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arbitrary - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of arbitrary in Hindi

  • मनमाना
  • विवेकाधीन
  • एकपक्षीय

arbitrary Definition


  • based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. ( किसी भी कारण या प्रणाली के बजाय यादृच्छिक विकल्प या व्यक्तिगत सनक के आधार पर। )

arbitrary Example

  • They become a matter of subjective and arbitrary whim if they are cut off from collective deliberations. ( यदि वे सामूहिक विचार-विमर्श से कट जाते हैं, तो वे व्यक्तिपरक और मनमानी की बात बन जाते हैं। )
  • This system was so arbitrary and irrational that it resulted in large numbers of poor persons being excluded. ( यह प्रणाली इतनी मनमानी और तर्कहीन थी कि इसके परिणामस्वरूप बड़ी संख्या में गरीब व्यक्तियों को बाहर रखा गया। )
  • If not, what is to prevent the exercise of excessive or arbitrary power? ( यदि नहीं, तो अत्यधिक या मनमानी शक्ति के व्यायाम को रोकने के लिए क्या है? )
  • By the time of the Revolution, the standing army had become a symbol of repressive authority and arbitrary rule. ( क्रांति के समय तक, खड़ी सेना दमनकारी अधिकार और मनमाने शासन का प्रतीक बन गई थी। )
  • The question seemed rather arbitrary with no rhyme or reason whatsoever. ( सवाल यह था कि कोई तुक या तर्क नहीं था। )
  • That was the system - arbitrary , incomprehensible, illogical - and fairness had nothing to do with it. ( वह व्यवस्था थी - मनमाना, अतर्क्य, अतार्किक - और निष्पक्षता का इससे कोई लेना-देना नहीं था। )
  • In contemporary frameworks, the rule of generalization invokes a singular term, the arbitrary constant introduced into the text. ( समकालीन ढांचे में, सामान्यीकरण का नियम एक विलक्षण शब्द को आमंत्रित करता है, पाठ में पेश किया गया मनमाना स्थिरांक। )
  • To each triangle, there exists a similar triangle of arbitrary magnitude. ( प्रत्येक त्रिभुज में, मनमाने परिमाण के समान त्रिभुज मौजूद है। )

More Sentence

  • The following films deal with rebellion against arbitrary or repressive authority.
  • It also meant freedom from arbitrary power, which by 1792 was being routinely identified as the power of any king.
  • He was an eloquent opponent of the exercise of arbitrary power by governments the world over.
  • The very idea of the rule of law is partly derived from the conclusion that it is reasonable and morally good to limit arbitrary power.
  • So too, one might think that an organized police force poses less of a threat of arbitrary power than a volunteer force.
  • The historical reason for this time limit was based on arbitrary precedent.
  • These kings have not unlimited or arbitrary power, and the generals do more by example than by authority.
  • They have, I believe, lost their way and taken a path that can only lead back to the supremacy of arbitrary power.
  • The numbering of years is a cultural artifact based on some rather arbitrary decisions made along the way.
  • But why should we give that arbitrary power to any civil servant?
  • Yes, this requires work - but that is what makes it a justice system rather than one of arbitrary punishment.
  • Make sure the decision about who goes is not arbitrary or based on favoritism.
  • Capricious and arbitrary as the system might be, it serves several contradictory needs at once.
  • This numbering system is an arbitrary designation based on small amino acid sequence differences.
  • In the fourteenth century, two parallel movements were under way to enforce Magna Carta's curbs on arbitrary royal authority.
  • Any system of classification is arbitrary and thus frail, subject to the contradictions of experience.
  • His either/or choice was arbitrary and unnecessary, and he hurt his organization as a result.
  • To put those forms of authority on the same register as the state and-worse-subject them all to the arbitrary power of the state is not helpful.
  • How you can tell whether a binary number of arbitrary size is divisible by 10 without looking at the whole number?
  • Citizens, too, began to complain that the economic system was bafflingly arbitrary .
  • Why couldn't people see that tradition, while rather arbitrary , was the only fair way to do things?
  • The use of the severity and rarity criteria has meant that arbitrary and unjust decisions have been applied to many claims.