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artichoke - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of artichoke in Hindi

  • हाथी चक
  • आर्टीचोक
  • एक प्रकार का पौधा
  • चुकंदर
  • हाथी चक
  • आटि॔चोक

artichoke Definition

  • a European plant cultivated for its large thistlelike flower heads. ( एक यूरोपीय पौधे की खेती इसके बड़े थिसली के फूलों के सिर के लिए की जाती है। )

artichoke Example

  • They can include such herbs as dandelion root, aloe, artichoke , saffron, rhubarb root, gentian, angelica root, myrrh, and senna, to name a few. ( वे डंडेलियन रूट, मुसब्बर, आटिचोक, केसर, रूबर्ब रूट, जेंटियन, एंजेलिका रूट, लोहबान और सेन्ना जैसी जड़ी-बूटियों को कुछ नाम शामिल कर सकते हैं। )
  • Herbs such as dandelion leaf and root, milk thistle, artichoke , Oregon grape root, chelidonium and curcumin also support liver function. ( सिंहपर्णी पत्ती और जड़, दूध थीस्ल, आटिचोक, ओरेगन अंगूर की जड़, चेलिडोनियम और करक्यूमिन जैसे जड़ी बूटी भी जिगर समारोह का समर्थन करते हैं। )
  • Fructan occurs in many economically important species, for example, in the vegetative tissues of the temperate forage grasses and cereals and in the perennating organs of chicory, artichoke , asparagus, dahlia, and the onion family. ( फ्रुक्टेन कई आर्थिक रूप से महत्वपूर्ण प्रजातियों में होता है, उदाहरण के लिए, समशीतोष्ण चारागाह घास और अनाज के वनस्पति ऊतकों में और कासनी, आटिचोक, शतावरी, डाहलिया और प्याज परिवार के बारहमासी अंगों में। )
  • My husband had Porcini mushroom risotto with caramelised artichoke and truffle oil and it has to be said this dish must have been made by the best chef in the world. ( मेरे पति के पास कारमेलाइज़्ड आर्टिचोक और ट्रफल तेल के साथ पोर्सिनी मशरूम रिसोट्टो था और यह कहना होगा कि यह व्यंजन दुनिया के सर्वश्रेष्ठ शेफ द्वारा बनाया गया होगा। )
  • This is not the 2003 joke where Ramsay told a table of vegetarians that their artichoke soup had been made with vegetable stock when it was in fact made with chicken stock. ( यह 2003 का मजाक नहीं है जहां रामसे ने शाकाहारियों की एक तालिका को बताया कि उनके आर्टिचोक का सूप वनस्पति स्टॉक के साथ बनाया गया था जब यह वास्तव में चिकन स्टॉक के साथ बनाया गया था। )
  • The attention to culinary detail has already won the head chef Tony Singh national renown for a menu which includes chump of lamb with fondant potato, wild mushrooms and lentil jus, and vegetarian polenta, mushroom and artichoke ragout. ( पाक विवरण पर ध्यान पहले से ही मुख्य शेफ टोनी सिंह राष्ट्रीय मेन्यू में जा चुका है, जिसमें मेनू में आलू, जंगली मशरूम और मसूर की दाल के साथ चाट और शाकाहारी पोलेंटा, मशरूम और आटिचोक लैगआउट शामिल हैं। )
  • They are psyllium, taurine, dandelion, St Mary's Thistle, globe artichoke and slippery elm bark, which have liver protective, restorative properties. ( वे Psyllium, taurine, dandelion, St Mary's Thistle, ग्लोब आटिचोक और स्लिपरी एल्म छाल हैं, जिनमें लीवर सुरक्षात्मक, पुनर्स्थापना गुण हैं। )

More Sentence

  • He grows several dozen crops, including artichokes , shallots, watermelons, garlic, and many types of greens.
  • The Mediterranean vegetable garden includes an old water tank as well as displays of rosemary, thyme, pumpkins, figs, globe artichokes , olives and grapevines.
  • Beans, blueberries, cranberries, Russet potatoes, artichokes , pecans and cinnamon top the list.
  • The statuesque theme continues in the vegetable garden where there are great fronds of fennel and huge clumps of Cynara Scolymus - globe artichoke , their purple thistle heads abuzz with bees.
  • Dishes in olive oil included stuffed vine leaves, cabbage and artichokes , leeks and spinach boranaki.
  • Take your pick from young spinach picked that morning, tomatoes, garlic, artichokes , beans and peas, and home-made sheep's cheese.
  • Finally to keep the bed looking good nearly all year, he added permanent foliage plants - artichokes , rosemary, thyme - that also yield a harvest.
  • It's what remained after I had enjoyed a particularly good globe artichoke .
  • Nick opted for penne con pomodori secchi: sun-dried tomatoes, artichokes , basil and green chillies with olive oil in a light tomato sauce.
  • A thick mulch helps keep soil moist with minimum water use as you start winter crops of peas, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, radishes, garlic, artichokes , broccoli and cauliflower.
  • A starter of perfectly pan-fried scallops will come with red mullet and a salad of baby artichokes , beetroot and sliced truffle.
  • All we have to do is chop up some onion, cloves, celery, leeks, artichokes , and throw in a few fava beans.
  • Today, there are 345,000 acres of fields growing asparagus, sugar cane, citrus, mangos, artichokes , avocados, peppers and onions.
  • It is dense with artichokes , tomatoes, garlic, broad beans, peas, lettuce, rocket and more.
  • Arrange garlic, salsify and artichokes on other side and serve cardoons and mache on separate plate.
  • Milk thistle is best known for its curative effect on the human liver, but its flower heads are eaten like artichokes , and the roots are served boiled in Chile, its country of origin.
  • Add guinea hen jus, olives, artichokes , fennel and pearl onions and caramelize.
  • But there are also edible species of biennial, including carrots, parsley, parsnips and globe artichoke or cardoon.
  • Asparagus has an affinity with eggs, rocket, artichokes , leeks and truffle.
  • So I had my free lunch (very nice grilled chicken, duchesse potatoes, spinach, artichokes and baby corn, followed by a chocolatey/creamy confection with a delicious orange sauce) and then headed back into the office.
  • Beyond potatoes, peas, carrots spinach and aubergine, Western man has alternatives like asparagus, leeks and artichokes .
  • It would be fantastic with cavalo nero, white beans and raw artichokes .
  • Inulin is an all-natural fiber extract derived from the chicory root and also found in fruits and vegetables such as artichokes , asparagus, leeks, onions and bananas.