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assent - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of assent in Hindi

  • अनुमति
  • स्वीकृति
  • सहमति प्रकट करना
  • सम्मति
  • समर्थन
  • मरज़ी
  • मान लेना
  • स्वीकार करना
  • अनुमति देना

assent Definition


  • express approval or agreement, typically officially. ( आमतौर पर आधिकारिक तौर पर अनुमोदन या समझौता व्यक्त करते हैं। )


  • the expression of approval or agreement. ( अनुमोदन या समझौते की अभिव्यक्ति। )

assent Example

  • It is a deviation from the party line, but a murmur of assent goes up. ( यह पार्टी लाइन से एक विचलन है, लेकिन आश्वासन की एक बड़बड़ाहट बढ़ जाती है। )
  • For example, the voice actors issue pre-recorded phone calls and their conversations are such that all you can do is nod or assent . ( उदाहरण के लिए, वॉयस एक्टर्स प्री-रिकॉर्डेड फोन कॉल जारी करते हैं और उनकी बातचीत ऐसी होती है, जो आप कर सकते हैं। )
  • The most honourable manner of signifying their assent , is to express their applause by the sound of their arms. ( उनकी सहमति को दर्शाने का सबसे सम्मानजनक तरीका है, अपनी बाहों की आवाज़ से अपनी प्रशंसा व्यक्त करना। )
  • This provision requires the Council to act unanimously after receiving the opinion of the Commission and the assent of the Parliament. ( इस प्रावधान के लिए परिषद को आयोग और संसद की सहमति प्राप्त करने के बाद सर्वसम्मति से कार्य करने की आवश्यकता होती है। )
  • he nodded assent ( उसने जोर से सिर हिलाया )
  • She is the sort of person who, if you called her an unregenerate hippie, might proudly nod assent . ( वह उस तरह का व्यक्ति है, जिसे यदि आपने उसे एक अनजानी हिप्पी कहा है, तो वह गर्व से सिर हिला सकता है। )
  • But they clung to their plan and carried on without constitutional approval and parliamentary assent . ( लेकिन वे अपनी योजना पर अड़े रहे और संवैधानिक स्वीकृति और संसदीय स्वीकृति के बिना आगे बढ़े। )

More Sentence

  • Both ambassadors nodded assent , as did the Council President as he looked around the room.
  • Upper houses have only one hold over governments, their ability to withhold assent from government legislation.
  • Allowing time for completion of the negotiations, then assent and ratification, the first accessions are expected around 2004.
  • I nodded in assent , and slowly moved forward to embrace my coach, mentor, and friend in a gesture of thanks.
  • They give ample assurance that it would be unreasonable to withhold assent .
  • They indicate those objects toward which and those areas within which every human being is entitled to act without securing further permission or assent .
  • He has power to veto bills by withholding his assent .
  • a loud murmur of assent
  • Everyone nodded and murmured their assent , and then began to shout out suggestions.
  • the governor has power to withhold his assent from a bill
  • The others nodded their assent and went back to their respective homes.
  • Because subjects who give assent have diminished capacity, permission from their proxies also should be obtained.
  • At the moment, the treaty assumes each state will go through with its own ratification procedure either by referendum or by assent through individual parliaments.
  • Since passage of a bill into law required the assent of all three institutions, compromise was essential.
  • When it is a case of majority assent or approval, issues arise as to the effect on the minority.
  • But we say the Chief Justice was right to draw distinction between prospective assent and ratification.
  • Peers had attempted to extend disability rights to sufferers of depression, but backed down from a confrontation and allowed the bill to gain assent .
  • Imagine your private thrill when everyone in the congregation nodded assent .
  • The thesis received respectful attention, but it did not win assent or committed followers.
  • Parental consent and child assent was received from all dyads.
  • There were murmurs of assent before the messenger replied.
  • ‘The present Act never received assent , but this has never been properly challenged,’ she said.
  • He stared at me for a moment, as if searching for the proper response, and then finally nodded in assent .