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assemble - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of assemble in Hindi

  • इकट्ठा
  • एकत्र करना
  • एकत्र करना या होना
  • समवेत करना
  • इकट्ठा होना या करना
  • जमा करना या होना

assemble Definition

  • (of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose. ( (लोगों के) एक समान उद्देश्य के लिए एक जगह इकट्ठा होते हैं। )
  • fit together the separate component parts of (a machine or other object). ( (एक मशीन या अन्य वस्तु) के अलग घटक भागों को एक साथ फिट करें। )

assemble Example

  • Instead the wearer will buy them flatpacked from a vending machine and assemble them instantly with a deft bit of folding, tucking and the odd tug on a cord. ( इसके बजाय पहनने वाला उन्हें एक वेंडिंग मशीन से फ्लैटपैक खरीदेगा और उन्हें तुरंत तह, टकिंग और कॉर्ड पर विषम टग के साथ इकट्ठा करेगा। )
  • Please have the employees assemble in the area outside the building and I will explain this rare phenomenon to them. ( कृपया कर्मचारियों को भवन के बाहर के क्षेत्र में इकट्ठा करें और मैं उन्हें इस दुर्लभ घटना की व्याख्या करूंगा। )
  • Another 5,000 worshippers can assemble outside the church building. ( एक और 5,000 उपासक चर्च की इमारत के बाहर इकट्ठा हो सकते हैं। )
  • assemble the program and produce a file suitable to input to the simulator ( प्रोग्राम को इकट्ठा करें और सिम्युलेटर के इनपुट के लिए उपयुक्त फ़ाइल का उत्पादन करें )
  • Since the mid-1980s, Costa Rica has become a center for factories that assemble garments, electronic components, and other goods for export. ( 1980 के दशक के मध्य से, कोस्टा रिका कारखानों के लिए एक केंद्र बन गया है जो कपड़ों, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक घटकों और निर्यात के लिए अन्य सामानों को इकट्ठा करता है। )
  • In fact, he jokes, if the city really wants to build a courthouse that won't go over budget, it should let him assemble a construction crew of young offenders. ( वास्तव में, वह मजाक करता है, अगर शहर वास्तव में एक आंगन का निर्माण करना चाहता है जो बजट पर नहीं जाएगा, तो उसे युवा अपराधियों के निर्माण दल को इकट्ठा करने देना चाहिए। )
  • She had helped him assemble a massive machine in their underground warehouse of a lab over the past six months, and finally it was ready. ( उसने पिछले छह महीनों में एक प्रयोगशाला के भूमिगत गोदाम में एक बड़ी मशीन को इकट्ठा करने में मदद की थी, और आखिरकार यह तैयार हो गया था। )

More Sentence

  • And even when they are stirred into action, it then takes a further ten minutes to assemble them all together.
  • In the past, the police waited before making arrests until at or near the point of a terrorist attack, so that they could assemble enough evidence to make the case stand up in court.
  • The young people go to the individual's neighborhood, put up posters describing the crimes and then assemble outside his house.
  • This is taken before the rally, when the crowd is starting to assemble .
  • We pay the gardaí, not very much, to assemble evidence so that people accused of crimes might be tried in our courts.
  • Together they will painstakingly assemble the kayak, which will eventually become part of a teaching exhibit at Glenbow.
  • Here you'd have to assemble your own wheels from piles of valves, tyres, rims and hub caps.
  • Their methods were, however, relatively unsophisticated: the point was to assemble a mountain of evidence that would serve as a bulwark against their enemies.
  • We plan to assemble a program that combines the method described here with a kinematics method to permit fulltime operation.
  • It would take another eight years for the FBI to assemble the evidence to accuse him as a counterspy and place him under arrest.
  • He couldn't figure out how to assemble an engine of the magnitude he needed, so he'd have to steal a working model from the museum.
  • ‘What I have said to people is, over the coming weeks and months we will assemble this evidence and then we will give it to people,’ he told Sky News.
  • For over half a century, kits have been sold that enable military history buffs to assemble scale models of military ships, aircraft and vehicles.
  • It is clear from the affidavits of counsel who appeared for the appellant at his trial that considerable efforts were made to assemble expert evidence for the defence.
  • Clean the top of the sink, then, if necessary, assemble the new faucet according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • From that it creates program code it can then assemble into executable machine code.
  • We want to continue this investigation to a point at which we have assembled the kind of evidence that we believe provides the basis for prosecution.
  • Now that I had assembled the software, I created the compressed filesystem.
  • The crowd assembles for the auction with hands firmly in pockets.
  • My team assembled outside the testing room at about a quarter to, so I hurried over to keep them from waiting too long.
  • The engines are assembled and tested at upgraded facilities at NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center in Mississippi.
  • A very large number assembled outside the church and took part.
  • Around 50 women assembled outside the theatre and shouted slogans against the film, which was being screened at the theatre for the past 10 weeks.