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asleep - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of asleep in Hindi

  • सो
  • सुप्त
  • सोते हुए
  • ऩिंन्दा में
  • सोता हुआ
  • निद्रामग्न

asleep Definition

  • in or into a state of sleep. ( या नींद की अवस्था में। )

asleep Example

  • I don't know what's wearing me out at the moment, but for the first time in years I actually fell asleep on the train. ( मुझे नहीं पता कि इस समय मुझे क्या पहना जा रहा है, लेकिन वर्षों में पहली बार मैं वास्तव में ट्रेन में सो गया था। )
  • It's the fancy medical term for that nasty tingling that crawls up your leg when your foot's asleep . ( यह उस गंदे झुनझुने के लिए फैंसी चिकित्सा शब्द है जो आपके पैर के सो जाने पर आपके पैर को रेंगता है। )
  • I was so glad of my bed when I got to it that I fell asleep right away, and slept through until I was woken by the phone at eight. ( मैं अपने बिस्तर के बारे में बहुत खुश था जब मुझे यह मिला कि मैं तुरंत सो गया था, और जब तक मैं आठ बजे तक फोन नहीं उठाता तब तक सोता था। )
  • As I fell asleep halfway through, I never did discover how that turned out. ( जैसा कि मैं आधे रास्ते में सो गया था, मुझे कभी पता नहीं चला कि यह कैसे निकला। )
  • So I fell asleep on the pull out couch in my studio apartment the minute I got home. ( इसलिए मैं अपने स्टूडियो अपार्टमेंट में घर से बाहर निकलने के मिनट को खींच कर सो गया। )
  • When they got home Nan fell asleep on the couch and remained asleep for the rest of the afternoon. ( जब वे घर गए तो नान सोफे पर सो गए और दोपहर के बाकी समय तक सोते रहे। )
  • Then I realized that my left foot was completely asleep and I could not move it or feel it at all. ( तब मुझे महसूस हुआ कि मेरा बायाँ पैर पूरी तरह से सोया हुआ था और मैं इसे स्थानांतरित नहीं कर सकता था या इसे बिल्कुल महसूस नहीं कर सकता था। )
  • He was so exhausted from today's walk that when he sat down to rest, he fell asleep . ( आज की सैर से वह इतना थक गया था कि जब वह आराम करने के लिए बैठ गया, तो वह सो गया। )
  • Her hand had fallen asleep as it clutched her blanket around her shoulders. ( उसके कंधों के चारों ओर उसके कंबल से लिपटते ही उसका हाथ सो गया था। )
  • I asked quite silly and half asleep what he was doing home again when he sort of mouped that it was all closed and no one was there. ( मैंने काफी मूर्खतापूर्ण और आधा सोते हुए पूछा कि वह फिर से घर पर क्या कर रहा था जब उसने छंटाई की कि यह सब बंद था और कोई भी नहीं था। )

More Sentence

  • She had pizza bagels for lunch and fell asleep for a nap soon after we were done.
  • At about three or four that morning, I dropped my book and fell asleep .
  • She rubbed his head till he fell asleep again, and she soon drifted off to sleep once more.
  • I felt like a part of my brain was numb or asleep , but at the same time liberated.
  • Brayden woke with a crick in his neck, his arm asleep and the blankets too warm about him.
  • My mom wound it up every night and it plinked its way though the melody until I fell asleep .
  • The dead lie asleep , but in the second coming they shall be awakened from their graves and clothed in new skin.
  • When I got to Las Vegas, I got my racing number and went back to the car to rest and fell asleep .
  • It didn't feel so good at the time - my legs were still asleep and came slowly to life on the treadmill.
  • Then he would ask for her to help him to stand up, because his legs had fallen asleep .
  • I fell asleep sometime after that and had some very disturbed dreams.
  • I used to listen to your breathing for hours after you fell asleep at night.
  • I fell asleep on the train from Victoria to Brighton the other evening.
  • I fell asleep knowing that whatever we had, it was finished, that this moment would be the last, that I had to let him go.
  • Samuel smiled and wrapped his arms around her as he too dozed off and fell asleep .
  • Piper and Blair found a bench to sit down at while rubbed my leg which had fallen asleep on the ride up.
  • After he fell asleep , I sat on the bed and just spent a couple of minutes looking at him.
  • One night she was at a party and fell asleep sitting on the speakerbox.
  • Matt was both alert and asleep at the same time, the feeling one gets when one spends the entire night awake drinking coffee.
  • There they fell asleep and slept peacefully, as lovers did when they were together.