and assimilate the sustaining values in foods and efficiently eliminate the rest.
- Other supplements that are critical include magnesium and vitamin D, since they help you assimilate the calcium.
- Student nurses will benefit from the book's logical flow, which allows readers to assimilate information presented by the content and exhibits in each chapter.
- Marie tried to assimilate the week's events
- In fact, they say, nobody knows what the correct quantity of these medicines for children is or how their systems assimilate the drugs.
- Most animals make heavy use of the muscular system and the digestive system to move about and to assimilate food.
- At the same time, there is a stimulation to the growth of health-friendly, aerobic bacteria which help you digest and assimilate the needed nutrients.
- I think the church had to assimilate with the society: it didn't come accompanied by Roman invasion as you know, so therefore it had to fit in with society rather than attempt to change society initially.
- Becoming a judge is a process - one that requires a lot of effort to assimilate the requisite information.
- And it was spreading and taking over and trying to assimilate cultures and suppress belief systems.
- But we never [before] had to assimilate a heavy dose of high-glycemic carbohydrates.
- This is a man who believes that above all the church must resist the temptation to assimilate to modern secular culture.
- He could not assimilate the nutrients in food even if he had an appetite.
- She and her friends strive to assimilate the vague information provided by their well-meaning but sinister guardians.
- Protein is the key to building muscle mass, but your body can assimilate only 30-40 grams of it in one feeding.