apparel - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of apparel in Hindi
- परिधान
- वस्त्र
- पोशाक
- कपड़े
- श्रृंगार करना
- सजना
- कपड़ा
- वस्र
apparel Definition
- clothe (someone). ( कोई व्यक्ति। )
- clothing. ( कपड़े। )
apparel Example
- Board members and clients meet at a table surrounded with examples of basketball shoes and other apparel . ( बोर्ड के सदस्य और ग्राहक बास्केटबॉल के जूते और अन्य परिधानों के उदाहरणों से घिरे एक टेबल पर मिलते हैं। )
- In Mexico, other shrinking sectors include shoes, tires, apparel and auto parts. ( मेक्सिको में, अन्य सिकुड़ते क्षेत्रों में जूते, टायर, परिधान और ऑटो पार्ट्स शामिल हैं। )
- The market for sports shoes and apparel in China last year was worth some $3 billion. ( पिछले साल चीन में स्पोर्ट्स शूज़ और अपैरल का बाज़ार कुछ $ 3 बिलियन का था। )
- Colin's long hair was slicked back and he was dressed in semi-formal apparel . ( कॉलिन के लंबे बाल पीछे खिसके हुए थे और उन्हें अर्ध-औपचारिक परिधान पहनाया गया था। )
- Riders not only wear helmets, vests and other usual biker apparel but they also wear these tattoos and piercing. ( राइडर्स न केवल हेलमेट, निहित और अन्य सामान्य बाइकर परिधान पहनते हैं, बल्कि वे इन टैटू और भेदी भी पहनते हैं। )
- Thus, it is advisable for riders to wear motorcycle apparel to protect and comfort them. ( इस प्रकार, सवारों के लिए यह सलाह दी जाती है कि वे अपनी सुरक्षा और आराम के लिए मोटरसाइकिल परिधान पहनें। )
- He was wearing his training apparel as well but his sword was secured behind his back. ( उन्होंने अपने प्रशिक्षण परिधान भी पहने हुए थे लेकिन उनकी तलवार उनकी पीठ के पीछे सुरक्षित थी। )
- Heavier weights for rugged apparel and outdoor gear include pack cloth and ballistic nylons. ( बीहड़ परिधान और बाहरी गियर के लिए भारी वजन पैक कपड़े और बैलिस्टिक नाइलन शामिल हैं। )
- There are so many choices for lounge wear and intimate apparel . ( लाउंज पहनने और अंतरंग परिधान के लिए बहुत सारे विकल्प हैं। )
- Lambskin is a soft and supple leather generally used for jackets, pants and other fashion apparel . ( लैम्ब्स्किन एक नरम और कोमल चमड़े है जो आमतौर पर जैकेट, पैंट और अन्य फैशन परिधान के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। )
- all the vestments in which they used to apparel their Deities ( वे सभी वेश-भूषा जिसमें वे अपने देवी-देवताओं को वस्त्र देते थे )
- they were dressed in bright apparel ( वे चमकीले परिधान पहने थे )
- The thought of his roommate wearing such apparel sent blood rushing to his cheeks. ( इस तरह के परिधान पहनने वाले अपने रूममेट के विचार से उसके गाल पर खून सवार हो गया। )
- The thread is then used by knitting mills to produce fabrics, which would in turn be used by the garment industry to produce apparel . ( फिर कपड़े का उत्पादन करने के लिए मिलों को बुनाई द्वारा धागे का उपयोग किया जाता है, जो बदले में परिधान उद्योग द्वारा परिधान का उत्पादन करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाएगा। )
More Sentence
- If you're looking for the ultimate power apparel , start with the yellow jersey.
- The company now sells everything from yoga apparel to hockey gear to golf equipment.
- Trust Jane to wear totally inappropriate apparel for a stealth mission such as this.
- This is a site for those who like to wear loud golf apparel .
- Skins were shipped overseas and worked into wallets, boots, jackets, and other apparel .
- Yet another reason to avoid wearing skintight apparel is its lack of sex appeal.
- If you look at apparel , women are wearing more delicate colors, and pastels go along with the retro movements.
- Many were even dressed in camouflaged military apparel with masks over their faces.
- He apparelled him after the Country manner, and gave him a Cryse of Hounour.
- And he said to his Ministers, Ascend, and bring me the child, for I will examine him, and know the Prophet's meaning, and he apparelled him richly, and gave him much, but he prevailed not.
- He connects the apparels on the wrists 'with a miraculous legend of St. Martin.
- My guess is that the apparels on the amice and alb are a hangover from more ornate times.
- Now, in his fantasy, he apparelled her like a man; and presently despoiling her of that habit, he gave her another of a nymph; which he took away also, to attire her with the ornaments and majesty of a queen; not leaving any raiment but he gave it unto her, either to make her wise or to make her a vaunting fool; and generally he imagined her to be grave, merry, discreet, subtle and virtuous, which parts are ill-befitting a fair comedian.