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aqualung - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of aqualung in Hindi

  • अगिनबोट के पीछे रस्‍से से बंधे तख्‍ते (पर सवार होना)

aqualung Definition


  • a portable breathing apparatus for divers, consisting of cylinders of compressed air strapped on the diver's back, feeding air automatically through a mask or mouthpiece. ( गोताखोरों के लिए एक पोर्टेबल श्वास तंत्र, गोताखोर की पीठ पर बंधी संपीड़ित हवा के सिलेंडरों से मिलकर, एक मुखौटा या मुखपत्र के माध्यम से स्वचालित रूप से हवा खिलाती है। )


  • swim underwater using an aqualung. ( एक एक्वांग का उपयोग करके पानी के नीचे तैरना। )

aqualung Example

  • The BSAC Code of Conduct merely says: ‘Never use a speargun with an aqualung .’ ( BSAC की आचार संहिता केवल यह कहती है: a कभी भी जलीय पुंज के साथ भाले का प्रयोग न करें। ’ )
  • The aqualung opened the underwater world to diving adventurers in the 1940s. ( एक्वालुंग ने 1940 के दशक में गोताखोर साहसी लोगों के लिए पानी के नीचे की दुनिया खोली। )
  • There is also an undersea walk, which you do without an aqualung , by wearing a heavy glass and metal contraption like a Dickensian carriage lamp over your head, which makes you sink to the seabed. ( एक अंडरस्कोर वॉक भी है, जिसे आप बिना एक्वालिंग के करते हैं, अपने सिर के ऊपर डिकेंसियन कैरिज लैंप की तरह भारी ग्लास और मेटल की कोंटरापशन पहनकर, जिससे आप सीबेड में डूब जाते हैं। )
  • Now the jetty of the Dive Centre within the complex marks the limit of Egyptian territory, and woe betide anyone who thinks they might meander northwards equipped with aqualung and fins. ( अब कॉम्प्लेक्स के भीतर डाइव सेंटर की जेटी मिस्र के क्षेत्र की सीमा को चिह्नित करती है, और किसी को भी धोखा देती है जो सोचती है कि वे उत्तर की ओर जलोदर और पंखों से सुसज्जित हो सकते हैं। )
  • His conversations with these eclectic figures within scuba diving's short history (the aqualung was only invented 60 years ago) are entwined with his own memories of particular dives in different parts of the world. ( स्कूबा डाइविंग के लघु इतिहास (एक्वालुंग केवल 60 साल पहले का आविष्कार किया गया था) के भीतर इन उदार आंकड़ों के साथ उनकी बातचीत दुनिया के विभिन्न हिस्सों में विशेष रूप से गोताखोरों की अपनी यादों के साथ दर्ज की गई है। )
  • He was said to have made £35m alone from jointly inventing the aqualung in 1943, but more valuable was his legacy of undersea research and exploration and his love of the ‘water planet’. ( उन्होंने कहा गया था कि 1943 में संयुक्त रूप से एक्वालंग का आविष्कार करने के बाद से £ 35m अकेले बना दिया गया था, लेकिन अधिक मूल्यवान अंडरसीडिया अनुसंधान और अन्वेषण की उनकी विरासत और 'जल ग्रह' के लिए उनका प्यार था। )
  • She pulled out the mouthpiece of her aqualung , briefly, and shouted his name into the water. ( उसने अपने एक्वालुंग के मुखपत्र को संक्षेप में बाहर निकाला, और अपना नाम पानी में चिल्लाया। )

More Sentence

  • you oughtn't to aqualung by yourself
  • If I went, and I would, I'd want the full suit, with an aqualung and a parachute.
  • So it seems only right and proper to squirm into a drysuit, don an aqualung and slip through a dark, forbidding hole in the frozen waters at Tignes-Le-Lac to avoid the blizzard conditions.
  • While the kids grabbed blocks, he rummaged in a locker behind the pipe and pulled out a sort of aqualung , some rubber gloves, and swim fins.
  • It was here, some half-century ago, that he first experimented with the aqualung , and since then many have followed in his wake to experience their first breath under water.
  • All would seem to have ended well, but I must act before this new underwater procedure of tying your aqualung down spreads into other waters.
  • The invention of the aqualung had removed the single most daunting barrier to man's conquest of the planet.
  • I like the flexibility an aqualung offers to get slightly lower camera angles, though I have to be very careful with my buoyancy control to avoid stirring up silt.
  • If the water flows into the room, grab the tanks and get aqualunging .
  • This could be a serious curtailment to our subterranean activities, there is talk of duck boards, bilge pumps, aqualungs and horizontal drainage tunnels.
  • We have invented snorkels, aqualungs and diving bells to allow us brief sojourns into the watery world, but insects have perfected these and other techniques millions of years ago so as to live an almost totally aquatic way of life.
  • The modus operandi, they said, was for divers with aqualungs to collect perlemoen which they then took ashore at dusk in sacks and left in a hideout in the bush and dunes.
  • Since that time most of the countries bordering the Mediterranean have made spearfishing with the aid of aqualungs illegal.
  • Their aqualungs must have been unusual then in Northern Australia.
  • These dolphins and other cetaceans don't like divers' bubbles, which is why we had to leave our aqualungs on the boat and snorkel.