article - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of article in Hindi
- लेख
- अनुच्छेद
- वस्तु
- विषय
- उल्लेख
- सामान्य वाक्य
- धारा
- चीज
- दफा
- निबन्ध
- एक शब्द वर्ग
- सामग्री
- माल
article Definition
- bind by the terms of a contract, as one of apprenticeship. ( एक अनुबंध की शर्तों के अनुसार, प्रशिक्षुता में से एक के रूप में। )
- a particular item or object, typically one of a specified type. ( एक विशेष वस्तु या वस्तु, आमतौर पर एक निर्दिष्ट प्रकार का। )
- a piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication. ( एक अखबार, पत्रिका या अन्य प्रकाशन में दूसरों के साथ शामिल लेखन का एक टुकड़ा। )
- a separate clause or paragraph of a legal document or agreement, typically one outlining a single rule or regulation. ( एक अखबार, पत्रिका या अन्य प्रकाशन में दूसरों के साथ शामिल लेखन का एक टुकड़ा।... )
article Example
- Prominent amongst these was the fact that the Commission had found simply that the agreement was in breach of the article . ( इनमें से प्रमुख यह था कि आयोग ने पाया था कि समझौता लेख के उल्लंघन में था। )
- Rule 2 of article IV lists a number of things for which the carrier is not responsible. ( अनुच्छेद IV के नियम 2 में कई चीजों को सूचीबद्ध किया गया है जिसके लिए वाहक जिम्मेदार नहीं है। )
- she's a right useless article ( वह एक सही बेकार लेख है )
- The other paragraphs of article IX.4 dealt with the position where the vessel could not be returned to the builder. ( लेख IX.4 के अन्य पैराग्राफों ने उस स्थिति से निपटा है जहां बर्तन बिल्डर को वापस नहीं किया जा सकता है। )
- The following is an article about our unit that was published in the Dallas Morning News. ( निम्नलिखित हमारी इकाई के बारे में एक लेख है जो डलास मॉर्निंग न्यूज़ में प्रकाशित हुआ था। )
- he was a bad article ( वह एक बुरा लेख था )
- By and large such shavers are seen as a single type of commercial article . ( इस प्रकार के और बड़े शेवरर्स को एक प्रकार के वाणिज्यिक लेख के रूप में देखा जाता है। )
- Every article of clothing reeks of foul-smelling smoke and those that cannot easily be washed have to be hung outside for days. ( बेईमानी-धुएँ के धुएँ और आसानी से धोए नहीं जा सकने वाले कपड़ों के हर लेख को दिनों के लिए बाहर लटका दिया जाना चाहिए। )
- Under section 139, it is for the prosecution to prove that the defendant knowingly had the offending article in his possession. ( धारा 139 के तहत अभियोजन पक्ष को यह साबित करना है कि प्रतिवादी ने जानबूझकर अपमानजनक लेख अपने कब्जे में लिया था। )
- an article about middle-aged executives ( मध्यम आयु वर्ग के अधिकारियों के बारे में एक लेख )
More Sentence
- 139 It should be emphasised that the enumeration of the first paragraph of article 15 is by way of example.
- It concerns the relationship between the two paragraphs of article 8.
- The lien may be claimed and maintained so long as the article remains in the possession of the lien claimant.
- Does article 105 of the Regulation have any application in the present case?
- It is a mistake to reduce the reform process in Egypt to the amendment of a single article of the constitution.
- The same issue could arise under article 2, paragraph 1, of the Covenant.
- For my part, I am not at all sure that in its original form the document was incompatible with article 43.
- The principal machine was capable of ironing 3,000 articles of clothing per day.
- He writes articles for newspapers and magazines on travel, scuba diving, underwater photography and heritage photography.
- It's become an article of faith among environmentalists, the idea of the Ecological Indian.
- Upon first reading it, many of the articles and clauses sounded very familiar.
- My experience is that the two propositions set forth in the preceding paragraph are articles of faith among this crowd.
- His costs prior to June 21st included 9.6 hours for him at $225 per hour and 4.7 hours for an articled student and two law clerks totaling $2461.50.
- In my class, instead of the typical reading and writing assignments we read newspaper and magazine articles , and wrote letters to the editor.
- Now in Canada, authorities are investigating the loss or theft of more than 1,000 articles of clothing that are part of the uniform worn by airport screeners.
- Literally translated into English, without articles , definite or indefinite, it becomes ‘return home occasional book’.
- Her one-sided piece is written purely from newspaper reports and magazine articles .
- Among those who attended were the staff of Messrs Dawson, Hart and Co, including an articled pupil, now a retired solicitor.
- A creed is meant to summarize the explicit teachings or articles of faith , to imbed and thus protect and transmit the beliefs.
- The training activities for women will be expanded from tailoring to beautician training, and the repair of household articles .