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aquifer - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of aquifer in Hindi

  • जलभृत

aquifer Definition

  • a body of permeable rock that can contain or transmit groundwater. ( पारगम्य चट्टान का एक पिंड जो भूजल को शामिल या संचारित कर सकता है। )

aquifer Example

  • Groundwater comes from an aquifer , an underground zone of saturated sand, gravel, or rock that yields significant quantities of water. ( भूजल एक जलभृत, संतृप्त रेत, बजरी या चट्टान के एक भूमिगत क्षेत्र से आता है जो पानी की महत्वपूर्ण मात्रा पैदा करता है। )
  • If dry-based ice covered the area, the aquifer would have become inactive. ( यदि सूखा आधारित बर्फ क्षेत्र को कवर करता है, तो एक्वीफर निष्क्रिय हो जाता है। )
  • A less pleasant possibility was that we had intercepted an aquifer . ( एक कम सुखद संभावना यह थी कि हमने एक जलभृत बनाया था। )
  • Therefore, the results of a wet base or a dry base are the same if the upper part of the aquifer is frozen: it is not possible to transmit water from the glacier into the rock mass. ( इसलिए, एक गीले आधार या सूखे आधार के परिणाम समान होते हैं यदि एक्वीफर का ऊपरी हिस्सा जम जाता है: ग्लेशियर से पानी को चट्टान द्रव्यमान में स्थानांतरित करना संभव नहीं है। )
  • Likewise, most of the water supply for the town of Sonoyta, as well as the nearby border town of Lukeville, comes from the groundwater aquifer . ( इसी तरह, सोनॉयटा शहर के लिए पानी की आपूर्ति के साथ-साथ पास के सीमावर्ती शहर ल्यूकविले का अधिकांश पानी भूजल एक्विफर से आता है। )

More Sentence

  • The groundwater moved through the aquifer which was close to the Carrigower River, a designated Special Area of Conservation.
  • Groundwater is found at varying depths underneath the earth's surface, in permeable rocks known as aquifers which are saturated by the infiltration of rainfall.
  • These saline waters get pulled into local aquifers as wells and groundwater supplies are overdrawn.
  • Such an effect has been enhanced by the extended, often illegal, overpumping of the deltaic aquifers .
  • There are over 100 surface pumps that remove water from aquifers , geologic units where water is stored between grains of sand or in rock fissures.
  • Irrigation is overwhelmingly the largest use of the water from each of these aquifers .
  • Urbanization in turn leads to further adverse environmental effects, such as contamination of soils, surface water and aquifers through poor sanitation.
  • Chalk rivers are fed from groundwater aquifers , which produce clear waters and a generally stable flow and temperature regime.
  • The artificial recharge of aquifers could help to counter overexploitation of groundwater resources.
  • Today water-resource managers must increasingly consider how withdrawals affect the amount of water flowing in and out of aquifers .
  • But the complex geology overlying the mountain aquifers continues to challenge researchers.
  • Because of the long residence times typical of most bodies of groundwater, contaminated aquifers are not readily restored by natural processes.
  • Percolation pits dug along the lengths of the bunds would facilitate recharge of groundwater aquifers .
  • The movement of saline water into freshwater aquifers , or saltwater intrusion, is usually caused by ground water pumping from coastal wells.
  • The earth could not absorb the rainwater; as a result groundwater aquifers could not recharge.