
assert - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of assert in Hindi

  • ज़ोर
  • हर्क जमाना
  • द्दढ़तापूर्वक करना
  • दावा करना
  • जोर देकर कहना
  • दृढ़ता से कहना

assert Definition

  • state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully. ( किसी तथ्य या विश्वास को विश्वासपूर्वक और बलपूर्वक बताना। )

assert Example

  • For his era, he's no different from anyone else: what a father did to assert his authority was take his belt off. ( अपने युग के लिए, वह किसी और से अलग नहीं है: एक पिता ने अपने अधिकार का दावा करने के लिए जो किया वह उसका बेल्ट उतार दिया। )
  • it was time to assert himself ( यह खुद को मुखर करने का समय था )
  • At a later stage, the tenant was able to assert his rights to possession of the land against anyone who dispossessed him. ( बाद के चरण में, किरायेदार अपने अधिकारों का दावा करने में सक्षम था जिसने किसी को भी उसके खिलाफ भूमि पर कब्जा कर लिया। )
  • the good librarian is able to assert authority when required ( आवश्यकता होने पर अच्छा लाइब्रेरियन अधिकार का दावा करने में सक्षम होता है )
  • I would however assert that the belief in absolute truth requires an attempt to follow it as best as possible. ( मैं फिर भी यह कहना चाहूंगा कि पूर्ण सत्य में विश्वास को यथासंभव सर्वोत्तम रूप से पालन करने के प्रयास की आवश्यकता है। )
  • But surely if any religious creed is to have validity it has to assert its authority over science? ( लेकिन निश्चित रूप से अगर किसी धार्मिक पंथ की वैधता है तो उसे विज्ञान पर अपना अधिकार जताना होगा? )

More Sentence

  • Neither does he explicitly assert that our natural beliefs are true.
  • They will allow people to assert their rights to fair use over copyright materials.
  • When women can assert human rights against them, through a law they can use themselves, women will have a right to a place in the world.
  • In order to establish that contention the applicants assert they have no need to rely upon any statutory underpinning.
  • How strong are you in the face of someone trying to assert authority over you through their verbal abuse?
  • That way you assert your authority, but your colleagues don't think you're a git.
  • The claimants assert that their claims should also have been settled.
  • They are conducted in order to assert authority and extend influence.
  • Throughout history, wars have been followed by ritualised attempts to assert legal authority.
  • Even if copyright expires, the court ruled, common law can be applied to assert the rights of the original owner.
  • They come to court to assert their rights, not to exercise some form of consumer choice.
  • The other response is to assert that the supremacy is in fact the solution to the despair.
  • Therefore they can but suitably value the restorers and assertors of it.
  • All other vine varieties, Pliny asserts confidently, are imports from Greece.
  • Had there been concerns about any aspect of the process it can confidently be asserted that they would have found expression.
  • These types of beliefs, he asserts , are closely connected to languages and texts.
  • These classes have been a source of great entertainment for the youth of the area and have resulted in many a shy child getting the confidence to assert themselves .
  • Please stay the nice person that you are, but learn also to assert yourself and to speak up for yourself.
  • It is a little bit frightening how broadly he asserts his authority as commander in chief.
  • The claim asserts that this is too fast and does not enable an applicant to have a fair chance of putting forward his claim properly.
  • Speak clearly, compellingly, and without reluctance; assert yourself as a direct leader.
  • There are few principles so precious as that which asserts that everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
  • Now others are asserting their constitutional rights.
  • If you don't assert yourself with confidence, then you'll be manipulated as a puppet of society.