applicable - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of applicable in Hindi
- उपयुक्त
- लागू
- प्रयोज्य
- उचित
- अनुकूल
applicable Definition
- relevant or appropriate. ( प्रासंगिक या उचित। )
applicable Example
- I can see no good reason why the principle of necessity should not be applicable in his case as it is in the case of the victim of a stroke. ( मैं कोई अच्छा कारण नहीं देख सकता कि आवश्यकता का सिद्धांत उसके मामले में लागू नहीं होना चाहिए क्योंकि यह एक स्ट्रोक के शिकार के मामले में है। )
- There may be a number of cases in the future where it's just as applicable . ( भविष्य में ऐसे कई मामले हो सकते हैं जहां यह लागू है। )
- Now for any theory to be generally acceptable, it must surely be universally applicable . ( अब किसी भी सिद्धांत के आम तौर पर स्वीकार्य होने के लिए, यह निश्चित रूप से सार्वभौमिक रूप से लागू होना चाहिए। )
- This fact is applicable to all strata of society, but is more visible in the lower sections. ( यह तथ्य समाज के सभी स्तरों पर लागू होता है, लेकिन निचले वर्गों में अधिक दिखाई देता है। )
- We would lose the power to make decisions that are applicable to our economy. ( हम अपनी अर्थव्यवस्था पर लागू होने वाले निर्णय लेने की शक्ति खो देंगे। )
- Our own answer must be a universal one, applicable in principle to all comparable cases. ( हमारा स्वयं का उत्तर एक सार्वभौमिक होना चाहिए, जो सभी तुलनीय मामलों में सिद्धांत रूप में लागू हो। )
- The market will be focusing on any comments applicable to the sector as a whole. ( बाजार समग्र रूप से क्षेत्र पर लागू किसी भी टिप्पणी पर ध्यान केंद्रित करेगा। )
- Thus the principle is applicable to any relevant amendment whatever its cause. ( इस प्रकार यह सिद्धांत किसी भी प्रासंगिक संशोधन पर लागू होता है जो भी इसका कारण हो। )
- It would seem that it has become a catch-all excuse and is employed even when not applicable . ( ऐसा लगता है कि यह एक कैच-सभी बहाना बन गया है और लागू नहीं होने पर भी कार्यरत है। )
- You may have noticed that these traits are just as applicable to your laptop as they are to a human being. ( आपने देखा होगा कि ये लक्षण आपके लैपटॉप पर उतने ही लागू होते हैं जितने कि वे एक इंसान के लिए हैं। )
- You may purchase quantities at unit cost, plus the applicable sales tax for your shipping address. ( आप इकाई लागत पर मात्रा खरीद सकते हैं, साथ ही अपने शिपिंग पते के लिए लागू बिक्री कर। )
- Many of the issues discussed are applicable to transfers within hospitals. ( जिन मुद्दों पर चर्चा की गई है, उनमें से कई अस्पतालों में स्थानांतरण के लिए लागू हैं। )
More Sentence
- There is little room for dispute between the parties over the principles of law applicable to a claim such as this.
- I love this idea, and think it is applicable to far more than thinking about theology.
- Now you will not have read this, so I am going to, as it were, just read out the bits which are applicable .
- The opinion referred to a prior decision holding that courts were bound by the applicable customary law.
- Are such agreements no longer applicable when money is there to be made?
- It is accepted that this issue must be determined by the applicable law.
- The crane was not thoroughly examined prior to assembly as required by the applicable regulations.
- Many claim that these verses are cultural and are therefore not applicable to our society.
- Each state selectable by the input variables in control unit 11 is applicably assigned an identifier.
- In 1954, the United States Supreme Court handed down its ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, and Lincoln University responded by opening its doors to all applicably meeting its entrance criteria.
- In both instances, the legal arguments raged on the applicability of international humanitarian conventions.
- Whatever methods they use should have some applicability on a smaller scale as well.
- It is the job of Congress and state legislatures to pass laws of general applicability .
- In the Humanities we have to try to prove the validity and the applicability of the seemingly esoteric work we do.
- It is also necessary to take a close look at the experience of other States as well, which are far advanced in reforming their armies applicably to missions to be tackled in local wars and armed conflicts.
- The student, employee or visitor must make the university aware of his/her disability by presenting documentation applicably showing the disability and need for academic adjustment, auxiliary aids, accommodations, and services.
- Like her, Lisa is easily and applicably described as a singer's singer, though she has begun to work on her own compositions as well.
- We must be confident of usefulness and applicability of the results, but a rigorous mathematical proof is unlikely to be required.