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arrogant - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of arrogant in Hindi

  • अभिमानी
  • हठी
  • हेकड़
  • अक्खड़
  • दम्भी

arrogant Definition

  • having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities. ( किसी की अपनी महत्ता या क्षमताओं का अतिरंजित भाव रखना या प्रकट करना। )

arrogant Example

  • Schumacher is arrogant , triumphalist, sneering and a routine breaker of the rules. ( शूमाकर अभिमानी, विजयी, स्नेही और नियमों का नियमित तोड़ने वाला होता है। )
  • Tip in Iceland and you will be seen as arrogant and patronising - and you might get hot soup in your lap. ( आइसलैंड में टिप और आपको अभिमानी और संरक्षक के रूप में देखा जाएगा - और आपको अपनी गोद में गर्म सूप मिल सकता है। )
  • It is the preference and importance given to the male child that makes him arrogant . ( यह पुरुष बच्चे को दी जाने वाली वरीयता और महत्व है जो उसे अभिमानी बनाता है। )
  • As we continue to fight this war almost alone, it is hard to estimate how costly that arrogant decision was. ( जैसा कि हम इस युद्ध को लगभग अकेले ही लड़ते रहे हैं, यह अनुमान लगाना कठिन है कि कितना घमंडी निर्णय था। )
  • Yet the arrogant decision to hide these documents away has left a festering sore which has never healed. ( फिर भी इन दस्तावेजों को छुपाने के अभिमानी निर्णय ने एक उत्सव की नाराज़गी छोड़ दी है जो कभी ठीक नहीं हुई। )
  • He said it was arrogant to suggest residents should move to a quieter area. ( उन्होंने कहा कि यह सुझाव देना अभिमानी था कि निवासियों को एक शांत क्षेत्र में जाना चाहिए। )
  • They were more excessive, more arrogant , more abusive than any of their predecessors. ( वे अपने पूर्ववर्तियों की तुलना में अधिक अत्यधिक, अधिक अभिमानी, अधिक अपमानजनक थे। )
  • I wouldn't be so arrogant as to say people don't understand the good things we are doing in this area. ( मैं इतना अहंकारी नहीं होऊंगा कि लोग इस क्षेत्र में हमारे द्वारा किए जा रहे अच्छे कामों को न समझें। )
  • To the country, it would suggest that an arrogant elite was simply arranging the transfer of power. ( देश में, यह सुझाव देगा कि एक अभिमानी अभिजात वर्ग केवल सत्ता हस्तांतरण की व्यवस्था कर रहा था। )
  • If that doesn't work, he will simply dismiss criticism with an arrogant shrug. ( अगर वह काम नहीं करता है, तो वह केवल एक अभिमानी झाड़ी के साथ आलोचना को खारिज कर देगा। )

More Sentence

  • Charles was arrogant , conceited and a strong believer in the divine rights of kings.
  • It's essential for you not to let yourself appear arrogant and conceited because of this.
  • Alex, who is rather arrogant and unpleasant, begins to receive strange text messages.
  • In reality, Fawzia was more shy than cold, and she certainly wasn't arrogant or haughty.
  • Friends of Hendrie say that some people consider him to be arrogant and superior.
  • Nella was still angry at their patronising and arrogant behaviour towards her in those times.
  • I know all this sounds stupid and arrogant but I don't pretend at any level to be able to govern anyone.
  • They look a little deeper into the matter without being pompous, arrogant or patronising.
  • One of the worst things you can be accused of today is being arrogant or offensive - even to animals.
  • Those who worked with Cameron found him arrogant and unyielding to pressure to alter the course he had set.
  • Mr Blair arrogantly takes a third term for granted.
  • I cannot believe the number of drivers who stupidly, or arrogantly , think driving on sidelights is sufficient in adverse weather.
  • While other nations have for years lived in fear of terrorism, we had arrogantly assumed we were invulnerable.
  • He is an unassuming man, devoid of arrogance , a few years too old to be called a prodigy.
  • Gone is the shameless arrogance and empire building of the previous incumbents.
  • The official media has stressed the culpability of the American side and the arrogance of its leaders.
  • More and more governments are having to step in and override these magistrates who arrogantly refuse to take note of public disquiet.
  • The boundary between projecting himself as strong and looking arrogantly defiant is a line Tony Blair will have to tread carefully this week.
  • The audacity and arrogance of that move has not been lost on the people of New Zealand.
  • From this side of the Channel, one can easily pour scorn on Gallic arrogance .