asbestos - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of asbestos in Hindi
asbestos Definition
- a heat-resistant fibrous silicate mineral that can be woven into fabrics, and is used in fire-resistant and insulating materials such as brake linings. ( एक गर्मी प्रतिरोधी रेशेदार सिलिकेट खनिज, जिसे कपड़ों में बुना जा सकता है, और आग प्रतिरोधी और इन्सुलेट सामग्री जैसे ब्रेक लाइनिंग में उपयोग किया जाता है। )
asbestos Example
- I have now heard that there is asbestos in this building so it would cost a lot of money to sort the problem out. ( मैंने अब सुना है कि इस इमारत में एस्बेस्टस है इसलिए समस्या को हल करने में बहुत पैसा खर्च होगा। )
- The council is also pressing for safeguards to ensure no toxic materials such as asbestos are processed on the site. ( परिषद यह भी सुनिश्चित करने के लिए दबाव डाल रही है कि साइट पर एस्बेस्टस जैसे जहरीले पदार्थों को संसाधित न किया जाए। )
- asbestos was used for pipe insulation ( अभ्रक का उपयोग पाइप इन्सुलेशन के लिए किया गया था )
- Asbestos becomes a health hazard if it releases asbestos fibres into the air. ( अगर यह एस्बेस्टस फाइबर को हवा में छोड़ता है तो एस्बेस्टस एक स्वास्थ्य खतरा बन जाता है। )
- The company had told the workers the building was free of asbestos . ( कंपनी ने श्रमिकों को बताया था कि इमारत एस्बेस्टस से मुक्त है। )
- asbestos shingles ( एस्बेस्टस दाद )
- The focus of the ad was to inform the public that chrysotile asbestos does not cause cancer. ( विज्ञापन का फोकस जनता को यह बताना था कि क्राइसोटाइल एस्बेस्टस कैंसर का कारण नहीं है। )
- The point is, exposure to asbestos , dust and fibre on its own can cause lung cancer. ( मुद्दा यह है कि एस्बेस्टोस, धूल और फाइबर के संपर्क में आने से फेफड़ों का कैंसर हो सकता है। )
- The floor is covered with thick black linoleum and the walls are acoustically treated with an asbestos compound. ( फर्श को मोटी काली लिनोलियम के साथ कवर किया गया है और दीवारों को एक एस्बेस्टोस यौगिक के साथ ध्वनिक रूप से व्यवहार किया जाता है। )
More Sentence
- For many years asbestos was considered a safe material ideal for fire prevention and insulation.
- The asbestos fibres got stuck in the hand-knitted socks and jumpers.
- When these buildings begin to deteriorate, asbestos fibres may be released.
- Like many projects of this type, we had to deal with removal of asbestos and lead paint.
- Most of the raw asbestos goes into the manufacture of brake linings in Melbourne.
- However, the outside walls were never plastered and asbestos was the material used for the roof.
- The notice prevented further work in the affected part of the hangar until asbestos debris or loose asbestos had been removed.
- Firefighters learned there was asbestos in wall panels in the blazing block shortly after arriving.
- The asbestos would be mixed with a soapy material and be subjected to a high temperature.
- She remembered how there were pipes in a basement ward lagged with what appeared to be asbestos insulation.
- We eventually had to make special asbestos cloth covers for the footwell to stop the fried foot problem.
- Up until the late 1980s, carcinogenic asbestos was used in building houses.
- Several powders or dry colours use a base of asbestos , chalk powder or silica.
- The inhalation of amphibole asbestos is now widely recognized as being highly dangerous to human health.
- The most commonly used type of asbestos, accounting for 95% of all commercial usage, is chrysotile, also called white asbestos .
- One of the varieties is the dangerous blue asbestos , crocidolite.
- Several Asian countries still use brown asbestos, and almost all of them still use white asbestos .
- But his lungs lost the battle for health years ago when he worked with blue asbestos fibres, insulating for the telephone company.