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ass - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ass in Hindi

  • नितंब
  • गधा
  • मूर्ख
  • पुट्ठा
  • कमर के पीछे का भाग
  • गदहा
  • चूतड़

ass Definition

  • a hoofed mammal of the horse family with a braying call, typically smaller than a horse and with longer ears. ( आम तौर पर एक घोड़े की नाल के साथ घोड़े के परिवार का एक विशाल स्तनपायी, आम तौर पर घोड़े से छोटा और लंबे कानों वाला होता है। )
  • a foolish or stupid person. ( मूर्ख या मूर्ख व्यक्ति। )


  • used in slang terms as an intensifier, often with depreciatory reference. ( स्लैंग शब्दों में एक गहनता के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है, अक्सर मूल्यह्रास संदर्भ के साथ। ()

ass Example

  • Well it looked like it was going to be a three-horse race, but in the end it was a contest between a horse, a mule and an ass . ( वैसे ऐसा लग रहा था कि यह तीन घोड़ों की दौड़ होगी, लेकिन अंत में यह एक घोड़े, एक खच्चर और एक गधे के बीच एक प्रतियोगिता थी। )
  • The prospective bridegroom is a silly ass , the best man is a cad and the escort is a bore - so much for the men. ( भावी दूल्हा एक मूर्ख गधा है, सबसे अच्छा आदमी एक कैड है और एस्कॉर्ट एक बोर है - पुरुषों के लिए बहुत कुछ। )
  • Other desert animals, including wild sheep, Tibetan ass , and goitered gazelle, also stand to benefit. ( जंगली भेड़, तिब्बती गधा और बकरी गज़ेल सहित अन्य रेगिस्तानी जानवर भी लाभ के लिए खड़े होते हैं। )
  • Therefore, it was necessary for God to show himself to them and gather them to himself, as he did when he commanded the ass and its colt to be untied and brought to him and took his seat on them according to the law of truth. ( इसलिए, परमेश्वर के लिए यह आवश्यक था कि वे स्वयं को उनके पास प्रदर्शित करें और उन्हें अपने आप को इकट्ठा करें, जैसा कि उन्होंने तब किया था जब उन्होंने गधे और उसके बछेड़े को आज्ञा दी थी कि वह उसे ले आए और सच्चाई के कानून के अनुसार उन पर अपनी सीट ले ली। )
  • The milk of an ass , a mare, or a goat was put into a leather bag or skin and, tightly closed, this was then suspended beneath the belly of a horse. ( एक गधे, एक घोड़ी या एक बकरी के दूध को चमड़े के बैग या त्वचा में डाल दिया जाता है और कसकर बंद कर दिया जाता है, फिर इसे घोड़े के पेट के नीचे निलंबित कर दिया गया। )
  • that ass of a young man ( एक जवान आदमी का वह गधा )
  • the bureaucrat who wants everything in writing so as to cover his ass ( नौकरशाह जो अपने गधे को कवर करने के लिए लिखित में सब कुछ चाहता है )

More Sentence

  • Then be called ten times a donkey, and a mule, and an ass , and begone, or I'll clear the world of thee!
  • Of course, back then, travel was done on foot, or with an ass or a horse.
  • Here is a reference book for those who can't tell an ass from a burro.
  • Need I remind you gentlemen, that an ass is a donkey.
  • get your ass in here fast
  • The silly ass asked the electors: ‘Who governs Britain?’
  • The scientists have deduced that the ass is the only hoofed livestock species domesticated exclusively in Africa.
  • We stepped off the trail to let her, her horse and the pack-laden ass that was bringing up the rear go by.
  • I can't get an intelligent word out of the silly ass and he's going berserk.
  • In fact, I'll go further than that: the reason why it's legitimate to gull people like him into making silly asses of themselves on television is that, in a very important sense, they aren't real at all.
  • Photographer Pete Oxford watches out for wolves, wild asses and dinosaur fossils in Mongolia.
  • I made a complete arse of myself
  • Drivers bawled for the right of way; asses brayed them down.
  • he's a pompous arse
  • He says quite calmly and simply, ‘It lets asses cross, it lets horses cross.’
  • Wild asses average 200 cm in body length, 45 cm in tail length, 125 cm at the shoulder, and weight 250 kg.
  • Such animals include horses, ponies, mules, asses and donkeys, elephants, camels, reindeer, buffaloes, oxen or bullocks, yaks and zebus.
  • Livestock means cattle, horses, asses , mules, hinnies, sheep, pigs, goats, poultry, and deer not in the wild state.
  • Animals covered include horses, donkeys, asses , cattle, camels, pigs, goats, and sheep, with the most extensive tradition covering the larger species.
  • It is so transparent to sophisticated eyes, and yet those asses in Rawson Square bought it hook, line and sinker.
  • The fact might well be forgotten, but there are stupid asses who will not let us forget it.
  • Domesticated donkeys can be bred at any time of year, wild asses generally breed in the wet season.
  • The evidence of their endeavours is still apparent, with most of the island made over to vast salt-pans and great gatherings of feral asses , descendants of those donkeys that pulled the salt carts.