aroma - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of aroma in Hindi
aroma Definition
- a distinctive, typically pleasant smell. ( एक विशिष्ट, आम तौर पर सुखद गंध। )
aroma Example
- There is nothing better first thing in the morning than the aroma of a fresh mug of coffee. ( कॉफी के एक ताजा मग की सुगंध की तुलना में सुबह में कुछ भी बेहतर नहीं है। )
- It was stuffed with something soft that rustled and smelt pleasant: a potpourri aroma . ( यह कुछ नरम के साथ भरवां था जो जंग लगा और सुखद रूप से पिघला देता है: एक आलू की सुगंध। )
- Eugenol, which is also present in cinnamon, is the substance which gives cloves their distinctive aroma . ( यूजेनॉल, जो दालचीनी में भी मौजूद है, वह पदार्थ है जो लौंग को उनकी विशिष्ट सुगंध देता है। )
- the aroma of officialdom ( आधिकारिक तौर पर सुगंध )
- A pleasant aroma wafted into the air and there were smiling faces all around. ( एक सुखद सुगंध हवा में बह गई और चारों ओर मुस्कुराते हुए चेहरे थे। )
- Katrina could smell the aroma of pasta sauce and hear the sizzling of the greasy pan. ( कैटरीना पास्ता सॉस की खुशबू सूँघ सकती है और चिकना पैन सुन सकती है। )
- It is an era of, an aroma of, an aura of some mesmerizing music performance. ( यह एक युग है, जो कुछ संगीतमय संगीत प्रदर्शन की आभा की सुगंध है। )
- She lit up and Geoffrey could smell the pungent aroma of what he guessed must be Marijuana. ( वह जल गई और जेफ्री मारिजुआना होना चाहिए जो उसने अनुमान लगाया की तीखी सुगंध को सूंघ सकता है। )
- Remember that if you smoke in your home or have pets, you may not be able to smell a lingering aroma but your buyer can. ( याद रखें कि यदि आप अपने घर में धूम्रपान करते हैं या आपके पास पालतू जानवर हैं, तो आप एक सुगंधित सुगंध को सूंघ नहीं सकते हैं लेकिन आपका खरीदार कर सकता है। )
- I could smell the sweet aroma of honeydew trees wafting softly on the gentle breeze. ( मैं सौम्य हवाओं पर कोमलता से प्रतीक्षा कर रहे मधु वृक्षों की मीठी सुगंध सूँघ सकता था। )
- the tantalizing aroma of fresh coffee ( ताजी कॉफी की सुगंधित सुगंध )
More Sentence
- Police checked the area, finding only the usual ambient aroma of free-floating malaise.
- Looking around the town's square he could smell the wonderful aroma of bread and meats being prepared for the night.
- The aroma of the fresh coffee could be smelled half way down the street, says Muriel.
- The malt's bouquet slowly presents a range of dry, tantalizing aromas , including nuts, honey and grain.
- I'm about to have my tea, the pleasant aromas of which are tickling my nose as I type.
- Intoxicating smells of chilli, chocolate and cooking tortillas mingle with the less pleasant aromas of fish and meat.
- The air smelled of cotton candy and popcorn, the fresh and tantalizing aromas of childhood.
- Residents can smell the aromas of sizzling bacon and fresh-brewed coffee from down the hall before they ever see their meal.
- You can feel the romance, you can hear the waiters shout impatiently in their own language and you can smell the sweet aromas of Italian fare.
- As we arrived, we could smell the aromas of the food outside the house.
- On the nose, it has strong, fragrant aromas of gooseberry and lime, supported by searingly fresh acidity on the palate.
- Simple things such as clean windows, fresh flowers in a vase and pleasant aromas can make a world of difference.
- Since both saffron and turmeric have quite strong, distinctive aromas , it should be easy to discern one from the other.