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arduous - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of arduous in Hindi

  • कठिन
  • कर्मठ
  • बीहड़
  • मुश्किल
  • दुष्कर
  • दुःसाध्य
  • आयासपूर्ण

arduous Definition

  • involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring. ( शामिल करने या ज़ोरदार प्रयास की आवश्यकता; कठिन और थका देने वाला। )

arduous Example

  • It can be a long and arduous task and very often ends in failure. ( यह एक लंबा और कठिन काम हो सकता है और अक्सर विफलता में समाप्त होता है। )
  • It had been a long and arduous journey from her home in Scotland and she was weary to her bones. ( यह स्कॉटलैंड में अपने घर से एक लंबी और कठिन यात्रा रही थी और वह अपनी हड्डियों से परेशान थी। )
  • Following a long and arduous journey which took him through Syria, Cyprus and Turkey, he made it to Britain. ( एक लंबी और कठिन यात्रा के बाद जो उसे सीरिया, साइप्रस और तुर्की के रास्ते ले गई, उसने इसे ब्रिटेन में बनाया। )
  • The Meath man believes his players need to work hard as a team and foresees an arduous training schedule. ( मथे आदमी का मानना है कि उसके खिलाड़ियों को एक टीम के रूप में कड़ी मेहनत करने की जरूरत है और एक कठिन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम की उम्मीद है। )
  • All this requires much arduous , painstaking, and sometimes confusing work. ( यह सब बहुत कठिन, श्रमसाध्य और कभी-कभी भ्रमित करने वाले काम की आवश्यकता है। )
  • Michael's task is an arduous one, but critical to the well-being of 2.5m people. ( माइकल का कार्य एक कठिन है, लेकिन 2.5 मी लोगों की भलाई के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। )
  • Technology has rendered once arduous tasks easy and opened up a world of possibilities for ordinary people. ( प्रौद्योगिकी ने कठिन कार्यों को एक बार आसान बना दिया है और आम लोगों के लिए संभावनाओं की दुनिया खोल दी है। )
  • Thanks to everyone who gave their time and effort to the arduous task. ( उन सभी को धन्यवाद जिन्होंने कठिन कार्य को अपना समय और प्रयास दिया। )
  • This two and a half day nonstop boat trip is just part of the arduous journey to bring help. ( यह ढाई दिन की नॉनस्टॉप बोट यात्रा मदद लाने के लिए कठिन यात्रा का हिस्सा है। )
  • This is a long and arduous task, one that the authorities admit has had only very limited success to date. ( यह एक लंबा और कठिन काम है, एक जिसे अधिकारियों ने स्वीकार किया है उसे अब तक बहुत ही सीमित सफलता मिली है। )

More Sentence

  • It is now possible to hire out the equipment needed to assist you in this arduous task.
  • It also seemed that the younger and frailer you were, the more arduous were your physical tasks.
  • Despite the arduous task of bringing in money, the Arts Support group had an excellent time.
  • Before becoming a Mass server one had to learn the Latin responses and this was a long and arduous task.
  • Sometimes they have to walk great distances and then carry the water back - an arduous task.
  • Her latest solo record bid is probably the most hazardous and arduous challenge that she has faced.
  • Armed with machetes they worked with their woodsmen in the arduous task of trail cutting.
  • Artists say that getting their art shown in galleries is an arduous and difficult process.
  • Approach difficult people and arduous tasks with a light and positive attitude.
  • The government is grappling with the arduous task of providing relief to distant islands.
  • My father and I then arduously lifted it into the trunk.
  • To compete successfully in these events, runners must train arduously and consistently, be agile and maintain a strategy for the race.
  • The reunion is imperilled by the physical arduousness of the journey, the boys' suspicions about the father's true motives and the volatile dynamics among the three.
  • Labor specialists agree that while most job candidates tend arduously to minute details regarding their resume and/or their appearance, they often overlook the significance of using language correctly.
  • Nothing daunted, Theroux embarked last year on a journey of astonishing arduousness .
  • However, the arduousness of this process, and the attempts to block it, should not be forgotten.
  • Further, the arduousness of state work could be increasingly offset through greater employment of automation and information technology.
  • One pianist who had been studying music arduously needed to go back and have fun with it before he could really begin the process of successful learning.
  • This kind of cataloging requires mental stamina; overall, he has carefully and arduously selected suitable entries.
  • I can fax, chat on the net or make a cell-phone call abroad but when I walk over to my nephew's house, only a mile and a half away in a rural campus, my journey has a Victorian arduousness to it.