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arthritis - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of arthritis in Hindi

  • गठिया
  • जोड़ों का प्रदाह
  • आर्थ्राइटिस
  • जोड़ों की सूचन

arthritis Definition

  • painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints. ( दर्दनाक सूजन और जोड़ों की कठोरता। )

arthritis Example

  • she got arthritis ( उसे गठिया हो गया )
  • Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disorder and is the most common form of arthritis . ( ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस एक अपक्षयी संयुक्त विकार है और गठिया का सबसे आम रूप है। )
  • Yoga gives a lot of relief for those suffering from arthritis and pain in joints. ( गठिया और जोड़ों में दर्द से पीड़ित लोगों के लिए योग बहुत राहत देता है। )
  • People say that it can help people with illnesses such as arthritis and Parkinson's syndrome. ( लोगों का कहना है कि यह गठिया और पार्किंसंस सिंड्रोम जैसी बीमारियों से पीड़ित लोगों की मदद कर सकता है। )
  • He became an alcoholic, and had diabetes and arthritis , which meant he had to use a walking stick. ( वह शराबी बन गया, और उसे मधुमेह और गठिया था, जिसका मतलब था कि उसे चलने की छड़ी का उपयोग करना था। )
  • Bone and joint ailments such as arthritis and rheumatism are often reported too. ( गठिया और गठिया जैसे अस्थि और संयुक्त रोग अक्सर भी रिपोर्ट किए जाते हैं। )
  • Some people with psoriasis develop an inflammation of the joints known as psoriatic arthritis . ( सोरायसिस वाले कुछ लोग जोड़ों की सूजन विकसित करते हैं जिन्हें सोरियाटिक गठिया कहा जाता है। )
  • Obesity is a risk factor for heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis and diabetes. ( मोटापा हृदय रोग, उच्च रक्तचाप, गठिया और मधुमेह के लिए एक जोखिम कारक है। )
  • If the bunion develops as part of a more widespread arthritis , then other medication may be advised. ( यदि गोखरू अधिक व्यापक गठिया के हिस्से के रूप में विकसित होता है, तो अन्य दवा की सलाह दी जा सकती है। )
  • Mr Thomas said diabetes and arthritis had forced him to make the decision. ( श्री थॉमस ने कहा कि मधुमेह और गठिया ने उन्हें निर्णय लेने के लिए मजबूर किया। )
  • Older people may get pain in their jaw joint due to arthritis , when the joint becomes worn with age. ( पुराने लोगों को गठिया के कारण उनके जबड़े के जोड़ों में दर्द हो सकता है, जब संयुक्त उम्र के साथ बिगड़ जाता है। )
  • It was hoped the drug would help arthritis , leukaemia and multiple sclerosis. ( यह आशा थी कि दवा गठिया, ल्यूकेमिया और मल्टीपल स्केलेरोसिस में मदद करेगी। )

More Sentence

  • It can be used to relieve a number of illnesses from migraines to arthritis .
  • For example, arthritis is a long-term condition that causes painful and stiff joints.
  • The drug is now to be tested to see if it can help sufferers of Crohn's Disease and juvenile arthritis .
  • he has arthritis
  • We get through our cancer and heart disease only to face arthritis , dementia, and osteoporosis.
  • If the cartilage is worn away, by arthritis for example, it can make the joint painful and stiff.
  • He has a passion for gardening that remains undiminished despite painful arthritis in his hands.
  • I know of cases where cannabis has almost wiped out pain from such diseases as arthritis .
  • Smith told the jury that he had been in poor health for some years and suffered from asthma and arthritis .
  • Heart disease and arthritis are among the commonest conditions to affect quality of life.
  • Asthmatics and arthritics do better by objective measures, such as peak flow rate or flexibility.
  • Now I must rest my arthritic fingers, twisted with the hard labor of my 50 years.
  • ‘Dead Sea muds have a lot of sulfur in them, which is another mineral that arthritics tend to lack,’ explains Lee.
  • Mr Webster, from Blackley, died suddenly from a heart attack after being admitted for treatment to an arthritic hip.
  • An arthritic joint often contains loose bodies that interfere with smooth movement.