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arrogate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of arrogate in Hindi

  • हथियाना
  • हड़पना
  • किसी वस्‍तु पर झूठा दावा करना
  • अनधिकार चेष्‍टा करना
  • मिथ्‍या अभिमान करना

arrogate Definition

  • take or claim (something) for oneself without justification. ( औचित्य के बिना स्वयं के लिए (कुछ) दावा या दावा करें। )

arrogate Example

  • It is doubtful that the US can successfully arrogate this privilege only to itself. ( यह संदेह है कि अमेरिका केवल इस विशेषाधिकार को सफलतापूर्वक अपने आप में समेट सकता है। )
  • We didn't think you'd start trying to arrogate powers to yourself that aren't yours! ( हमने नहीं सोचा था कि आप खुद को शक्तियां प्रदान करने की कोशिश करना शुरू करेंगे जो आपके नहीं हैं! )
  • A monarch would attempt to arrogate power to himself, as do all the current Middle Eastern kings. ( एक सम्राट स्वयं को सत्ता से अलग करने का प्रयास करेगा, जैसा कि सभी मौजूदा मध्य पूर्वी राजा करते हैं। )
  • If Israel continues to seize and arrogate our land and ignore the rule of international law and legitimacy, then, yes, the ultimate outcome would be the resumption of violence and bloodshed. ( यदि इज़राइल हमारी भूमि को जब्त करना और रखना जारी रखता है और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय कानून और वैधता के नियम की अनदेखी करता है, तो, हाँ, अंतिम परिणाम हिंसा और रक्तपात की बहाली होगी। )
  • The government would not allow anybody to arrogate the right to themselves to reverse the victory of peace ‘our country and people achieved at a high cost in terms of loss in human lives and injury to very many’. ( सरकार किसी को भी यह अधिकार नहीं देगी कि वह अपने देश की शांति of हमारे देश और लोगों को विजय प्राप्त करने और मानव जीवन को नुकसान और बहुत से लोगों को चोट लगने की स्थिति में उच्च लागत पर विजय प्राप्त करने का अधिकार प्रदान करे। ' )
  • they arrogate to themselves the ability to divine the nation's true interests ( वे स्वयं को राष्ट्र के सच्चे हितों को दिव्य करने की क्षमता के लिए अहंकार करते हैं )
  • Even if the vote is held, it is clear that Washington continues to arrogate to itself the ‘right’ that it has claimed since 1914 to intervene and depose any Haitian government that fails to do its bidding.  ( यहां तक कि अगर मतदान होता है, तो यह स्पष्ट है कि वाशिंगटन अपने आप को vote सही ’बताने के लिए आगे बढ़ना जारी रखता है, जिसने 1914 के बाद से किसी भी हाईटियन सरकार को हस्तक्षेप करने और उसे हटाने का दावा किया है जो अपनी बोली लगाने में विफल रहती है। )

More Sentence

  • They arrogated this power to themselves under the phoney mandate of ‘global economic integration’.
  • A president who makes such a claim would be arrogating the right to be the ultimate arbiter of war and peace and to stand in judgment over the world.
  • It is heartening that the Court was, in the end, unpersuaded by the Executive's claim that it must have the unilateral powers it had arrogated to itself because we are in the midst of the war on terror.
  • And that was one of the things that I'm pointing out in my book, that the courts have arrogated power to themselves that should be given to the legislature.
  • Under the fiat money system the FED has arrogated unlimited powers to itself, namely, the power to print unlimited amounts of money.
  • There is no modern precedent in France for such an arrogation of emergency powers.
  • The Indonesian army has not faced any external threat since 1965 yet it has arrogated enormous powers to itself inside the country.
  • The arrogation of such power to the judges would usurp those functions of government, which are controlled and distributed by powers whose authority is derived from the ballot box.
  • Rauschenberg's re-telling of the story becomes a sardonic portrait of American foreign policy, in which the imperial power claims exclusive rights to victim-status as a prelude to arrogating the right to inflict suffering on others.
  • The judiciary's authority and independence was significantly impaired during the Abacha era by the military regime's arrogation of judicial power and prohibition of court review of its action.
  • The sad irony is that, so long as he arrogated the country's bear-hunting rights largely to himself, the bear population flourished.
  • To presume to have all the answers is nothing but dangerous delusion for it is based on the arrogation of divine potency.
  • There is, in fact, a firm bloc of three reactionaries - Scalia, Rehnquist and Thomas - that supports the executive branch's arrogation of unprecedented police powers.
  • Neither in World War II nor in the Cold War did US administrations go so far in restricting civil liberties or arrogating unlimited power to the executive branch.
  • In this, the government with a good majority is actually arrogating the powers of Parliament.
  • He describes the austerities he endured on the long road to ordination and the claims he arrogated to himself as a priest.
  • For the dollar to fulfill the function to which it arrogated itself, winning this battle with gold was a life-and-death matter.
  • The real problem is that due to Chen's playing with this topic in hints and suggestions, and arrogating the decision to himself rather than a more democratic process, it is now virtually too late for such a decision to be taken.
  • The Executive Branch arrogates the authority to become the investigator, the prosecutor, the judge, the jury, and then the executioner.