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aquarium - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of aquarium in Hindi

  • मछलीघर
  • जल-क़ुंड
  • मत्स्यालय
  • जलचरगृह
  • जलजीवशाला

aquarium Definition

  • a transparent tank of water in which fish and other water creatures and plants are kept. ( पानी का एक पारदर्शी टैंक जिसमें मछली और अन्य जल जीव और पौधे रखे जाते हैं। )

aquarium Example

  • Beginning May 1, he will live seven days under water, trapped inside a human aquarium . ( 1 मई से, वह पानी के नीचे सात दिनों तक जीवित रहेगा, एक मानव मछलीघर के अंदर फंस गया। )
  • In the dream I have a job working at a sort of aquarium / waterworld place with dolphins and stuff. ( सपने में मेरे पास डॉल्फिन और सामान के साथ एक तरह का मछलीघर / वॉटरवर्ल्ड जगह पर काम करना है। )
  • A temperature of 28 to 32 degree Celsius was maintained in the aquarium and the fish adapted to it. ( मछलीघर में 28 से 32 डिग्री सेल्सियस का तापमान बनाए रखा गया था और मछली को इसके अनुकूल बनाया गया था। )
  • At the nearby aquarium , the children were awestruck by the different kinds of fish. ( पास के एक्वेरियम में बच्चे तरह-तरह की मछलियों से अटे पड़े थे। )
  • In Swakopmund the ministry is located in the double-storey beach-front building next to the aquarium . ( स्वकोपमुंड में मंत्रालय मछलीघर के बगल में दो मंजिला बीच-सामने की इमारत में स्थित है। )
  • We got a beautiful aquarium and everything to go with it from fish and plant friendly chemicals to plants and rocks. ( हमें एक सुंदर मछलीघर और उसके साथ मछली और पौधे से लेकर पौधों और चट्टानों तक जाने के लिए सब कुछ मिला। )
  • If you have a saltwater tank or freshwater plant aquarium , just ignore me. ( यदि आपके पास एक खारे पानी की टंकी या मीठे पानी का प्लांट एक्वेरियम है, तो मुझे अनदेखा करें। )
  • In 1843 a reptile house was opened, an aquarium in 1853, and an insect house in 1881. ( 1843 में एक सरीसृप घर खोला गया, 1853 में एक मछलीघर और 1881 में एक कीट घर। )
  • The grinning Michael beckoned me over the side and we stepped into a shallow aquarium of sun-warmed transparency. ( मुस्कुराते हुए माइकल ने मुझे किनारे कर दिया और हमने सूरज की गर्मी वाले पारदर्शिता के उथले मछलीघर में कदम रखा। )
  • He was much more at home in rumpled khakis or a wet suit and in the aquarium with the dolphins. ( वह घर पर रम्पी खाकी या गीले सूट में और डॉल्फिन के साथ एक्वेरियम में बहुत अधिक था। )
  • The orchids were delicate and beautiful and the aquarium and aquatic plants awesome. ( ऑर्किड नाजुक और सुंदर थे और एक्वैरियम और जलीय पौधे भयानक थे। )
  • Nickie works at an aquarium as a dolphin trainer and speeds around town on his super-sweet motorcycle. ( निकी एक डॉल्फिन ट्रेनर के रूप में एक मछलीघर में काम करती है और अपनी सुपर-स्वीट मोटरसाइकिल पर शहर के चारों ओर गति करती है। )

More Sentence

  • At another end of the exhibition floor, a sea water aquarium showed off fish which make their home on the Bucco Reef in Tobago.
  • The foundation, which helps make the dreams of poorly boys and girls come true, arranged for Chloe to meet some dolphins at an aquarium in Benidorm.
  • Unless you are rather experienced at maintaining a salt water aquarium , forget it.
  • We were walking through the aquarium , glass fish tanks surrounding us on all sides.
  • I could finally see all the spectacular fish, corals, and associated animals that I've seen in aquariums and on TV all my life.
  • Therefore, we encourage others to study molt in alcids and other seabirds by collaborating with zoos, aquaria , and others around the world that house such species.
  • Tour seven aquariums , housing such species as Atlantic stingrays, sea horses, crabs, blennies, flounder, and puffer fish.
  • Hermit crabs want to live free in the sunshine, not bottled up in aquariums .
  • This infection may occur in people exposed to contaminated water in aquariums or pools.
  • Up to that point, traditional aquariums offered views of segregated species through small fish tank windows.
  • The maintenance of species in captivity in zoos, aquaria , and botanic gardens is sometimes called ex situ conservation.
  • We transferred nymphs to glass aquaria containing stream water, for rearing.
  • The article explained the structure and functions of sea water aquariums in domestic households.
  • She kept young largemouth bass in ten-litre aquariums filled with buckyball-contaminated water.
  • Some anglers run their own salt water aquariums to ensure a constant supply of eels throughout the season but believe me, that requires a lot of hard work and time devoted to it.
  • Clear acrylic tunnels through the aquariums would allow visitors to see the animals.
  • Storage aquaria had a constant water supply with nonfiltered seawater at ambient sea temperature.
  • I also like going to aquariums and being able to observe different fish; the bluefin, or yellowtail, is an awesome design, very sleek and fast.