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artificial - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of artificial in Hindi

  • कृत्रिम
  • शिल्पनिर्मित
  • बनावटी

artificial Definition

  • made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, typically as a copy of something natural. ( प्राकृतिक रूप से घटित होने के बजाए मानव द्वारा निर्मित या निर्मित, आमतौर पर किसी प्राकृतिक चीज़ की नकल के रूप में। )
  • (of a person or a person's behavior) insincere or affected. ( (एक व्यक्ति या एक व्यक्ति के व्यवहार के) जिद या प्रभावित। )

artificial Example

  • The artificial light regimen followed natural conditions, and fish were fed once a day with fresh black mussel meat. ( कृत्रिम प्रकाश व्यवस्था ने प्राकृतिक परिस्थितियों का पालन किया, और मछली को दिन में एक बार ताजा काले मुसली मांस के साथ खिलाया गया। )
  • Visitors to Huntington Cemetery have been upset after a new sign went up banning ornaments, artificial flowers, jam jars and vases by gravesides. ( हटिंगटन कब्रिस्तान के आगंतुक एक नए संकेत के बाद गहने, कृत्रिम फूल, जाम जार और vases पर प्रतिबंध लगाकर परेशान हो गए हैं। )
  • He had his leg amputated and was fitted with an artificial limb. ( उन्होंने अपने पैर को विच्छिन्न कर लिया था और उन्हें कृत्रिम अंग लगाया गया था। )
  • We would like to see a policy that is led by the police, rather than an artificial device such as class A, class B, and class C drugs. ( हम ऐसी नीति को देखना चाहेंगे जो पुलिस के नेतृत्व में हो, बजाय क्लास ए, क्लास बी और क्लास सी ड्रग्स जैसे कृत्रिम उपकरण के। )
  • The blocks are load-bearing and convey the same effect with both natural and artificial light, the maker says. ( निर्माता लोड कहते हैं और दोनों प्राकृतिक और कृत्रिम प्रकाश के साथ एक ही प्रभाव को प्रभावित करते हैं। )
  • Their smiles aren't real, they are artificial , paid for by him. ( उनकी मुस्कान असली नहीं है, वे कृत्रिम हैं, उनके द्वारा भुगतान किया गया है। )
  • He keeps grinning an artificial smile while speaking whenever the photographer is clicking. ( जब भी फोटोग्राफर क्लिक कर रहा होता है तो वह कृत्रिम मुस्कुराहट बोलते हुए मुस्कुराता रहता है। )
  • It was the first time in years the day didn't seem forced and artificial . ( यह वर्षों में पहली बार था जब दिन जबरन और कृत्रिम नहीं लगता था। )
  • The politicians version of the Eurovision song contest has produced a rather artificial debate. ( यूरोविज़न गीत प्रतियोगिता के राजनेताओं के संस्करण ने एक कृत्रिम बहस पैदा की है। )
  • In this article we have made the somewhat artificial assumption that all new mutations have the same fitness effect. ( इस लेख में हमने कुछ कृत्रिम अनुमान लगाया है कि सभी नए उत्परिवर्तन का एक ही फिटनेस प्रभाव है। )

More Sentence

  • This provokes an artificial crisis which is used to discredit the unions by placing the blame directly on them for the crisis.
  • He went on to call the situation ‘an artificial crisis,’ caused by an increased demand resulting from all the publicity.
  • He also makes a point of using liqueur ingredients with natural rather than artificial flavorings.
  • High precision work is usually found to be lacking in the various units that manufacture artificial limbs.
  • There are many kinds of smiles, such as sarcastic, artificial or diplomatic smiles.
  • Shouldn't we support natural replenishment of fish stocks where possible rather than rely on artificial restocking?
  • Bids which carry an agreed meaning other than this are called artificial or conventional.
  • Did nobody else notice the artificial smile plastered on Hillary's face throughout?
  • Midwives aim to show a woman her own body's capacity to birth, rather than relying on artificial methods.
  • This system uses ambient light rather than an artificial light source.
  • Forcing an artificial smile, Sam waved to her, then held a finger to his lips.
  • The acting in Blackboard is of the stilted, artificial kind that seems so jarring to the modern viewer.
  • Above all, 82 accident victims need artificial hands and 91 others artificial limbs for survival.
  • The researchers trained moths to associate sugar-water with either yellow or blue artificial flowers.
  • Admittedly, it was an artificial situation because the operator knew what the problem was and what sequence of keys was needed to cause the fault.
  • Life gets so much easier if we give up the artificial notion that progress is linear.
  • For city-bred women, these mud pots are not meant to hold water but to accommodate flowers, both natural and artificial .
  • Straight through her flawless appearance and extraordinary manners I saw an artificial person.
  • Natural and artificial light is reflected from the polished and honed surfaces of the stone clad interior.
  • Now I work with Mahavir Seva Sadan, a manufacturer of artificial limbs.