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Arab - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of Arab in Hindi

  • अरब
  • अरब देशवासी
  • अरब देश का

Arab Definition


  • a member of a Semitic people, originally from the Arabian peninsula and neighboring territories, inhabiting much of the Middle East and North Africa. ( एक सेमिटिक लोगों का सदस्य, जो मूल रूप से अरब प्रायद्वीप और पड़ोसी क्षेत्रों से है, जो मध्य पूर्व और उत्तरी अफ्रीका के अधिकांश हिस्से में बसा हुआ है। )
  • an Arabian horse. ( एक अरबी घोड़ा। )


  • of or relating to Arabia and the people of Arabia. ( या अरब और अरब के लोगों से संबंधित है। )

Arab Example

  • Improvements have occurred in Bangladesh, Pakistan and most Arab States. ( बांग्लादेश, पाकिस्तान और अधिकांश अरब राज्यों में सुधार हुआ है। )
  • In the past, several Arab leaders buttressed the feeling of Arab unity. ( अतीत में, कई अरब नेताओं ने अरब एकता की भावना को झुका दिया। )
  • she's an Arab ( वह एक अरब है )
  • The heart of the book is a trip to Egypt, where the writer attempts to ‘understand Arab culture’. ( पुस्तक का दिल मिस्र की यात्रा है, जहाँ लेखक अरब संस्कृति को समझने का प्रयास करता है। ' )
  • Here's a piece about a public health magazine founded last year in Jerusalem and run by Jewish and Arab doctors. ( यरुशलम में पिछले साल स्थापित एक सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य पत्रिका के बारे में एक टुकड़ा और यहूदी और अरब डॉक्टरों द्वारा चलाए जा रहे हैं। )
  • That blob of silver takes away from the Arab 's beautiful, large, wide-set eyes. ( चांदी की वह बूँद अरब की सुंदर, बड़ी, चौड़ी आँखों से दूर हो जाती है। )
  • But, caught on the continent's horn, it isn't of Africa - it is neither Arab north nor Bantu south. ( लेकिन, महाद्वीप के सींग पर पकड़ा गया, यह अफ्रीका का नहीं है - यह न तो अरब उत्तर में है और न ही बंटू दक्षिण में है। )
  • he's Arab ( वह अरब है )
  • It was here that he helped draw together the previously warring Arab tribes into a fighting force capable of attacking the Turkish enemy. ( यह यहां था कि उन्होंने तुर्की के दुश्मन पर हमला करने में सक्षम एक युद्ध बल में पहले से लड़ रहे अरब जनजातियों को एक साथ खींचने में मदद की। )
  • But it wasn't until nearly 300 years later that Arab traders began to boil or roast these precious beans. ( लेकिन यह लगभग 300 साल बाद तक नहीं था जब अरब व्यापारियों ने इन कीमती बीन्स को उबालना या भूनना शुरू किया। )
  • Likewise, Arab sailors carried back ship loads of handicrafts from India. (  इसी तरह, अरब नाविकों ने भारत से हस्तशिल्प के जहाज लोड को वापस ले लिया। )

More Sentence

  • The main markets were in Germany, Austria, Italy, France, the US and Arab countries.
  • The ambassador returned to Alexandria's Arab quarter, disguised in a red tarboosh.
  • In other words, seven-eighths of ancient Palestine now makes up Arab states, predominantly Jordan and Syria.
  • Iraq, that legendary bastion of Arab culture and letters, is not represented in Frankfurt, by the way.
  • One of the problems has been the shortage of Arab speakers.
  • These are only a tiny fraction of the theories given by Arab viewers but, for the sake of brevity, I will not recount them all.
  • He was strongly revered by Emiratis and other Arabs across the Middle East.
  • For example, the Palestinians, like other Arabs , are also semitic, even though most are Muslim and many are Christian.
  • Racing changed its complexion as thoroughbreds replaced Arabs .
  • It's on a par with exporting sand to the Arabs - an Englishman is selling haggis to the Scots.
  • I am an Indian citizen and I don't share the views of European people in the west or the Arabs in the Middle East.
  • Trans-Sahara trade with North Africans and Arabs began to transform these northern societies greatly.
  • With Orientalism, Said transformed the way people looked at Islam, the Arabs , and the Middle East.
  • Most are Arabs , for centuries bred for toughness and distance.
  • In her book The Myth of Napoleon's Horse, Jill Hamilton revealed that this horse was just one of many white Arabs in the imperial stables.
  • Assyrians were in the region long before the British, the Ottomans, the Arabs , and the Kurds.
  • Nearly 300,000 North African Arabs , for example, fought in the ranks of the Free French.
  • The history of the Roman Empire figures in this story, but so do the Arabs and the Germans and the Slavs.
  • Later, with the fall of the empire, it was settled by Germanic Visigoths, then Arabs and Moors.