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asparagus - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of asparagus in Hindi

  • एस्परैगस
  • अस्परगस
  • ऐस्परैगस
  • शतावरी (एक सुस्‍वादु सब्‍जी जो ठंडे देश में होती है
  • ऐस्‍पैरागस

asparagus Definition

  • a tall plant of the lily family with fine feathery foliage, cultivated for its edible shoots. ( ठीक पंख वाले पत्ते के साथ लिली परिवार का एक लंबा पौधा, इसकी खाद्य शूटिंग के लिए खेती की जाती है। )

asparagus Example

  • The perennial raised bed will be their home for the next 20 years or so, and it needed considerable attention to get it ready for the asparagus . ( बारहमासी उठाया बिस्तर अगले 20 वर्षों के लिए उनका घर होगा, और इसे शतावरी के लिए तैयार करने के लिए काफी ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता थी। )
  • Seed placement is also critical because the roots of asparagus plants grow only below the seed. ( बीज की नियुक्ति भी महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि शतावरी पौधों की जड़ें बीज के नीचे ही बढ़ती हैं। )
  • asparagus soup ( शतावरी का सूप )
  • If not cut for food, the shoots that give rise to the spears each year eventually become the ferns of the asparagus plant. ( यदि भोजन के लिए कटौती नहीं की जाती है, तो वे अंकुर जो प्रत्येक वर्ष भाले को जन्म देते हैं, अंततः शतावरी पौधे के फर्न बन जाते हैं। )
  • Reheat the asparagus and broad beans with a little butter and arrange all the elements on the plate with the tomatoes. ( शतावरी और व्यापक सेम को थोड़ा मक्खन के साथ गर्म करें और प्लेट पर टमाटर के साथ सभी तत्वों को व्यवस्थित करें। )
  • Despite the admirable longevity of an established asparagus bed, the plants get off to a slow start. ( एक स्थापित शतावरी बिस्तर की सराहनीय लंबी उम्र के बावजूद, पौधे धीमी गति से शुरू हो जाते हैं। )
  • Place the asparagus in a shallow bowl and cover with the grapeseed oil. ( एक उथले कटोरे में शतावरी रखें और अंगूर के तेल के साथ कवर करें। )
  • A member of the lily family, asparagus is also related to onions, leeks and garlic. ( लिली परिवार का एक सदस्य, शतावरी भी प्याज, लीक और लहसुन से संबंधित है। )
  • Asparagus beetles tend to shy away from asparagus when tomatoes, parsley or basil are planted nearby. ( जब शतावरी, अजमोद या तुलसी पास में लगाए जाते हैं तो शतावरी भृंग शतावरी से दूर हो जाते हैं। )
  • With their skillful hands they even made the asparagus and peas taste good. ( अपने कुशल हाथों से उन्होंने शतावरी और मटर का स्वाद भी अच्छा बनाया। )

More Sentence

  • Pour the marinade over the asparagus and place in the refrigerator for two hours.
  • My sea bass was faultless and came surrounded by tender asparagus and spirals of vinaigrette.
  • However, the much thinner shoots of wild asparagus are often edible and are still eaten.
  • You can plant asparagus right in your garden or in the middle of a lawn.
  • If the asparagus is fresh, then snap the stalks where they bend, otherwise cut.
  • The best way to start an asparagus patch is by planting the asparagus crowns or roots.
  • Spoon a portion of the fondue on top of the asparagus and garnish with the basil leaves.
  • Toss the asparagus in the oil and vinegar, and season with salt and pepper.
  • Early spring is the best time to plant asparagus , but late fall is almost as good.
  • I fed the crew pork chops with sage and prosciutto in a white wine sauce and an asparagus and gruyere tart last night.
  • Combine the corn with steamed green vegetables like asparagus and offer baked potatoes to ensure the children don't go hungry.
  • Divide the asparagus between four dinner plates and arrange the tomatoes and haloumi on top.
  • Hose it down to reduce the salt levels and use as a mulch on plants such as asparagus or add it to the compost heap.
  • The appearance of thin, young asparagus spears in the market is a sure-fire sign of spring.
  • Perennials, such as artichokes, asparagus and rhubarb are also sold in bare-root form.
  • Later in the spring, they can be found all over the asparagus plants but usually they do only minor damage.
  • Tilling the soil disperses asparagus seeds and encourages quick germination.
  • Spoon a portion of the potatoes in the center of the plate and arrange the asparagus to one side.
  • Good sources of folate include oranges, green leafy vegetables, asparagus and cantaloupe melon.
  • It's a good time to plant asparagus in a well-prepared bed.