aquatic - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of aquatic in Hindi
- जलीय
- पानी का
- उदिक
- आबी
- पानी के
- जलचर
- जलसम्बन्धीय
- पानी में पैदा होने वाला
aquatic Definition
- of or relating to water. ( या पानी से संबंधित )
- an aquatic plant or animal, typically one suitable for a pond or aquarium. ( एक जलीय पौधे या जानवर, आमतौर पर एक तालाब या मछलीघर के लिए उपयुक्त है। )
- sports played in or on water. ( पानी में या उस पर खेले जाने वाले खेल। )
aquatic Example
- Part six examines phenology of particular life forms including aquatic plants and animals, insects, birds, and large mammals. ( भाग छह जलीय पौधों और जानवरों, कीड़े, पक्षियों और बड़े स्तनधारियों सहित विशेष रूप से जीवन रूपों की फेनोलॉजी की जांच करता है। )
- Six new records were also established for the day by school teams erasing previous marks records set by the school teams at the meet which kicked off the aquatic sports calendar for the year 2001. ( स्कूल टीमों द्वारा उस दिन के लिए छह नए रिकॉर्ड भी स्थापित किए गए, जो स्कूल टीमों द्वारा निर्धारित पिछले अंक रिकॉर्ड को मिटाते हैं, जिसने वर्ष 2001 के लिए जलीय खेल कैलेंडर को बंद कर दिया था। )
- Swimming and aquatic exercise offer a gentle resistance to movement that is both exerting and soothing. ( तैराकी और जलीय व्यायाम आंदोलन के लिए एक सौम्य प्रतिरोध प्रदान करते हैं जो कि बहुत अधिक और सुखदायक है। )
- The aquatic sports do not have to face the issues surrounding gravity and its impact upon them. ( जलीय खेलों को गुरुत्वाकर्षण के आसपास के मुद्दों और उन पर इसके प्रभाव का सामना नहीं करना पड़ता है। )
- The general consensus seems to be that this particular aquatic adventure is too water logged for its own good. ( सामान्य सर्वसम्मति से लगता है कि यह विशेष जलीय साहसिक भी अपने स्वयं के अच्छे के लिए पानी लॉग इन किया गया है। )
- In place of managed turf to the water's edge, plant aquatic vegetation along out-of-play shorelines. ( पानी की धार के लिए प्रबंधित टर्फ के स्थान पर, आउट-ऑफ-द-गेम तटरेखा के साथ जलीय वनस्पति लगाते हैं। )
- Work is continuing on the Clodiagh river to improve the aquatic environment by reducing pollution and preventing the river bed from drying up in summer. ( प्रदूषण को कम करने और नदी के बिस्तर को गर्मियों में सूखने से रोकने के लिए जलीय पर्यावरण में सुधार करने के लिए क्लोडियाग नदी पर काम जारी है। )
- If you can't leave the kids behind, face-painting, interactive games, beach volleyball, aquatic sports and a wall-climb are happening too. ( यदि आप बच्चों को पीछे नहीं छोड़ सकते हैं, तो फेस-पेंटिंग, इंटरैक्टिव गेम्स, बीच वॉलीबॉल, जलीय खेल और दीवार पर चढ़ना भी हो रहा है। )
- An aquatic centre, due for completion in 2006, will provide two 50-metre pools and other facilities, whether or not the London Olympics bid succeeds. ( 2006 में पूरा होने के कारण एक जलीय केंद्र, दो 50-मीटर पूल और अन्य सुविधाएं प्रदान करेगा, चाहे लंदन ओलंपिक बोली न हो। )
- He takes the view that exposure to overseas competitions is necessary for promising divers in order to register advances in this aquatic sport. ( वह इस बात को ध्यान में रखता है कि इस जलीय खेल में अग्रिमों को दर्ज करने के लिए गोताखोरों के लिए विदेशी प्रतियोगिताओं के लिए जोखिम आवश्यक है। )
More Sentence
- Staff at a Sheffield poultry firm, a farmer in Jedburgh and employees at an aquatic shop in Newcastle upon Tyne all escaped unscathed.
- The second part of the plan is meant to set up standards to ensure that enough water always remains in rivers to support the aquatic environment.
- Adequate flow in our rivers is necessary for the maintenance of aquatic life, to prevent saline water intrusion and to protect riparian rights.
- Research shows that the wetland is home to at least 202 species of plants and 56 aquatic animals, including endangered frogs and turtles.
- More than half the creeks and rivers in central California have pesticides at levels deadly to aquatic life
- Even the water park, which will be part of an Olympic-size aquatic centre, will have a Christian theme, with laser shows depicting Bible stories such as Jonah and the whale and David and Goliath.
- I'm not surprised about the $10 million cost of the aquatic facility at the Memorial Baths site.
- The meet was an unqualified success: a glitzy, two-week, global advertisement for swimming and the other aquatic sports.
- The committee were quite annoyed this year with the fact that, after all the work carried out to improve the environment of the river to allow aquatic life to survive.
- The second phase includes an aquatic center with water slides, and a third phase includes an auditorium that can be converted into an indoor soccer facility.
- For more than a decade, Lismore City Council has been testing the waters for a new aquatic facility for the city.
- They typically eat insects and floating vegetable matter but their diet also includes zooplankton, aquatic insect larvae, and worms.
- Frogs, crabs, molluscs, aquatic insects, and larvae are some of the items included in their diets.
- Plankton are eaten by small fish and other animal organisms such as aquatic insects and their larvae, which in turn are eaten by larger fish.
- Hi, I'm thinking more and more about starting an aquatic shop in my town.
- It is sad that a sport, ranking in importance and prestige second only to track and field, has to become what it is in the contest of aquatic sports in Sri Lanka.
- A platypus feeds primarily on aquatic crustaceans, insect larvae, and some plants.
- The Indo-Pacific is the most abundant oceanic region for aquatic life and Sipadan seems to be home for most of them.
- I mean this is a great sport for the Olympics, they've got these wonderful aquatic centres built for every Olympics, you'd love to be in one of those, wouldn't you?
- Up close, looking at a typical Tomaselli is like looking through water into an artificial aquatic world.